Building a $40k Resin Table

Hey everyone it's Dylan from The Black Forest 
Wood Company and we just finished our 20-foot   Bastogne walnut resin cast dining table our whole 
team absolutely killed it on this piece this is   probably one of the nicest tables we have made in 
a long time and it's the biggest table we've ever   made with resin one of the most expensive tables 
we've ever done too this one ended up selling   for around forty thousand dollars Canadian and 
we're going to show you guys the whole process   of us making it in this video so obviously a lot 
of effort went into this so if you guys can like   comment and subscribe that really means a 
lot to us and i will be quiet now so we can   watch this table come to life we just got this 
from GL Veneer it's a $40K dining table that   we're starting to work on uh 20 feet long it's going to be huge and we're not doing it in two   pieces so it's going to be really really heavy as 
well so we've got it on the trailer we're finally   ready to start working on it and we're going to 
use the forerunner to get it pulled in so it's   there you go you can see it weighing 
down the 4runner it's going to be   kind of a little sketchy method of doing 
this but it should work pretty good this is the largest single pour that we've 
ever done it ended up needing 255 litres   and we're doing a smoky grey resin on it when it comes to pouring now there's honestly 
no real method to it like we get questions a   lot like why do you guys pour on the wood why 
do you pour in the mould and it's usually just   random whatever's more convenient if you pour 
on the wood you can kind of eliminate some   of the bubbles that are created but since our 
resin has such a low viscosity, to begin with   even if you just dump this bucket in all at once 
all the bubbles would probably still come out and now we got to get it back down so 
if it wasn't hard enough to lift that   slab up we've added about 600 pounds in resin 
to make it even more challenging so you'll see   what we do but this time we're going to 
utilize two forklifts instead of just one   and then we'll slowly bring this thing down 
and get it onto the CNC so we can relax again right here we're using our festool 
track saw just to size this table   it does still work after last week when we cut the 
river rocks with it they're tough saws so we just   we cut the length first then we go parallel or 
perpendicular sorry with the ends and trim those   with the track saw though one tip i 
should mention is to take multiple   passes because if you do it all at 
once the saw is just going to bind up   another important step when you're 
working with slabs of wood that are   extra wide is to install c channels so that's 
what we're routing in here right now is two   little grooves so that that seat channel can slide 
in and be attached to the underside of the table   on river tables though where you split the piece 
of wood and it's not as wide c channels usually   aren't required now ben is applying the first 
coat of our black forest furniture oil so i want   to mention this product because we've been teasing 
it for a little while it is nearly done haley has   finalized all of the labels and we're just waiting 
on some french translation and i would say within   the next couple weeks here we'll be able to start 
taking orders and getting this oil shipped out to   you guys we have used lots of different oil 
products on the market and you know good and   bad osmo is what we've used for a long time and 
overall we're very happy with it we would still   recommend it to people but we just found we got 
that little bit extra moisture stain protection   that we have been looking for for a long time and 
then you can even combine our furniture oil with   our black forest ceramics which are available now 
to get even better water protection a higher shine   it actually makes the surface hydrophobic and 
it will increase abrasion resistance as well all right so we've got the table all finished up 
here it's again 20 feet long five feet wide we use   our black forest deep resin the wood is bastone 
walnut and the total table weight is somewhere   above like 1500 pounds it is a very very heavy 
piece a huge thank you though to our client for   letting us build this for him it's such a 
spectacular piece and just the colors in   this especially once you get it out in the 
sunlight you can really see that contrast   so it is going to be getting shipped down 
to him in the united states unfortunately we   can't go deliver this but we will try and get some 
photos from him after it's all set up in his home   this is the giant crate for the table uh by far 
the biggest table crate that we've ever gotten   and as i'm sure a lot of you probably know the 
price of lumber is insane right now so this crate   actually costs us thousands of dollars um that's 
just the way things go unfortunately at this time   but the whole inside gets lined with foam the 
table will go inside and then it's going to   go on a dedicated truck all the way down to our 
client in north carolina and then he's hiring a   moving company to help take everything off the 
truck and like i said he'll probably get some   photos so we're looking forward to that and as 
soon as we have photos we'll probably put them   on our instagram if you guys want to follow us 
you can check them out there but thank you guys   for watching this build uh this is a lot of fun 
a 40 000 dining table I just can't get over that   so if you guys enjoyed show us some love like 
comment subscribe and we'll see you next week

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