Are You Using the Wrong Putter? Blade or Mallet

all right uh today we're talking uh
putters what do we need do we need a blade style
putter or a mallet style putter or
something in between i'm gonna show you what you need to know
today let's go okay so when you roll up to the golf
shop it might look something like this except
there might be like 400 more choices and how do
you pick the putter that's best for you and with all the different everything
going on there's some critical mistakes that
we're making when it comes time to choosing a putter
so what we're going to do is just go through how to choose
the right putter for you what you can do there and what you need to look at and
what you don't need to look at because there's some
critical mistakes that we're going to make
and we got to avoid that so we can make more putts
a lot of times it's just not your fault thanks for watching by the way
if you like this video make sure you hit that like button subscribe to the
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appreciate it uh the room here is uh was designed and i helped out by my
friends there at custom design golf so if you like
the room we're in the flooring and whatnot we're still doing some more
stuff to it but check them out link in the description
below for everything all right let's get to it wow
okay did you see what i did there that's kind of what we do
and then based on if the ball went in the hole or not we're like
hey i'm making a lot of putts with this particular putter
therefore uh i should buy that putter okay that is mistake number one
and uh and and here's why okay so let's say this is my everyday
putter right what happens is uh mistake one is your alignment
gets off okay how you set up to the ball and what happens is you take your normal
putter and you start aligning incorrectly
well over time it starts to look right and so
that just feels comfortable to you and then your stroke
is a reflection on that and then you have imperfections in your stroke
because you're misaligned so what happens is you
go to the golf shop you pick out something totally different
than your putter something weird and looks strange
and then you line up with it okay you line up you're not going to
line up most of the time you're not going to
have that same misalignment with the putter now because it looks
so dramatically different than your putter so you're a lot more
cognizant of how you set up to the ball and you're just gonna naturally set up
much more correctly with the new putter in your
hand and then you stroke it and it goes in uh
because you had proper alignment with the new putter because it's so
different than your old putter so then you're like
i'm gonna spend a million dollars because i make putts with this
but then over time you're gonna slowly uh get off
because that's what we all do then you're going to throw this putter away
you buy it as well just send me your money because
uh i'll take better care of it than the putter that's going to collect dust
or get broken or thrown in the trash because you can do the same thing over
and over again so that is something we gotta not do
so the second mistake you're making is uh
it's it's it's uh connected to your first mistake so you
had a misalignment because of your misalignment with your
normal putter you have an imperfect stroke
because you have to compensate for how badly you're lining up
so then you grab the new guy the new weird putter
and now you're lining up perfectly your stroke is going to self-correct so
you're actually going to have a pretty decent stroke and it's going to
be so much better than your current stroke that the ball is going to
have a much better time easier time going in the hole and then
after a couple putts you just start rattling them off and you go to the
register and they're laughing at you going we got another one
so that's not what you do so now let's go over
what you do and what to look for while you're
practicing with the new putters and uh this is gonna just
this is the one thing you have to look at when buying a new putter
okay so you grab your putter that you want to try out let's say we're going to
try out the blade putter now there's uh there's
three kinds of putters well there's a lot of
different kinds but but the the ones we're really going to focus on today
are going to be these okay there's your blade putter
they call it a blade it's actually toe down putter see that
the toe goes down you just balance it on your finger
and see where that face goes and it goes down to the ground okay
that's your uh toe down putter and it could be even more but that's kind of
typical right where it hangs right there then
you have your face balanced putter or your mallet
right it's your odyssey x07 and you can see i balance it the same
way and the face points straight up straight up and down for the
most part i'm not doing anything just trying to get it balanced and that face
goes straight up in the air that's a face balance putter then
uh you have this guy this is my scotty cameron newport 2
and you can see here it's what they call 45 degree toe down if i
just let it hang it's not so much as that
toe down putter it's more of a 45 degree angle
okay and then if you really want to get in the weeds
and try something then you have this guy this is my odyssey rossi
uh putter this is called like a tow flow putter it's not it's a little
more it's a little less than 45 degrees somewhere in between so those are your
options but the key is going to be this
is i don't care what putter you use i don't care anything what we want to do
is we want to line up perfectly okay we want to read the break correctly
and then we want to have the face square at impact
that's going to be the key ingredient are you hitting it open
are you getting it closed or is it square you need it square
to have everything working correctly your alignment you can work on
and we're going to and that's one thing you're going to do when you're
practicing new putters testing them out your green reading
ability is going to be you spending time on the putting green
getting that dialed in because that's going to be that's on you
if you don't spend the time you're never going to read it correctly but if you
read the green correctly and you line up perfectly then all you
have to do is hit it with a square face so that's what we got to focus on so i'm
going to use my blast motion sensor this is going to give me face impact
uh face angle at impact of the ball so it's going to tell me exactly where it's
at now i'm also going to do something here for you
so this just attaches to the end of your putter and then you use your app and
we're going to look at this is all i care about really
when i'm testing out new putters is which
putter gives me the best uh face angle at impact
because if there's one if i hit that face balance open every time
i'm not going to get that even the ball goes in the hole like i don't want to
hit an open face i want that face square so
we're going to look at that now let's say you don't let's say you don't
have that this it's like 100 bucks link in the
description below uh but let's say you don't want that you
don't have that here's what you can do you're going to get when you go to the
shop and you're going to look at putters get a sharpie then just take a line
i've already got a line on this but draw a line on your ball
okay boom as straight as possible that shot
probably will have one of those little guys that um
you can you could put on go grab one of those
like five bucks or something we want that line on the ball okay
try to get as perfect and as defined as possible
as long as possible too now you're good to go so
you either have this or this both are going to help you out in
determining what you need uh in terms of putter okay then what
you're going to do grab one of the other putters get
something there you've got to get something that is going to help you
line everything up so you can aim it a hole you can aim it anything else i
don't care you just you can aim at nothing just i
want something that's a perfect line
then you get your ball with the line on it and you put it next to it
so it matches right there it's gotta match
that line okay then you get the putter you're going to use
and you put it on the ball so that the
alignment on the putter matches the
alignment on your ball okay that's perfect
now if you have your blast motion sensor then you're going to use that as
well and i would use all of this together
because i want to know exactly what is the best
putter for me so i've got my sensor it's connected so there i'm lined up got
everything good to go i've got everything set up here i know
i'm lined up with the alignment eight on the ground my putter
is good everything's good and i'm just looking
at is my square putter impact and so i was 1.4 degrees
closed on that stroke with the toe down putter now i'm not going to
just do it one time i'm going to use this putter a number of
times and every time i'm grabbing that line
putting that line down perfectly with my line like i said i don't care if it goes
in the hole hole is not even important don't even
use a hole just make sure you're lined up perfectly
and i'm looking at if i don't have blast motion
how is that line rolling is it spinning side to side because if i hit it with an
open face at impact
that line is going to spin one direction now let's say with a
super shut face at impact okay that line is going to spin another
direction ideally i want the line perfect
and i want to have a perfectly square impact position and that's close look at that two
degrees closed so with this particular style putter here
i'm really trying i'm really trying to get a perfect
impact position uh square face at impact so for whatever reason
with this toe down putter i am super closed at impact
so i'm shutting it down too much uh so i'm having a difficult time
getting things squared up with the toe down putter so this even if those balls
are going the whole i know that my face is not square at
impact so it's a struggle i don't want it to be a
struggle i want it to be easy so now i'm going to move to a different
style putter another thing you can add here okay if
you can't tell if it's open or closed is you get a
second club and you lay it down here line them
up perfectly and i like to go so these back ferrules
are just right next to each other and the club and the balls in between
the clubs right in between the reason i go towards the end is it's
easy to get that face square at uh at setup at address
because you're comparing it to these ferals in the back of the club
and then if you have a slight arc to your
putting stroke um you know it can go beyond the clubs and you can get a
little arc this is going to help you square up at a
dress and then if the ball rolls out
closer to the right club then your club face is a little
open and you can see that there if it you
know the opposite is true if it rolls out closer to the left club
then you're a bit closed at in at impact so that's how you can really
tell also that's a big big help so i feel like i'm
really close with this club in terms of getting it squared at impact
some set up perfectly and you want it to roll out the center decent yeah
0.2 open so that was near perfect and you could see that line really
rolling nicely end over end so far this
is the one that's i'm getting closest to perfectly square now perfectly square is
difficult but you can see that the closer i get it
to square the better that line rolls and that's
what you're looking for that tight line but you need to test it
out so either use your blast motion to give you
really precise numbers at impact because that's going to be the
key to making putts is how are you striking the ball at impact
so hope this helps when you're going shopping
for a new blade get something that uh you can square up
otherwise you're gonna be trouble let me know what kind of putter you
like to use or what bests fit you love you guys see you next video

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