scott brown here the martinez m1 hammer
that's what today's exciting episode is about i've been using for quite a few weeks
now and uh i want to give you my thoughts so i've been using the vaughn deluge hammer
i really like the hammer it's a good hammer but when i saw on instagram and youtube a
bunch of people using this then i got a bunch of questions from people about what i think of
this hammer well i thought i would try it out it's different in that it's got a titanium handle
but a steel head my vondeluge has a titanium head with a timber handle and that changes
the weight distribution quite a bit one area that this hammer is really good for
is demolition and that's what we've been doing here we've been knocking out old walls and
framing and this ham has been great for that so one of the weaknesses of the vorn deluge is
that see that there that's quite a wide open short nail puller and that can be difficult to
pull out some tough nails where the m1's nail puller is longer and thinner at the end
and it makes it a lot easier to pull out nails and it also has the side nail puller here which
i didn't really think i'd use it that much to be honest but pulling out nails like this with
the extra leverage on this renovation project there's been a lot of these short nails sticking
out of the framing and sucking and we've had to pull them out using that side nail puller
has been more handy than i would have guessed all right bottom plate piece bro 9 40.
So one one area where this hem is quite good is
the grip if you know anything about the m1 you know that these handles are pretty customizable
you can actually unscrew it and take the grip off and replace it if it gets damaged you can unscrew
the head as well and replace that you can unscrew the handle of this one as well see one issue that
we've had with this one is the timber handle is great for weight and you know lack of vibration
but it's quite slippery one of the ways that you can counter that is by putting tape over it
um some people have carved it with notice i think that's what you're going to do give it a
go you're going to give it a go yeah um there's solutions to that now one way that this handle has
been kind of tricky for me is i've got this i've got the hook on the back of this occidental so i'm
always going like this and then when i pull it out the rubber and the hook thing the base of the
handle gets caught whereas when i use the vaughan no problems at all but um if you want
a grippy handle this is a good one and you can replace it it's great it's
great so one of the main selling points apart from the customizable head and handle
for me is the dead blow feel of this hammer when you whack a stud and the weight of the
head of this hammer does the work for you but the main drawback for me is again the weight
of the head anytime you're doing any type of hammering that isn't straight down or any type
of hammering that isn't side on where the weight is swinging below you it's working against your
wrist or if i'm trying to maneuver something in or just gently tap something something slightly
in an awkward position which happens a lot that weight really pulls against you the balance
of this hammer isn't as good as the balance of the warm that i'm used to whenever i give this hammer
to someone they're always surprised by how light it feels the great thing about it is it's evenly
weighted you've got just enough in the head there to hammer a nail in but not as much as this one
this one here is it's too heavy in the head and your wrist pays the price for that that's been my
main problem with this hammer now i know that they have the m4 and the m4 i think is the 12 ounce
and some people have said that you can because they're customizable you can take it off there
if you want the long handle you can put the 12 ounce one on there and perhaps that would be
weighted better but yeah unless you're made of money you're probably not going to buy two
hammers just so you can have one ideal hammer um or you could just buy the m4 but that's not
what this review is about i've never used them before um but yeah that's my main problem with
the m1 is is that the weight in the head so the positive and the negative is the weight of
the head but keep in mind i'm a skinny guy and my wrists aren't exactly i haven't got huge
arms so it might be saying more about me than it is about the hammer and that's what you gotta sort
of take into account with any review that i do is that this is just my experience with it you
know maybe you've got this m1 you're like what the heck is he talking about i love my hammer
it's perfect great but for me the head's too heavy but that's also it's positive because that's
what gives you that dead blow feel that's what does the work for you when you're hammering in
certain situations so i think that's why i'll hold on to it it's been a good demo hammer now that
we're getting into the actual framing and putting nogs in and doing tricky little things around
this house i think i'll go back to my vaughn or i'm gonna try the new thai bone three but i'll
talk about that in a sec oh yeah also the head of this one i didn't mention um this is a round one
and i didn't even think about it when i ordered it i bought this hammer no one gave it to me for
free i didn't think about it um when i bought it but i wish i ordered the flat top one which is
kind of like what i'm used to here that is the way to go in my opinion it lets you nail up to flat
surfaces as close as you can possibly get whereas if you try and do it with this one you've only got
the very top of the round head things to consider but i'm still going back to this this is uh the vaughn that i've been
talking about this was my first hammer it's actually putters but i had the exact same
one and i think the main thing to consider if you don't know much about titanium hammers and
steel hammers is it's a weight thing but it's also a vibration thing the steel that runs all the
way through this hammer through the rubber here that leads to a lot of vibration going to
your elbow to your joints to your wrist it's a lump of steel exactly it's a lump of steel
essentially all the way down so that's what made me spend all the money on this titanium hammer
and the timber handle helps with vibration as well as the titanium so i've been really enjoying
that and again they've done it again with this one here titanium handle steelhead for that extra
power strength um i think that's what lets you get a better claw in it as well i think if they
tried to do that with the titanium head this might split i think that's what's happened here i might
be wrong comment below if you if you know more about this than than i do i think they try to make
this skinny like this that will probably snap i've got another hammer in the van as soon as richard
gets back i'll pull that out i'm going to try that for the next few weeks that is the thai bone
three and full disclosure i bought this one here this is mine cost me a million billion dollars and
this is the same i bought this a million billion dollars and i did it for youtube i did it so i
could try it out and answer the questions that people already had for me but the thai bone
three was given to me by the guys who were in stiletto here in new zealand and they gave me
a few other things so let's go check that out because i felt like a complete muppet of
place makers trying to tie these it's a completely different system to how i do you got
the package yeah yeah i got the i got the stash so here is the very popular stiletto titanium head
with the timber handle this is a 10 ounce kinda like a finishing version so i don't know if i'll
use that for framing but it's cool to see it wow that's nice and this here is the thai bone three
15 ounce now the difference between this and the martinez is it has a steel head but only on
the face here everything else is titanium has a similar shaped skinny nail puller as well so it's
gonna be interesting to use that and see how it holds up and we'll try that for the next few weeks
see how it compares and it also has changeable heads so this is the smooth face head and what's
on it right now is that waffle face head so that's the waffle face there i'm almost tempted to
take that off now and put the smooth face on so i don't destroy my fingers but i'll give it a
shot um that tie bone that's nice it's light hey hmm yeah quite a bit lighter than them in one
and yeah you don't get that full-on heavy head i still like that grip
better on the knees but yeah ah no pressure what do you think of it bro is
that your one no that's your one all right second hand mine's better what would
your review of the uh m1 hammer be richard uh so when i got it i kinda i don't know why i
was expecting it to be lighter than it was yeah but uh and then when i grabbed out of the box
and i was like oh i think i've just spent a lot of money on a hammer that's not really gonna yeah
do what i needed because i've got elbow issues yeah but after a week of swinging it i was quite
surprised that that it does absorb the shock like you don't get that same my elbow was feeling
a lot better after a week of using it and then because it's such got such a good grip on it
i don't have to squeeze as tight especially and that's where my my elbow issues come from
tennis and golf elbow and that's from one of the problems yeah that's squeezing and really
overworking those muscles so for me yes it's heavy i probably in hindsight if i'd had a
chance to pick up the m1 and the m4 but we don't have these in new zealand yet but if i had
a chance to go in the store and pick up the m1 and the m4 i probably would have gone the m4 bit
lighter yeah just for that lightness is it shorter as well yeah it's shorter i mean you can always
just like choke it a little bit when you're just doing some of that smaller stuff so that's fine
yeah but it's not like we do a lot of hammering i haven't yeah you know i've only had it for about a
month and geez we've only really done demo so far yeah but a little bit of hammering so i haven't
had heaps of time to put it through its paces but there we go yeah different check on
the m1 and of course the magnetic see i didn't mention that all these hammers have the
magnetic that lets you start the nail like that yeah look at that waffle
thing on the frame though yeah i don't focus on the price too much because
all these titanium hammers are pretty expensive and and the prices are a similar amount so
that's why i don't focus on them too much if you don't have a titanium hammer already and
you're a builder and you use a ham every day i would highly recommend that you get a
titanium hammer which one you get is up to you oh in case you're um in case you're new to
my channel uh the timber is pink because all timber that we use here in new zealand is
treated and is treated to varying degrees and the color is kind of like a color code
we had a big leaky building crisis here in new zealand and pink is the lowest grade
we can use you can't go any lower than that the stand fell apart there just like a little bit yeah they stand it send it
to shape but you don't want to take out too much obviously so that's your thumb gripper like so um you