I Survived 100 DAYS as a NAVY SEAL in Minecraft HARDCORE!

On Day 1 I spawned in as a normal 
guy- no wait! I’m a NAVY SEAL! “Awesome I’m a trained warrior, 
but wait, what’s this?” I looked closer and saw I barely had any 
hearts and no armor- I was just a recruit! “It looks like I haven’t even been trusted with   a weapon- bummer! I guess I better take 
a look around and see what I can find.” I took a peek around the deck and saw that 
the ship was pretty empty. This was a huge   ship- it was kind of eerie nothing seemed 
to be going on. And as I looked around,   it noticed there wasn’t any land 
nearby either. What do I do now? “Well, I’m a Navy SEAL, I 
should know how to swim right?” I walked over to the edge of the ship and 
jumped into the water. I swam around the   anchor for a bit but didn’t see 
anything else around. Suddenly,   I heard some movement in the water 
behind me, and I was attacked by a shark! “Shiver me timbers! It’s a great white!” The shark bit at my ankles as I furiously 
swam toward the anchor.

I grabbed onto the   chain and clambered up, as the shark snapped 
furiously below. Soon I reached the top deck. “Yikes! I guess I’ll be staying out 
of the water for the time being.” Some time later the sun was beginning 
to set. As I watched the sunset,   there was suddenly a large explosion! “Woah, what was that?” I headed off in the direction of the blast. As I 
moved across the ship, I saw there was a huge hole   blown in the top of thedeck. As I got closer, 
I saw it was filled with zombies, who attacked! “There’s zombies on this ship?? 
Things just got interesting.” The zombies were determined to eat my brains, 
but I was actually well trained in hand to   hand combat, so I managed to fight them off. 
One of them had also dropped a stone sword,   which I made quick use of.

As the last zombie 
disappeared, I noticed it had dropped something! “What’s this? It looks like a flashlight. I can 
use this to navigate the inside of the ship.” I settled myself down for the night, and 
couldn’t help but think- where did all the   zombies come from, did they used to be SEALs too?
On day 2 I felt like I had no choice but to   start exploring the hole left behind from 
the explosion. I didn’t love the idea of   going into a hole that was full of zombies 
before, but what other choice did I have? “It’s pretty dark down here… 
I better use the flashlight.” The flashlight let out a little bit of light, 
and I set off into the darkness. As I walked   the corridors, I couldn’t help but get 
the feeling something was watching me. “What’s that?” I looked toward one of the doors- 
I could have sworn I saw something. “This place is giving me the creeps!” I kept moving through the maze of tunnels, 
when I heard a squeaking up ahead. “Okay I definitely heard something that time!” I got a little closer and was attacked by a 
bunch of rats! These were no ordinary rats   though.

Their flesh was rotted and their eyes 
glowed with a red hue. I quickly took them out. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” I continued down the hallway, 
but could hear another sound   up ahead. I sounded like some heavy 
thuds. Maybe some kind of machinery? I kept going when suddenly the source of the 
noise came into the light, it was a giant zombie! “Uh oh!!” The zombie hit me as I ran away. 
There’s no way I could take this   guy on! Just ahead there were some open doors,   and I quickly ran inside. As the zombie chased 
me, he ran into the wall, smacking his head! “This is the exact situation 
where a brain comes in handy.” He let out a low groan and stumbled away from   me. That’s when I noticed he had 
dropped something! I picked it up. “Woah, night vision goggles!” These couldn’t have come at a better 
time, I was getting really tired of   being surprised in the dark. After I 
put them on, the whole ship was lit up! “Nothing will be sneaking up on me now!”
On day 3 the zombie threat had left,   so I decided to do some more exploring.

new night vision goggles had made things much   easier! As I ran through the hallways, I tried to 
open different doors, but everything was locked! “This is going to be a tough 100 
days if I can’t get into anything!” I continued through the maze 
until finally I found a door   that was open. When I entered the 
room, I saw it was full of storage! “Amazing! I hope I can find 
some good loot in here.” I began rummaging through the boxes and 
saw that there were a ton of building   supplies! I kept looking and soon 
came across a whole stash of food! “I can’t believe my luck! All of 
this food looks good to eat too.” I stuff my pockets full, who knows 
if there was any other food aboard? I   managed to find another container full as 
well! Soon I had gone through all of the   boxes except for one big one.

I jumped up 
and was surprised to see what was inside! “Hey who are you!” “Ah! You… you’re not a zombie!” “No, and neither are you! Who are you?” “My name is Marcus, but my friends call me   Switchblade… well they used 
to call me that I suppose.” “Yeah, what’s going on around here?” “All I know is that there was 
some kind of zombie infection   that spread through the whole ship. 
I got separated from another group   of sailors who were headed for the 
racks. They might still be alive.” We decided we would go look for more 
survivors, but first we needed to get   to the flight deck and regroup.
On days 4-5 Switchblade and I had   made it back to the top of the ship. Using the 
materials I had gathered in the supply room,   I started putting together a simple base. Nowhere 
on the base was 100% safe, but at least here we   could be near the edge, and we knew zombies 
wouldn’t be able to attack during the day. Once the tent was set up, I got to work 
on the inside, filling it with all of   the crafting tables we’d need, along with 
some beds for us to sleep in for the night.

As a final safety measure, I put up a fence 
across the ship, so that even at night,   zombies wouldn’t be able to sneak up on us. When 
it was all done, Switchblade came and took a look. “Nice work Zozo! This base is top notch.” With the base complete, I headed 
over to the crafting table to make   a set of stone tools. I couldn’t 
get through any of the doors,   but maybe with some tools I could 
just break through the walls? With my new set of stone tools, I headed over 
to the ship wall and tried swinging my pickaxe. “Hmm, not even a dent!” I tried a few surfaces, but 
no luck. At the very least,   I now have some tools in case of an emergency. That night, I headed outside with my goggles on 
to see if the zombies would give us any issues. “Looks like they’re keeping their distance! This 
should be a safe place for us to work out of.”  On days 6-8, Switchblade met me inside 
the tent to discuss our next move.

“Well, it’s not the most detailed 
map, but take a look at this.” Switchblade threw the map up 
on the wall. He was right,   it’s a good thing he chose the 
military and not art school. “This should give you an idea 
of how to get to the bunk area,   where I believe the other sailors 
had headed. There’s no guarantee   anyone is there, but more sailors is 
an invaluable asset at this juncture.” I agreed, and so I headed out of the tent 
and into the hole. Using Switchblade’s map   as a guide, I made my way down a corridor 
I didn’t notice before. By following that,   I came across a staircase that 
took me even deeper into the ship. “I can’t help but have a 
sinking feeling about this…” I reached the bottom and started 
moving ahead through the darkness.   I could hear some shuffling up ahead- 
there was a small group of cave spiders! “Spiders! 12 o’clock!” I charged forward with my sword in hand 
and started hacking away.

The spiders   managed to land a few hits, but it wasn’t 
anything I couldn’t handle. Soon enough,   the small group was all destroyed. “Time to get to those sailors!” I pushed just a little further ahead and came 
across the door. I tried to push it open,   but it didn’t budge. I had no idea if zombies 
were nearby, so I gave the door a small tap. “Psst, hey, is anyone in there?” No response. Maybe I was being too 
quiet. I raised my voice a little more. “Can anyone hear me? Do you 
copy? Is there anyone inside?” This time I thought I heard a little 
bit of movement inside, but nobody   was responding. Looks like I’ve only got one 
more option. I started banging on the door. “Hey! Wake up! Your buddy Switchblade sent me!” The door flew open. “Man have you lost your mind??! Don’t 
you know there’s zombies around?!” “I was trying to be quiet 
but no one was answering!” “We thought you were a zombie trying to sniff us 
out, you wouldn’t have been the first you know.” “I get that, I’m sorry.

Who are you guys?“ “We’re from Switch’s crew- I’m 
actually the first mate on the   ship. I suppose I’m the acting 
commander of the ship as well.” “If you’re the acting commander,   that means something must have happened 
to the captain… I’m sorry for your loss.” “I am too, although I don’t know if I 
would call it a loss. THe captain is   technically still alive, if you know what I mean.” “You mean he’s a zombie?” “Yeah. Before this all happened, we spotted 
a mysterious island off shore. The captain   went to explore, and returned with this 
mysterious artifact. That very night,   the zombie outbreak occurred 
and we ran down here.” “That’s awful! Well, maybe we can 
figure out how to stop everything?   Do you have any more information 
about the captain that could help?” “Yes, while he’s a zombie,   he’s not quite as far gone as the rest 
of them. In fact I think the secret is…” But before he could share that 
secret, a zombie appeared over   his shoulder and killed him! We 
had forgotten to lock the door! “Oh no! Quick, everyone get behind me!” A zombie horde came pouring into the room, and 
I did my best to fight them off with my sword.   The remaining crew members shouted in fear as the 
zombies kept trying to rip us to pieces.

Luckily,   I was getting pretty good at fighting these 
guys, and I was able to take them all out. “We better hurry and get out of here 
guys, there could be more on the way!” We took off running and headed 
back up towards the base.  On days 9-10, I emerged from the 
boat with the two sailors. We were   all still processing the loss of the first mate,   but we had to focus on our own safety. I wonder 
what the First Mate was going to tell us? We soon arrived back at the base and I 
got right to work building them a tent   of their own. They had mentioned 
having a background in medicine,   so I decided to set them up with their own 
medical tent. We didn’t have too much in   medical supplies yet, but just seeing the 
base double in size was giving me hope. We all felt like we could use a bit of hope, so 
I offered to make a statue that would serve as   inspiration to us all.

There was a certain Navy 
Seal I had read about that I found particularly   inspiring. The interesting thing about him was 
that he wasn’t from the past, he was actually   from the future! After a bit I was running low 
on supplies, so I stopped for the time being. “Any guesses on who you think I’m 
building? Let me know in the comments!”  On days 11-13 I awoke to a strange noise. “Is that… barking? Something 
doesn’t sound quite right about it.” I walked toward the sound and peered over 
the edge of the ship. Down in the water I   could see a seal, and it was being 
chased by the shark from earlier! “Can someone give me a hand down here!!” “The seal can talk! That’s interesting. Let’s 
see if I’ve got anything that can help!” I ran back to my tent and opened one of 
the crates.

Inside was a collection of   rocks. I grabbed a handful and ran 
back over to the edge of the boat. “Hey shark- suck on this!” I started chucking rocks down into the water,   and managed to hit the shark a few times. 
He kept chasing the seal around, but I could   tell it was bothering him. Eventually, 
it was enough to let the seal get away! “Hey climb on up!!” The seal swam up to the anchor 
and ascended the chain. When   he reached the top, he plopped down in exhaustion. “Whew, thank you, you really saved my life!” “No problem, I’ve got to look 
after my fellow seals after all!” “Oh, because you’re also a SEAL, I get it.” “Why was that shark chasing you anyway?” “I have no idea, he’s hungry I guess.

have you seen what’s going on under your   ship? There’s something down there 
that I think would blow your mind.” “What do you mean?” “There’s this massive rocky column coming 
out of the earth and into your ship! I’ve   never seen anything like it before. You 
should go down there and take a look.” “I’d love to, but I don’t think I can just do   that.

I’m going to need scuba 
equipment to get down there.” “Suit yourself.” I headed over to the other sailors, and let 
them know what I had learned. They were just   as confused as I was, but let me know there was 
an equipment room back down in the ship, that   should have the scuba gear I’m looking for. They 
also gave me a stash of iron they had collected. “Thanks guys! This will be helpful for sure.” I headed over to the crafting table and put 
together a new set of iron armor. I also took some   time to make an iron sword. If I was heading back 
into the boat, I needed all the help I could get.  On days 14-15 I took my new gear and headed 
back down into the ship. I always had a pit   in my stomach when I went down here, but there’s 
no way I’ll be able to survive out here without   searching for answers. After a little bit of 
exploring, I could hear something up ahead. “More spiders! Disgusting!” I leapt into battle with my new iron sword and 
started hacking and slashing.

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With each kill,   the spiders shriveled and faded away. 
As I cut my way through the spiders,   I noticed there was a group 
of zombie rats watching too. “Come and get some!” The spiders had all been destroyed,   but I guess the rats were feeling a little 
intimidated. They all ran away in fear! “Yeah that’s what I thought!” I pushed forward through the dark tunnels 
and eventually reached the dive room. “Awesome! Now I can snag some scuba gear!” I opened the door, and saw the giant 
mutant zombie from earlier was inside! “What the heck, how did you get in here??” The zombie wasted no time attacking me! Joke 
was on him though, this time I was prepared. “How do you like me now?” I bobbed and weaved as he tried to hit me with 
shockwaves and pound me into the ground. I was   doing well, but this guy still packed a punch! 
I still only had 5 hearts, so I needed to be   careful.

My new gear and experience was still too 
much for him though, and I came out victorious! “Not so tough anymore, are you?” With the adrenaline still 
pumping through my veins,   I felt an extra surge of energy, and 
was promoted to the rank of Seaman! “And check it out, now I have 10 hearts!” Feeling stronger than ever, I 
took a look around the room.   Hanging up was a full scuba suit, so 
I grabbed each piece and placed it in   my inventory.

Then I saw something 
laying in the corner of the room. “Awesome! A harpoon gun! Now I can protect myself 
from any underwater threats I come across.” I checked the nearby crates and saw they were full   of harpoons. I gathered them all up 
and headed back up to the flight deck.  On days 16-19 I had arrived back on the flight 
deck and I noticed that the seal was still there. “Hey, how’s it going?” “To be honest, not great! That shark 
is still down there, and I don’t think   I’m gonna be able to get away from him! I 
was hoping I could stay here for a bit?” “Yeah that should be fine! But you do know 
this ship is infested with zombies right? “I’ll take zombies over sharks any day!” “Haha okay, but what about water? Don’t 
you need it, at least a little bit?” “I do… I was hoping you might 
have an idea about that.” “You know what, I think I do! Hang 
tight and let me get something set up.” I had grabbed some building supplies and 
started working on a tent for the seal to   stay in.

Once I got the outside set up, I 
got to work making him a tank to live in!   This way he’ll have some water he can easily 
access, even though we’re not in the ocean. Once that was finished, I headed over to do more 
work on the statue. I managed to get a decent   amount done, but still had a long way to go. 
There was certainly a good shape taking place,   but can you tell what it is yet?
On days 20-22 I headed into my tent   to get geared up. I grabbed my scuba 
gear off the armor rack and put it on.   Then I opened up the nearby crate and 
took out my harpoon gun and harpoons. “I know that shark is still out there, so I have 
to take him down before I can even start looking   at that column the seal mentioned.

But before 
I jump in, if you could help me out? Over 40   thousand of you have joined the Zozo 
Navy, and we’d love to have more join   up with us for bigger adventures! So hit 
the subscribe button, and let's do this!” I put my scuba helmet on and got ready 
to jump over the edge of the boat. “Here goes nothing!!!” On days 23-26 I got a running start 
and leapt off the side of the boat,   landing into the ocean below. “Alright, let’s find this shark and take him out!” With my harpoon gun in hand, 
I swam out from the boat,   scanning the scenery for a glimpse of the 
aquatic monster.

I swam and swam but… nothing. “Hmm, maybe the shark left after all? 
I don’t see any sign of him anywhere.” Just when I was starting to feel 
safe the shark snuck up and bit me! “Ouch! You’re gonna pay for that!” I took aim with my harpoon gun 
and fired! I was able to hit him,   but he showed no signs of slowing his attack. “Oh man, I’m really starting to 
feel out of my element down here!” Our fight was intense! I kept firing my harpoons,   as the shark kept trying to take chunks out 
of my arm. Our fight had moved under the boat,   when suddenly the shark got a hold of me, 
and started pulling me deeper and deeper! “If I’m going down, I’m taking you with me!” As the shark pulled me deeper and 
deeper, I hit him with harpoons. I   managed to get several hits in, but 
suddenly I heard a hissing noise,   as one of his teeth punctured 
the oxygen flow in my helmet! “I’m too deep to go without 
oxygen! What am I going to do?” I had an idea! If I could time this right, I 
could ignite the oxygen coming from my helmet,   and use it like a grenade.

I pulled 
off my helmet as the shark charged. “Catch!” I threw my helmet, and it exploded on 
impact, killing the shark! There was no time   to celebrate though, I couldn’t hold my breath 
forever! I looked around and saw a cave nearby. “Maybe there’s an air pocket?!” I swam as my oxygen levels continued to drop,   bursting through the wall 
of water onto dry ground. “Whew, that was way too close. 
But what am I supposed to do now?” On days 27-29, I decided my only option 
was to head deeper into the cave,   and see what I could find. What I 
saw next was totally unexpected. “Is that… an octopus?” Sitting at the bottom of the cave 
was a giant octopus! As I got closer,   he started talking to me! “Hello there, I can’t help but 
think you’re a little lost.” “That’s one way of putting it, do you 
know a way back up to the surface?” “There’s only one way, which is back the 
way you came.

But breathing is the problem,   right? All you need is the scuba mask I have- 
it will give you all the oxygen you need!” “Great! So… can I have it?” “Yes!” “Okay perfect, thanks!” …. “Are you going to give it to me?” “I will, if you help me first.” “You should have just said that in the 
first place- what can I do to help?” “My wife was kidnapped by a horrible giant squid,   and I need someone to rescue her. He’s 
hiding out in sunken pirate ship. I need   you to take him out. But don’t ask him 
any questions, he will try to trick you.” “Okay, I can probably manage 
that, except for one big problem.” “What’s that?” “…I can’t breathe underwater!” “Oh yes, yes, that’s simple. 
As you swim toward the ship,   you’ll see some clams lying along the 

Give them a knock with your   fist and they’ll let out oxygen 
bubbles, allowing you to breathe.” “I really hope you’re right about that.” I started making my way out of the cave,   but stopped to mine out the various ores so 
that I would have more supplies for later. Once I had collected as much as I could, 
I left the cave and started swimming in   the direction of the pirate ship. As 
my oxygen levels started to run low,   I swam up to a clam and gave it a tap. 
Sure enough, a stream of bubbles came out! “Okay, looks like he was right! They 
didn’t teach me this one in SEAL Training.” As I was starting to swim away though,   I felt something brush along my 
back. It was a school of piranhas! “Get your teethy grins away from me!” I lashed out with my sword, as the piranhas 
snapped at me. I was so distracted by the fight,   I nearly ran out of oxygen and drowned! 
Luckily I was able to hit the clam   before it was too late.

At long last, I 
managed to filet the rest of the fish. “That was exhausting and it’s getting late, 
I should try to find a cave to rest in.” I swam a little further and soon saw a cave 
along the seafloor. I swam in and saw it had   a nice pocket of air. The cave was also full 
of resources, so I made sure to grab those   before settling in for the night.
On days 30-35, I left the cave and   continued to search for the pirate ship, 
grabbing oxygen from clams along the way. I soon found myself in a colorful coral reef,   and eventually saw the pirate 
ship lodged in the middle. “There it is! Time to save the day!”
I swam up to the ship and started to take a look around. As far as I could 
tell, the ship looked deserted. “Might as well check the 
chests for anything good.” I opened the crates and found 
some gold and gunpowder! One of   the crates even had an enchanted 
Infinity book inside! Just then,   I saw something moving on the other side 
of the boat.

It was the giant squid! “Get away from my ship!” “Someone thinks they’re a real tough guy!” I swam over to the squid as he hit me 
with his tentacles, knocking me back. “Why did you kidnap an innocent octopus’s wife?” The giant squid stopped fighting. “Kidnap? Innocent? Wait a second, 
I think you have the wrong idea.” “The octopus told me you would try to trick 
me, nothing you say can change my mind!” Just then, the octopus’s wife popped up! “Wait, hear us out! My 
ex-husband was lying to you.” Okay, this was definitely a plot twist, what 
was going on? First things first though,   I had nearly run out of oxygen! I quickly punched 
a clam as the octopus’s wife began to explain.

“My ex-husband was so evil. He was mean and 
killed humans for fun- that’s where he got   that scuba mask he has. My squid 
friend here helped me to escape.” “Friend? I mean, yeah we’re friends, but 
Molly, I thought it was more than that.” “Not now Jerry. Look, let’s all head back, I 
think together we can teach Chad a lesson.” “His name is Chad? Say no more, let’s go.” Without delay, we all took off for Chad’s 
cave. We soon arrived after a bit of swimming. “I’ll go in and draw him out, 
then you guys can do your thing.” I made my way back inside 
the cave and talked to Chad. “Good news, your wife is just 
outside and is waiting for you!” “Oh goody! Well done, well done. I sure hope that 
nasty squid didn’t give you too much trouble.” As we swam out of the cave, 
Jerry was waiting for him.

“You’ve messed with her for the last time!” “Ahh! You’re still alive?! Don’t hurt me!” I watched as Jerry smacked the octopus and swam   away. The guy was squirting ink all 
over the place, how embarrassing. As those two swam off, Molly headed inside the 
cave and grabbed the scuba mask out of the chest. “Here you go Zozo, I think you’ve earned this.” She tossed out the mask, which I quickly 
grabbed and put on. Just in time too,   I was nearly out of oxygen! “Thanks Molly! You guys take it easy down here.” On days 36-40, I was planning on heading up 
to the surface, but took a moment to check   out the column attached to the ship. As I 
swam around, I noticed something was off. “This column doesn’t look like 
something the ship ran into… it   looks like the column grew and ran into the ship!” Something fishy was definitely going on,   but I had better get back up to 
the ship to talk to the crew.

As I climbed aboard, I saw 
the base was under attack! “The sun hasn’t set yet, how 
are zombies attacking now?” As I got closer though, I saw 
these weren’t zombies at all,   they were some kind of aquatic-humanoid monsters! 
They were much stronger than the zombies too! “Blegh you guys stink! But more 
importantly, where did you come from?” I was able to keep myself from taking 
too much damage, and noticed that some   of them had dropped sapphires. At long 
last, the monsters were all defeated.   I went and took a closer look at the fence, 
and saw they had broken right through! “Looks like we’ve got some work to do.” But before then, I had to get out of 
this scuba suit.

I hung the suit back up,   and stashed the loot I had found in my base. The next day had rolled around 
and I decided to upgrade my gear,   just in case the monsters tried to attack again. 
I quickly smelted down all the iron I collected,   then used that iron to make an 
anvil. I place the anvil down,   then used the infinity enchantment I 
had found, to enchant my harpoon gun. “Now I’ve got unlimited ammo!” Next up, I had an idea for what I wanted 
to make with the sapphires the monsters   had dropped. I grabbed a hammer and used 
it to shape the sapphires into a blade! “This sword can cut through just about anything!” With my gear upgraded, I headed over to talk 
to Switchblade about how things had been going,   and fill him in on what I had discovered.

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“It’s been rough, to be honest. We had been 
fighting off wave after wave of monsters.   It’s a good thing you showed up when you did, 
because we didn’t think we were going to make it!” “I’m just glad everyone is okay! So what 
are you thinking for our next move?” Switchblade led me outside. “Well, as you can see, they were able 
to break right through our wooden fence.   Our best bet is to upgrade the wall, and 
we’ll do well to get a proper HQ set up.” “Sounds like a plan, let’s gather 
supplies and get right to it.”  On days 41-43, we had finished 
gathering the supplies we needed,   so I started by tearing down one of 
the old planes on the deck.

The new   fence was going to be a bit bigger, so 
we’d need a little bit of extra room. The plane was soon cleared, and I got to 
work building a metal security fence across   the deck. In addition to the fence, I also 
put up a guard tower so we could have some   leverage on any attacking monsters. They would 
have a heck of a time getting through this! After I finished the fence, I decided to get 
to work on the next part of the statue. I only   had a little bit of materials on hand, so I 
just did a little bit of work on the one side. Once the work on the statue was done,, I got 
to work on the headquarters. Having a sturdy   building to store and plan from was going to 
be much more reliable than something a horde   of zombies could tear through in a matter 
of minutes. Once the exterior was complete,   I went ahead and filled the inside with 
everything we were going to need. Just as   I was finishing up, I heard a loud crash outside! “What in the world was that?!” I ran outside and took a look 
over the edge of the ship- a   submarine had crashed into the side of the boat! “Where did this come from?” As I was looking down, the sub’s hatch opened, 
and a dazed officer stuck their head out.

“Hello down there, can we help you?” She looked around confused. “I think so…?” She didn’t seem like she was alright, so 
I quickly jumped off the side of the boat,   swam over to the sub, and 
climbed aboard next to her. “Where did you come from?” “Hi there, sorry I’m a little frazzled. My 
name is Alice. I’ve been tracking this ship   for weeks without rest.

Funny enough, it wasn’t 
until I fell asleep that I finally found it!” “Well here, let’s get on 
board and we can chat more.” We jumped into the water and climbed 
up the boat. Once we were on the deck,   we continued our conversation. “So why were you tracking the ship?” “Some time ago, I was searching for an ancient 
artifact, the same one the captain of this ship   came into contact with recently. He beat me 
to it, but I don’t think he understood what   it was. I’ve been desperately trying to find 
this ship, not because the artifact is valuable,   which, it is, but because we need to destroy it. 
And I’m the only one who knows how to do that.” “Yeah you’re telling me, that 
artifact seems to be the source   of all the problems here! We’re more 
than happy to try and destroy it.” Just then, the seal flopped over.

“Zozo, something about this all seems off to me.” “What do you know? You’re just a 
seal. I’m a trained submariner.” “Yeah a trained submariner 
who just crashed their sub…” “Okay, okay you two calm down. Look, we 
know there’s something weird going on,   and this could be a shot to fix it, or at least 
end it. What do we know about the artifact?” “Well the captain probably has it near him,   up in the control tower. So we 
should focus on getting to that.” “Okay sounds good. The doors are all locked, but 
maybe the other sailors know a way around that.” I headed over to talk to the 
sailors. There was good news,   there was actually a master key to 
the entire ship! The bad news though,   was that the key was most likely in the 
armory, deep in the belly of the boat. “Well, I figured I’d have to go back in 
there at some point. We’ll get this done!”  On days 44-49, I headed back down into the 
ship. As I navigated the curving passageways,   I could hear the shuffling of feet ahead of me.

“Here we go!” The zombies came sprinting around 
the corner, but they were no match   for my new sapphire sword! I was able 
to pretty quickly overpower these guys,   but how would it hold up against 
a group of those monsters? With the zombies out of the way, I headed deeper 
still into the ship. Soon I found myself in a   room full of different internal mechanisms. 
I could hear something in the room ahead. “Sounds like more zombies, 
but something is different…” I poked my head through the doorway and could see   one of the monsters leading 
a group of zombies around.

“Is he commanding them?” I very quickly found the answer to that question,   because the monster caught sight of me, let 
out a growl, and all the zombies charged! “Don’t listen to him! He’s the mean one, not me!” I tried to get at the monster, 
but the zombies moved almost like   they were protecting him. I had no 
choice but to fight them off first.

“Get back you fleshheads!” Soon enough, the zombies were all destroyed, and 
I was able to engage the monster. He was strong,   but he couldn’t do much all by himself. 
Soon enough, he was taken down too. A familiar rush of adrenaline came pouring 
in, and I could feel myself getting stronger,   I suddenly gained 4 more hearts, 
and was promoted to a Petty Officer! “More health and strength, nice!”
On days 50-53, I kept making my way   to the armory. Soon, I could see the door, 
but just outside of it was another one of   the monsters! It was walking down 
the hallway behind a larger group. “What are these guys doing? I 
should follow them and see where   they’re headed. I should give these 
guys a name… I’ll call them Blobs.” These Blobs certainly seemed to have some level 
of intelligence. They weren’t like the zombies,   who would mindlessly attack anyone nearby, 
the Blobs seemed to be up to something. I followed them through the winding hallways,   and even had some close calls! I think they 
may have suspected they were being followed,   as I had to duck into a side room 
to avoid being detected at times.

“It feels like we’ve gone down several floors,   we’ve got to be close to the 
bottom of the ship at this point.” Soon enough, I followed them into a room, and 
couldn’t believe what I was seeing. There were   several Blobs roaming around, but more concerning 
were the cages hanging from the ceiling. “There’s sailors in some of those cages, 
but something is turning them into zombies!” That something must have had to do with 
what I saw on the ground! There was a   massive hole with pink goo dripping into it- 
this must be where the column meets the ship! “So the column must be hollow- 
it’s a tunnel of some sort.” Before I could get any closer 
though, one of the blobs noticed me,   and attacked! I managed to fight him off, but 
could see I had all of their attention now! “I don’t know what’s going on here, but 
I don’t want to end up in those cages!” I booked it out of there.
On days 54-57, I was running for   my life! The Blobs were hot on my tail, but 
I was starting to put distance between us.

“I’m not going to be your next experiment!” I was a pretty speedy guy, 
and was able to get away. “What was I doing again? Oh yeah, the armory!” Soon enough, I found my way back 
to the armory and headed inside. “Oh man, why didn’t they tell 
me about this place before??” The armory was full of all kinds of good 
stuff! I walked up to the center table and   took a look at everything. Glittering in the 
middle of the table was a brand new shotgun. “Oh ho ho, now we’re packing! The Blobs 
won’t want to meet me around a dark corner!” The next thing I picked up was the master key! “Now I’ll be able to get 
into any part of the ship!” I checked out some of the crates 
and managed to scrounge up some   ammo for the shotgun. Then I took 
a look at the armor hanging up. “Is this Special Ops Gear? It is!” I pulled it all off the rack and 
put it on.With everything equipped,   I saw that my armor was maxed out! “Now I’m ready for a fight!” After I had grabbed everything else I could,   I headed out, back to the flight deck.
On days 58-62 I arrived back on the   flight deck and went to go talk to 
the seal about everything I had seen.

“Hey bud, you’ll never believe 
what I found down there!” “Oh no, don’t tell me, more monsters??” “Even worse! That column you 
saw is a tunnel of some kind,   and they’re turning the sailors into zombies!” Just then Alice walked up. “They’re probably just summoning an ancient god.” “Ancient god?! What??!” “Oh yes, the ancient artifact is like 
a beacon that calls the disciples of   the god Akuno to begin preparing for his arrival.” “You can’t be serious!” “Oh yes! By harvesting the souls 
of men, they give him the power to   travel from his prison below up and 
into our world! It’s incredible.” “Incredible? Don’t you mean horrible?” “Oh um, yes, it’s horrible.

incredible I mean ummm just like insane.” “How do you know all of this anyway?” “Oh, I uhhh read about it in a 
book! I’m a very learned explorer.” “Right.” I was going to have to keep my eye on Alice, but 
in the mean time, I thought it’d be best to get   to work on the statue. If we couldn’t stop Akuno 
from coming to this world, at least there will   be an intimidating statue he’ll have to look at… 
Yeah I’m not feeling too good about it all, but at   least the next phase of the statue was complete!
On days 63-66 I decided to dive into the water   and try to get some more supplies for the statue. 
I swam deep and saw just what I was looking for! “Perfect! I’ll just collect 
these and be on my way.” I took out my pickaxe and quickly mined up 
everything I was going to need. It was hard work   mining under water, but having a mask that let me 
breathe made everything much easier. Speaking of   which, I should check in on Molly and Jerry, 
maybe they noticed anything with the tunnel.

As I swam near the cave, Jerry came swimming 
over, and Molly came out to greet me. “Hey guys, I was just checking in,   have you noticed anything weird 
about the tunnel over there?” “We were hoping you’d come by! We’ve been   noticing some strange vibrations 
coming out it. What is going on?” “Well, it’s bad news, apparently 
there’s an ancient god ritual in   the works. There’s an ancient artifact 
that we need to destroy to stop it,   but I have no idea what I’m 
going to be up against.” “I think I know something that could 
help actually. The pirate ship we   were living in before had remnants of 
something that looked very similar to   the tunnel here. I think it may have had 
something to do with why the boat sunk.” “Oh no way!” “Yes- there were some books buried 
in the crates. I can’t read,   but maybe they will contain 
some helpful information?” “That’s an awesome tip, I will go take a look!” I took off in the direction of 
the ship, and arrived soon after.

“Before I head in there though, have 
you hit the sub button yet? The more   subs we have, the stronger our navy will be!”
On days 67-70 I swam down into the pirate ship   and decided to take a look around. I grabbed 
some more gold and gunpowder from the crates,   before opening a crate containing the captain’s 
journal! I opened it up and started to read. “‘Day 75, we spotted an island full of zombies. We   lost a lot of men fighting on this 
island!’ But it was worth it.. I think? This captain’s crew had to fight zombies too!   They must have been near the 
artifact. I’ll keep reading.” We found this strange mysterious book! “So the artifact must be a book!” I’m not comfortable holding it, 
so I gave it to one of my mates.

I couldn’t believe what I was reading,   but why did their boat sink? Did the 
blobs attack them too? I read on. Day 78.There is a submarine behind us?! 
We are under attack! Taking on water! “A submarine took them out! And I’ve got a 
sneaking suspicion I know who was driving   it. I better get back to the ship, Alice 
knows more than she’s letting us think!” I swam out of the ship, but before I could 
get anywhere, I was attacked by Chad! “I’ll make you pay for tricking me!!” “Tricking you? It’s not my fault you’re a jerk!” Chad was surprisingly strong, but he 
didn’t know I had gotten stronger too! “Jerry should have finished 
you when he had the chance!” I swung with my sword, and finished him off! 
He wasn’t going to be bugging anyone now.  On days 71-74, I returned back to the 
ship and climbed back up on board.

As   I climbed aboard, Alice came running up to me. “You’re back! I’m so happy to see you’re 
okay. Did you find anything interesting?” I wanted to confront her about everything, 
but we didn’t know what she was trying to do.   There was a still a chance her intentions 
were good, even if she took down a ship. “No, unfortunately I didn’t find anything.

See also  Ultimate Table Saw Fence // 정밀하고 사용이 편한 테이블쏘 조기대

Looks   like our best bet is to try 
and confront the captain.” “Oh I’m sorry to hear it. Best 
of luck fighting the captain,   just remember to grab the artifact and 
bring it to me so I can destroy it.” I headed over to the command tower 
and unlocked the door with the   master key. As I entered the tower, I was 
immediately attacked by a group of Blobs! “These guys have been here so 
close to our base- I had no idea!” Using my shotgun I was able to 
mow them down pretty quick- they   didn’t stand a chance against a ranged weapon! I then made my way to the next level and 
was met by another pack of Blobs! It was   a tight space, so they managed to get 
some hits in, but by using the table,   I was able to get a little bit 
of space and finish them off! “That was a close one! Now to find the captain. 
Maybe these guys were just holding him prisoner?” On days 75-78 I reached the top floor 
and saw the captain looking out over the   base.

There was a strange glow 
about him, but he looked okay! “Captain! I’m here to rescu— oh no!” The captain had turned around, 
and I could see he was mutating   like the other sailors. The glow must 
have been coming from the artifact! “Akuno will return. Akuno is master. 
Akuno will rule this world!!” “Captain, you’ve got to 
break free, we can stop him!” The captain was too far gone, he 
wasn’t hearing a word I was saying. “Akuno requires your soul!” Just then the captain pulled 
his gun and started firing! “No! I don’t want to fight you!” I didn’t have a choice.

If I didn’t 
fight, he would kill me, and use me   to attack all of my friends. The captain 
was a good shot, but I was a trained SEAL! “Sorry, but this is going to hurt!” I noticed that the captain had starting 
throwing some kind of energy ball at me- it   must be a power he got from Akuno! We can’t 
allow this kind of dark magic in our world! “Hang on to your hat, I’m 
sending you to the underworld!” I took aim and blasted my shotgun one final 
time, sending the captain to oblivion.

After   he disappeared, I saw a book laying on 
the ground- it had to be the artifact. “The Necronomicon… now that just sounds 
evil. I’m not opening this thing,   I can’t risk getting sucked into all 
of this madness! Let’s see if Alice   can actually destroy this thing… or if 
she’s up to something else entirely.”  On days 79-84 I made my way down the 
tower and headed into the HQ building   to meet with Alice. She could barely contain 
her excitement when she saw me walking up. “Zozo, you must have it! I can feel 
it’s energy… quickly, give it to me.” “Hang on a second, I can’t 
give this to you until you   explain to me exactly how you plan to destroy it.” “Don’t worry about that, just give me the book!” Suddenly a glow appeared around Alice- 
she was possessed by the book too! “I knew you were hiding something!” Alice leaped forward and tried 
to grab the book from me.

“Alice, get a hold of yourself! 
This book will destroy the world!” “Akuno promised me power to protect 
his book, I won’t let you stop me!!!” Looks like she was pretty determined, 
but the seal and I were ready. “Pull it!” The seal flipped a switch on the wall, which 
dropped a cage on Alice, trapping her inside! “Now listen, you’re going to stay here until 
we can figure out how to destroy this thing.” “You’ll never destroy it! The only thing that can 
destroy it is Akuno himself..

You’ll never win!!!” Akuno himself? I ran outside 
to chat with the seal. “Well, it’s not looking good. I think the only 
option is to enter the tunnel and find this Akuno.   I’ll have to try and trick him into destroying 
the book somehow. It looks like our only option.” The seal agreed.
On days 85-89,   I started tearing down the security 
fence so I could replace it with an   even better one. If I failed in my mission, 
it meant Akuno was headed for this world,   and my friends were going to need a fighting 
chance. After a bit, the new fence was finished! I also needed to finish the statue, so 
I dove off the ship to go and mine out   the remaining supplies I would need.

swam to the bottom and found a deposit   of materials I could use. I mined them 
out, then brought them back to the ship. Then I headed into my camp to grab some 
supplies to upgrade my weapons. First   I crafted a workbench and set that down. 
Then by using the workbench I crafted some   additional shells for my shotgun. To finish 
up, I then crafted a stock for it as well. “Well, I’m about as powered up 
as I can be! Now I just need to   finish the statue, and we’ll be on our way!”
On days 90-94 I got started on the last section   of the statue. By now I’m sure you can tell who 
it is. So, what do you think? Did you guess it   correctly? He’s a big hero of mine, and hopefully 
he can inspire the next batch of recruits. With the statue complete I headed down 
to have a quick chat with the seal. “Hey Buddy, I just wanted to 
say thanks for all your help,   and here’s something to show my appreciation. 
You’re an honorary Navy SEAL too!.”  On days 95-97, I headed out of the base 
through the security tower and made my   way toward the hole.

This might be the 
last time I ever see the light of day. I descended into the boat and started 
making my way through the ship corridors,   and was immediately attacked by zombies and blobs! “Woah, these guys were ready for me! 
Akuno must know I’m coming for him!” By using my shotgun I blasted my 
way through the first level of the   boat. I was having some close calls, but 
managed to get through relatively unharmed. “These poor sailors! I don’t want to 
hurt them, but they give me no choice.” I continued down to the next level and 
started facing off against some more blobs! “Begone fish face!” These monsters were something I 
could never get used to.

I had to   banish them from this world! Soon I had 
made it to the lowest level of the ship,   and was getting close to the tunnel room. 
As I approached I saw another blob, but   he was bigger than the others, 
and had a strange glow around him. “He must be their leader!” “Youuuuuu dieeeeee nowwwww” Without wasting a second I charged! He 
was surrounded by a couple of zombies,   who also started attacking me. 
By using my sapphire sword,   I managed to get some hits in, 
but he was hitting back too. “Oof, yeah this guy is way more 
powerful than the other ones!” He was using a trident that was stronger 
than anything I had faced yet, it might   be time to try something new.

I pulled 
out my shotgun and worked on creating   some distance between us, but it 
was difficult in the tight space. “Get a load of this!” I kept firing away and finally all of his zombies 
were gone. I kept on him until at long last,   he was defeated! As he disappeared, I got that 
familiar surge of adrenaline, and grew in size! “And check it out, now I have 20 hearts!” Feeling better than ever, I entered the room and   was immediately swarmed! I started 
fighting off all of the enemies,   but there were a lot of them! I had no 
choice but to hurry and jump into the hole. “Here goes nothing!!” I jumped into the hole, falling for 
what felt like forever.

But eventually,   I hit the ground with a thud and blacked out  On day 98 I woke up laying 
at the bottom of the hole. “Oof, that didn’t feel too good. But where am i?” I took in my surroundings and saw 
I had fallen into some kind of deep   cavern. Directly behind me there was a portal! “That must take me to Akuno… 
I don’t like the look of that.   But I know that with support from you 
and my friends, we can do anything!” I took a deep breath, and ran 
head first into the portal.  On day 99 I appeared in what looked 
to be an entirely different dimension.

“Woah, this place is insane! It almost 
looks like I’m underwater, but I’m not.” Up ahead of me I could see a 
huge otherworldly temple.. That   had to be where Akuno lived! With my gun in hand,   I ran forward into the temple. As I ran into 
the building, I could see Akuno waiting for me. “Akuno! You thought you could come 
to my world and destroy everyone,   but instead it’s me coming 
to yours to destroy you!” Akuno didn’t seem surprised at all. “Ha ha ha, catch me off guard did you? Please,   you’ve been a pawn in my plan this entire 
time, just like all the other foolish humans.” What did he mean, a pawn? “That book can allow me to influence 
anyone who reads it, but I can’t travel   to your dimension without it.

And now you’ve 
brought it straight to me! Just in time too,   I understand my minions have nearly 
completed preparing my army for me!” “Why are you doing this? What good does 
destroying another world do for you?” “I command this world, but for 
what? Not a soul roams here,   and I’m kept bound by the limitations of 
this flesh. A human soul gives me a freedom   I can’t get elsewhere. So I will take 
the souls of Earth, starting with you!” “If you want this book, you’re 
going to have to pry it off of me!” “That’s just what I intend on doing!!” I immediately opened fire with my shotgun, 
but it didn’t seem to be doing anything! “Pathetic! Your human weapons are no match for 
my magic. You’ll never break my enchantments.” I fired a few more shots, but he was right! This 
wasn’t doing anything. Just then I noticed there   were two purple orbs hanging from the ceiling. 
They had an almost lifelike quality about them. “Let’s see what you think about this?” I opened fire on one of the orbs, breaking 
it open, and causing it to explode! “No!” He didn’t like that, and started attacking 
me, clearly this was doing something! “Oh ho, not so clever after all are we?” I fired on the other orb, which 
caused it to explode as well! “You will pay for this!!” I fired off a few shots at him again, but 
this time I could tell it was hurting him! “Agh, let’s see how you handle this!” There was a flash of lightning and two blobs 
appeared at the end of them, attacking me! “Geez, he can summon these guys at will? 
There’s no way we can let them into our world!” The blobs converged on me and I 
quickly finished them off with my   shotgun.

As soon as I had defeated 
them, Akuno summoned two more! “Dude, knock it off! This 
is just getting annoying.” Akuno launched his purple fireballs at 
me as I continued to pick off more blobs   and land shots on him. As I hit him more and 
more, I could tell he was getting desperate. “Foolish mortal, you have only 
seen a fraction of my power!” Suddenly a ring of fire appeared around me 
and I was hit by lightning! He wasn’t joking,   things were starting to get serious.

“Ahh yeah, okay, that one is 
pretty good I’m not gonna lie.” I kept on him while trying to dodge his 
lightning attacks. But let me tell you,   dodging lightning is as hard 
as you think it would be. “Looks like it’s the end for you Zozo!!” This couldn’t be it! But then I 
remembered the secret to defeating him,   was destroying the book! I knew what I needed to 

Just then a ring of fire appeared around me,   and I jumped back, throwing the book out. 
The lightning struck the book, destroying it! “No, no!!!!!!” Akuno erupted in an explosion, and was destroyed! “I did it!” I heard some rolling thunder, and suddenly 
a bolt of lightning came out of the sky,   teleporting me away! What now?
On day 100 I appeared at the   top of the hole, back on the ship. 
Inside of the cage in front of me,   I saw one of the zombies start to change. But 
this time, he changed back into a sailor!! “Ughhh hello? What’s going on??” “Hang on, I’ll help you!” I jumped up to the cage and busted the sailor out. 
There were several other cages around the room,   so I hurried and broke out all of the 
other trapped sailors as well.

As I did so,   I explained everything to them. 
They were all pretty confused,   but I led them up to the flight 
deck so they could get some rest. With the sailors all safe in their bunks, I 
met back up with the seal and Switchblade. “You did it Zozo! On behalf of the 
crew, I can’t thank you enough.” “Alice is feeling better too!” Just then Alice walked up. The seal 
was right, she was looking normal. “Oh Zozo, I feel so awful 
for everything I’ve done,   but am so glad you were here to save the 
day. Our seal friend here and I are going   to go adventuring together. But this time 
I’m not going to be reading any scary books.” I’m just glad everything is back to normal. And   thanks for everyone’s help. I can’t wait 
to see where our adventures take us next!

As found on YouTube