Woodturning – Carving Mallet with Lead Insert [Sapele and Ash]

hi everyone welcome to the show i need a new 
mallet a carving mall at this time i think and   i think there's probably one in here uh i'm gonna 
try and do a lead insert that's the plan at the   moment anyway although things change everybody 
seems to do a mallet making video these days   so i thought i'd do one i'd 
like a carving mallet anyway   so we'll see how it goes i will try and do a lead 
insert in this this is an idea of a design from   andy phillip actually he's done one i 
think with a molten lead filling as well   we'll see how we go right let's get this round okay time for the handle this is a bit of 
ash straightest grain i could find. Face mask on! probably don't even need glue but i'm 
gonna anyway knowing my luck at the moment   if you're liking the video please 
subscribe and hit the like button! i'm doing a video a week although this 
one's been like this is a couple of days   late and it was the last one but because 
of the holidays family stuff you know but please subscribe and hit the like it really 
helps the channel with the uh old algorithm yes that so far still go wrong we'll pull molten 
lead into it yet that should be interesting now   i've got a funny feeling my tail 
stock is going to be struggling   i don't know well what do you know i 
thought i was going to have a problem there i kind of like to buy the bed 
extension for this lathe but they want about £200 for it! all right i'm going to sand it and then 
i'll bring you back to put some finish   on and then i need to weigh it and 
find out how much lead needs to go   in and then we'll do that bit time 
to put some sanding sealer on it i nearly always forget at some 
point to cover the lathe bed   always cover your lathe bed this 
stuff just is horrible to cast iron doesn't like it at all i've done 
a few things in sapelia and ash   if you have a look through my videos you'll 
see some other composite kind of things the the two do go together ever so well i'm going to take that off and i'm going 
to weigh it so then work out how much   lead we need and then try and guess how big the 
hole's got to be that could be quite entertaining   right well it comes in at 530 grams   and i'm gonna make this up to an 850 gram mallet 
which means it's probably only quite a bit so   let's uh go and weigh out some lead and see what 
happens so we need let's say 350 grams of lead right now we need to melt it now this has 
to be done in a very well ventilated area   this is horrifically dangerous stuff 
so don't try doing this unless you're   absolutely confident i'm going to rig up a fume 
extractor and then we're going to melt the lead   oh before i do that i probably ought to drill 
a hole so how much volume does this take out so this is a 43 millimeter pot and i reckon it's probably going to be once 
it's melted 20 smaller so i'm going to do a hole   35 millimeters deep by 40 wide all right 
well i drilled a small hole in the end   but it's not big enough so i need to hollow 
it out a little bit further hollowing tool   i put it in the steady i made 
because frankly last time i did this   the thing flew out and landed on the 
floor so hopefully this will stop it hopefully i'll do i've put a little ridge inside   there so that hopefully that'll 
stop the lead from popping out thanks for watching everybody please 
hit the like button and subscribe   if you enjoyed the video good to have 
you aboard and i'll see you next time!

See also  Woodworking Tips You'll Actually Use! Subscriber Submitted Tips #31

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