Make Any Saw a Track Saw #shorts

in this video I'll show you how to take a regular circular saw like this and turn it functionally into a track saw like this for just the cost of a piece of MDF stay tuned you can either use the factory straight edge or cut a new straight edge just make sure to make a note of which side is perfectly straight next thing you want to do is measure the width of your motor and add at least one inch then make another cut of that mine was four inches now fasten this piece of MDF to a larger piece of MDF with either glue or screws keeping the perfectly straight side towards the larger portion of the MDF this will make sense in a minute bonus tip if you get a little bit of glue squeeze out use a plastic drinking straw to remove any excess but if you're in Portland like I am don't tell anyone you didn't use paper now all you need to do is put your base plate right up against that straight portion of the MDF and make it cut this will now serve as a reference to use for all future cuts notes the larger you make that first piece the more room you'll have to add clamp when you're working but MDF does get pretty heavy especially if you make an eight foot section of this thanks a lot

As found on YouTube

See also  Stress Reliever