I remember when I was a kid, I loved going to my favorite neighbor's house to ask for Halloween candy and he would always send us a big bag of Microjig – cutting tool protector Safe work! happy life! The jigsaw is the king of all saws, well, probably maybe. My table saw is probably the most used tool in the woodshop but it has one big flaw. It can only cut straight lines. There are basically three ways to cut curves in wood without relying on CNCs, lasers, and other special equipment. Pull saws are very good at cutting intricate patterns on thin materials .
Band saws are usually used to make decorative patterns , probably It's the most common tool for cutting curves in a woodworking shop, but it's expensive, takes up space, and has places where it can't. A jigsaw can handle almost any curve cut you can come across. Better yet, it's useful It is more extensive, does not take up space, and is also cheap. In fact, over the years in woodworking, I've found myself using a jigsaw more often and a bandsaw less and it's so handy! Let's start by figuring out what it's called. In the past , a jig saw was often called a saber saw. Today, a saber saw usually refers to a reciprocating saw. More often it's called "SawZall", a brand name just like people sometimes call it electric. The circular saw is the same as "Skillsawz" (the example of jeep is more vivid) However, the pull saw we are talking about today was called a jig saw in the past.
Hehe, the jig saw cuts the small saw blade through the up and down reciprocating motion of the small saw blade so that it can be easily Cuts smooth and precise arcs. It's better than a band saw to cut holes in things, etc. Its biggest limitation is that it can't cut very thick wood. Normally, that's not a problem. I rarely cut on wood larger than a 2×4 square, let alone a jig saw blade is mounted on what is called a base plate or "shoe" There are many brands of jig saws that allow you to tilt the base plate to cut bevels but I think I don't know when I've used this function. Most jigsaws can adjust the speed. This is useful to prevent the wood from heating and turning black when you are cutting it.
(Friction generates heat, you know) For softwoods like pine, you can use the fastest speed and for hardwoods you need to use a slower speed to reduce the possibility of blackening. There is usually a dial to adjust the speed. The trigger and the saw blade move back and forth quickly. I usually set the speed to the highest and then use the trigger to control the cutting speed. Many jigsaws have swing cutting settings. When this function is turned on, the saw blade can swing back and forth while reciprocating up and down, which is more cutting. Efficiency can increase the speed of cutting large workpieces. The disadvantage is that this function can produce a lot of chipping. I rarely use the oscillating cutting function except for the occasional rough workpiece. If you have never touched a jig saw and are thinking about losing one, I You can narrow down your options and only buy jigsaws that use T-handle saw blades.
Be sure to check this before you lose money. In general, there are two types of saw blade handles that are used to attach the blade to the jig saw. The first common one is the U-shape. Handle it requires a hex wrench or something like that to mount it to the jigsaw I used to have one of these and it was a headache to use and sometimes the blade would fall off the jigsaw when I was cutting there was no need to go The second type is the T-handle saw blades . No special tools are required to install them. The saw blade can be installed in seconds and they are strong . The saw teeth of the jigsaw are divided into up and down wood on the side where the blade enters. It will cut smoother. I usually choose the downward movement of the saw blade for cutting because I usually draw the cutting line on the better side of the surface of the board.
When the store sells more saw blades that cut upward, I don't know why ( Because this can fix the jigsaw on the board surface) The saw blade is also classified according to the number of teeth per unit length. The fewer teeth per unit length, the faster the cutting speed, the rougher the cutting surface . The saw blade of 10 teeth per inch is sufficient for most woodworking cutting. A narrow 20-tooth-per-inch saw blade that can cut very curved curves. There are two problems to pay attention to when using a jig saw. First, understand that the other end of the saw blade is unsupported. This is usually a problem, but if you Steering too fast when cutting thick plates The saw blade is tilted and the cut surface is not perpendicular to the board surface. Another thing to pay attention to is the length of the saw blade to ensure that the saw blade is at least one inch (25.4mm) longer than the thickness of the workpiece you are cutting It is also worth mentioning The thing is, the jig saw is really the safest power tool you can possibly use because the blade cuts under the wood and holds the workpiece away from your fingers , I usually just press it against the woodworking table by hand and tighten it.
Cutting against the edge of the woodworking table Sometimes the saw blade will cut into the woodworking table, but this is a small problem . The method of starting a cut with a jig saw is different from other saws. I like to stick the blade to the workpiece before turning the jigsaw switch on. I think it's a bit more precise this way. If the saw blade is already in motion, I move it towards the wood. It usually wobbles from side to side before trying to cut to the line. Be careful to keep the saw floor close to the wood. It's easy to inadvertently lift the floor straight up.
Cause your cut edges not to droop The more straight the arc is, the slower the cutting speed should be. When the curvature is too large, and the saw blade cannot turn, you can use the saw blade to "carve" it out. Cut it with the saw blade to the cutting line again and again . Shake the saw blade left and right to clear the saw teeth. One of the must-have tools for cutting holes and internal graphics. These you can't do with a band saw. Just drill a hole, insert the saw blade, and start cutting. If you need to cut a square hole, drill two holes on two opposite corners, then use a curved The saw is just as efficient as connecting them and cutting the handles.
Here are just a few of the kinds of jobs you can do with a jig saw. A jig saw is a tool that should never be underestimated and overlooked. Hey! If you have any tips for using a jigsaw , leave them in the comments I would like to thank Casper, with their sponsorship of Mere Mortals I can continue to record videos for everyone\n (With your sponsorship, I can continue Translated video) Casper designs the perfect mattress to sell directly to the consumer's home eliminating the middleman.
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