DIY Holiday Gifts for the kitchen // Woodworking

with everyone spending a lot more time at home 
lately i don't know about you but i'm spending   a lot more time in the kitchen cooking so i 
thought this year the diy holiday gifts video   would focus solely on items that you can use 
in the kitchen now before i go any further i   do want to point out that this is a woodworking 
video which means that you'll require tools to   build the things that i'm making now you don't 
have to have all the tools that i have in my   shop so as i go through i'll try to point out 
some alternatives so you can build this too i have these leftover pieces of ash wood 
that i'm going to plane down to roughly   7 millimeters or a quarter inch thick to make 
some spatulas i wouldn't say ash is the ideal   wood for spatulas and given the choice 
i might go with maple or even olive wood so after getting them to thickness i used these 
prototypes that i made to trace out the forms   you could use some spatulas you have at 
home or head over to my website for some   free printable templates next i use my 
bandsaw to cut out the forms you might   be able to get away with just a jigsaw here 
but of course a bandsaw will be much easier   the idea here is to get just close to the lines 
and cut out a rough shape the rest of the work   will be done with a sander with those done i 
grabbed a slightly thicker 10mm piece of wood   and traced out my third spatula design and again 
cut out the rough form on the bandsaw before   i started shaping them further i made a hole 
using a quarter inch bit in all of the handles okay so using my bench sander the first step is 
to eliminate any tool marks and sand up to the   line all around to refine our rough shape if you 
don't have a bench sander i've seen people find   ways to clamp down their orbital sander or this 
can all be done by hand with a lot of patience   so with my rough shapes all done it's time 
to refine them this angled spatula is going   to get a 45 degree chamfer on the tip just by 
holding it up against the belt sander like this   the next one is kind of like a crepe 
spatula so i'm going to round over   each side sort of like a beaver tail 
until the outer edges are really thin then i just rounded over the edges of the 
handle for the large hefty spatula i started   by rounding over all the edges slightly 
to make it more comfortable to handle   i then focused on shaping the tip of the 
spatula by slowly grounding down each side   on a slight angle until i had a thin tip 
kind of like a wedge okay so to recap   we've got this hefty spatula with a thin tip 
and a robust handle with rounded over edges next we have our crepe spatula (sorry about 
the focus) with a beaver tail like shape   and lastly we have a thinner angled spatula with 
a 45 degree chamfered tip now while they're in   pretty good shape i gave them a good hand 
sanding to refine the shape even further   this is how you really get those curves nice 
and smooth and make them look professional after   sanding up to 220 grit i'm still not quite done 
you'll want to spray them with water at this point   to raise the grain so they don't get all rough 
the first time you wash them let them dry and   hit them again with 220 grit paper to give them a 
little style i applied some painter's tape around   the handle and applied two coats of paint this 
is just regular latex wall paint i had left over once dried i could remove the tape 
and check that i got a nice crisp line   it's important to really press down on the tape to 
get a nice seal before applying the paint the last   step is to apply some butcher block conditioner 
let it sit for 20 minutes and then rub it off   next up i'm going to make a charcuterie board or 
really it could just be kitchen décor up against   your backsplash you'll see what i mean i'm 
again using my leftover ash wood and planning   it down to about 11 millimeters next i cut a 
blank that's 10 inches long and 4 inches wide   and yes i use both millimeters and inches, sorry! i measured 2 inches from the side and 
from the top then traced a semi-circle   touching the edges on the other end i used a 
small bottle cap to trace the rounded corners   i drilled through on the marking using 
a one and a quarter inch Forstner bit   and then it's back to the bench sander to shape 
the edges i slowly sanded away the excess wood   using a circular motion until i reached the lines 
and was left with the shape i had traced out next i used a small round over 
bit to round over all the edges   alternatively you could use a handheld 
router for this instead or even just a sander then came the inevitable sanding sanding up to 220 
grit then water popping to raise the grain then   sanding again just as before with the spatulas i 
applied some painter's tape to get a crisp line   then painted the top part with a foam 
brush i applied two coats and let it dry   once dry i applied some butcher 
block conditioner to the wood   oh and don't be afraid to get it on the 
paint you can rub it over the entire board next up i'm going to make a festive 
christmas tree shaped serving board   here i'm cutting a few pieces of 
walnut that i'll glue up into a panel   now you can buy walnut that's been 
milled on all four sides and ready to use   the piece i have has been planed on both 
sides so i just need to clean up the edges   to do this you could use a jointer or a 
jointing sled / tapering jig like this   after getting one straight edge i can remove 
it from the sled and cut the opposite side here i'm cutting up a few strips of ash wood that 
i'll use to spruce up my tree i laid them out and   got ready for glue up this board will get washed 
so you want to use some water resistant glue   by the way you can find links to all the tools and 
materials i use in this video in the description   down below i'll also post details on all the 
dimensions in the written article on my website   and you'll find a link to that below as well 
okay so after letting the board draw i took it   out of the clamps and i could see that it wasn't 
perfectly flat normally i would run it through   my planer to even it out but it's too wide so 
instead i'll just sand it down until it's flat   this might take a while it's kind of hard 
to see here but i traced an outline of a   christmas tree that i'm going to lay over 
my board and use as a template to cut it out   but instead of laying it straight i decided to put 
a bit of an angle on it then use the glue stick to   temporarily stick it in place i could then use a 
utility knife to cut out the tree and score the   board ultimately transferring the outline onto it 
which meant that i could then remove the stencil here's where the bandsaw comes in handy but 
again a jigsaw could be used for this instead   this gave me a good opportunity to practice 
my bandsaw skills and trust me i need the   practice my lines are not exactly straight 
but hey it's supposed to be artisanal right?   it turned out pretty cool if you ask me but 
we're not done yet i cleaned up the bandsaw   marks with my sander which also allowed me to 
flatten some of the spots that were kind of wavy   i sanded everything up to 220 grit making 
sure to break all the sharp edges too   just as before i'm going to water pop it 
and let it dry before the final sanding   i applied a liberal amount of butcher 
block conditioner (maybe a little too much)   and massaged it into all the pores then 
let it sit for 20 minutes and buffed it off the last detail to make this serving 
board complete i'm adding a few rubber   cutting board feet underneath and that's 
it i really love how this one turned out! all right next up i'm making coasters but not just 
any coasters round coasters okay so here i resawed   some walnut down to about 3/8 but alternatively 
you could buy some 1/2 inch wood and plane it   down or just make thicker coasters i'm making a 
really simple pattern but you can go crazy here   and make any pattern you want i use these mini 
f clamps to keep everything as flat as possible   during the glue up after removing clamps it feels 
flat enough that i can just give it a good sanding   if only my bench cookies would cooperate next i cut four blanks using my miter gauge 
alternatively you could use a miter saw for this   i want four inch round circles so i'm making my 
blanks slightly oversized at about four and a   half inches alright to cut the circles i'm 
going to use my bandsaw circle cutting jig   it's a really simple jig and if you want 
more details be sure to check out my circle   cutting video where i demonstrate four ways to cut 
circles i measured two inches from the blade and   inserted a pivot pin to make a four inch circle 
i don't want to have to make any holes in my   coasters so i'll use this scrap piece of mdf 
as a dummy after finding the center i mounted   it to the pivot pin i could then simply use some 
double-sided tape to mount the blank to the dummy and with that i pushed the jig 
into place until it stopped   then rotated the piece around the 
pin until i had my first circle after that i was able to just reuse the same tape 
for the next piece then cut out another circle all that's left at this point is a bunch of 
sanding including rounding over the edges   you could use a router for this or just do it by 
hand like i did before applying finish i like to   clean them off using denatured alcohol i chose 
to finish them with osmo polix-oil it's just   so easy to apply rub it in and wipe it off 
and it gives a really silky natural finish alright well i hope this video gave you a few 
ideas of holiday gifts that you can make yourself   here are a few other videos that you 
might be interested in watching too   until next time thanks for watching see you soon!

See also  Martinez M1: The Hammer Everyone Is Talking About

As found on YouTube