Cutting sections of 2×6 to make the shelf Measuring and marking the locations of the dog holes that will go through the benchtop Using a 1” auger bit and electric drill to bore these holes The jig I use to keep the bit square is just three pieces of scrap wood nailed together to form a 90* corner Marking, measuring, and boring dog holes in the front right leg You can also partially see the completed shelf here Cutting a 1×3 into two 3×3 standoffs, and one 24”x3” piece that will make the tool rack I decided to add a small 1×3” standoff to support the center as well Attaching the tool rack to the back left corner of the bench, behind where the vise will be mounted. I forgot to record while I used a circular saw to make these kerf cuts. I set the depth to the amount of wood that needed to be cut away to accommodate the vise screw and rods in order for the vise to be flush with the top of the bench The kerfs stop about 6 inches shy of the far side of the bench, which is all the space I needed to mount the vice The edges of the void I am making are the exact dimensions of the width of the vice The kerf cuts make it remarkably easy and fast to chisel out the waste without going too deep After chiseling the waste out, I flattened the bottom with a block plane The vise is clamped in place and I use lag bolts to attach it to the underside of the bench.
Fitting a 7/8” dowel with some black pipe caps to make a new tommy bar Cutting some short sections of 1” dowel to plug all the dog holes to prevent the oil from getting inside of them, which would make the holdfast less effective 2 coats of boiled linseed oil finish the benchtop.