breaker 1-9 breaker 1-9 this is the bandit
i'm looking for a westbounder on highway 85. i need a smoky report and i need it bad son this
is foxy lady bandit we heard you were coming by and we decided we'd take care of those bears
for you you know a little personalized service well just send me the bell foxy lady better
yet why don't you come by and pay up in person i'll catch you on uh on the flip side uh
darling i'm too pooped to pop daddy listen chops 86.
Come on bye bandit all right just talk me into
it nah i got that some [ __ ] and i got him with his fly open oh well what are we gonna do when we
get home go to bed for a week good idea and sleep hey orville you seen that new waitress down the
diner named arlene yeah man she's got some nice legs yeah she's looking good i'd like to take
a run on her oh man what are you talking about i'm telling you let me tell you something about
that tell you she makes herself a bachelor you get lucky this giddy this car far away are we gonna do what they say can't be done but we've got a long way to go and
they're showing time to get there i see a portable gas station up ahead of me to
your copy hey is this the bandit this is mr b and i'm geared jamming this rolling refinery
you got another smoky on the rubber this is abandoned son ah can we slide right into your
convoy there come a head on baby we'll slip you into the rocking chair play a little hide and seek
the welcome mat is out and you're coming home 10-4 we're going in the rocket chair honey
good trucks i love them i love them this is not a convoy this is a dream they can see right down into this
car you know that well so what that's why i used to love to drive
those trucks down spot those beavers in your mother's womb here dog is that right let
it all hang out cause we gotta run the big the boys are thirsty in atlanta and there's beer in
texarkana and we'll bring it back no matter what it takes eastbound and down loaded up and trucking
are we gonna do what they say can't be done we've got a long way to go and
they show up time to get there got just put that hammer down and give it there thank you mr b i don't know how to thank you you
can thank me by not getting called have a good day and a better one tomorrow good buddy hey
bandit this is little beaver put your foot on the floor we've got your back
door and i'm clear i have to tend for no man you got your ears on son
you've got a new lucky elbow just keep the rubber band stretching real tight ten four ten four i'm blaming
it son i'm pregnant i'm clear no matter what it takes he's
pounding down loaded up and trucking are we gonna do what they say can't be done we've
got a long way to go and a short time to get there i don't care if you're the governor
of texas you're making a big mistake freedom is right junior you have the right to remain silent anything you
say may be held against you in a court of law and uh what's all this about whoa hello officer
glad you're here to assist me my name is sheriff beaufort t jupiter i have just apprehended the
bandit no sir you just apprehended my captain take the cops out junior but there you
go cut that cuffs off you moose trip uh may i uh express my feelings
about inconveniencing you but if you're going to hang out in
these kind of joints we're a bad junior you