Wooden Sculpture that Shouldn’t Be

thank you squarespace for sponsoring this video   this is one of the more meaningful projects i'll 
probably ever build so pay close attention to   see how cars movement dogs shadows and music all 
have to do with one another and how they relate to   what this is about to become typically you see 
me build furniture it's functional it might be   functional art but this week i am building 
a sculpture and it is definitely art i think all right let me set this up real quick 
so you kind of know what's going on   we've got just a little bit of prep 
before we can get into the woodworking   two teardrop shapes that will nest together 
and these are just printed straight off a cad   as a reference so i get really 
consistent forms made let's do it i saved you a lot of bore 
of watching me make forms but here you go hinges and this is 
where the laminations are going to   go so let's get those cut up and you can 
see how these forms work cool let's do it so so uh if you haven't noticed a lot of my commentary 
is just me thinking out loud and brainstorming   seems to be working i was going to show you 
kind of a glimpse at where we're headed so   here's what i'm doing this is the heart of the 
piece and it's going to be stacked in tiered   rings with a hollow inside tricky 
tricky you know me i like a challenge so yeah i don't have a lathe let's figure that out that was the most stressful little bentlam glue-up 
i think i've ever done um okay so i'm gonna go   ahead and let all of this cook overnight and we'll 
pull these out of forms get them cleaned up uh get   the back panel together and start working on 
the rest of it so yeah we'll see you in the   morning uh yeah let's get some forms pulled can you hear that oops i accidentally put 
a hole in my bag see if we get the whoosh   are you ready wait for it wait for it damn hole oopsies so so okay so that looks pretty cool they're all nested 
that's a little honeycomb inside it's a little bit   flat right the movement the motion the feeling i 
want to get across is rotation everything in life   operates on rotation seasons life is rotations 
around the sun the earth rotates the sun rotates   the galaxy the universe all rotate what i'm going 
to do is have it in a frozen state of rotation   obviously my bandsaw is not big enough i have 
to come up with some way to do that let's do it all right people usually uh 
yell at me for this one as well   so i want you to take a deep breath and say 
with me trained woodworker closed course   and before we move on i'd like to tell 
you a little bit about today's sponsor   squarespace i've had my domains and website 
through squarespace for the last four years or so   it's made it really easy to make a beautiful 
website while funneling traffic from all over   the web on my social presence down into see my 
portfolio where i showcase all of my work so i   haven't sold a lot of furniture through my site 
but smaller things i like my merch t-shirts and   hats it makes it super easy on the back end 
and really cool domains like dot furniture   so head over to squarespace.com sawyerdesign 
for 10 off of your first purchase of a website   or domain thanks for sponsoring this video 
squarespace and let's get back to the build well   [ __ ] that won't fit through the bandsaw what's 
funny is i literally this morning was at an estate   sale and there was an 18 inch band saw could 
be a sign but that doesn't help me right now so hmm i got an idea so i left a couple of things uh in the design kind 
of in the air i wasn't 100 sure i was gonna do it   the thing i'm trying to get across is 
sort of protecting this center portion totally made both of those um okay so that's 
spanish for cheese i dig it now they challenge   is finding that plane at which they intersect is a 
little bit tricky yeah okay that's all let's do it my oh damn first try that's pretty tidy fit how do you describe a person's life in wood i started this video with a pretty bold statement   one of the most meaningful projects i'll ever 
make so let me defend that position with a story how do you describe a person's life in wood this is the question i asked myself 
when axelrystwig's father asked me   to design their son's memorial my answer came 
from the story he told about his son's passions   and creative gifts their desire 
for a design that celebrated   their best memories and love of axel as you might 
guess this was a bittersweet challenge since   the sawdust of my own son's memorial saber earlier 
this year still has yet to settle in the shop so let's finish up these last 
couple steps and i can explain more all right this has been really good 
practice for me i keep trying to over   complicate this back panel i designed it simply 
the process of it is not exciting me but i think   the finished result will pay off in 
really featuring the main part of it i understood better than most the importance 
of a design that incorporated the beauty of   a child's life in the tragedy of his loss the 
question i get most often is about design so   now that we're getting a glimpse of the 
final form i'd like to give some more insight   on this design to begin the airfoil or teardrop 
shape serves several meanings the aerodynamic   form represents axel's love of cars and time 
spent working on them bonding with his dad   the gentle curves are a nod to those used in 
lutherie the craft of making stringed instruments   this gives permanence to axel's 
love of music and playing his guitar   something he was seldom seen without one person set the form as a whole reminded 
them of a meteor entering the atmosphere i   really like that we're all just made a stardust 
i also wanted to convey motion as in living and   breathing and moving forward in life both 
in axel's life and his families moving on   through grief to a place where they can celebrate 
his life and their own together the two teardrops   are meant to be a snapshot of life caught in 
stasis around the core in the moment that forever   exists in a parent's life when they lose a child 
i wanted that aspect to elicit the feeling that   it might be interactive that one might reach out 
and spin those tears the jagged edges of the core   are the heart of the piece whatever a viewer might 
expect to be round is not and never can be again   like a truly broken but beautiful heart the 
amniotic space around the core and the laminations   is the void left inside axel's family i remember 
that cavernous void a feeling as physical as it   was emotional i still wonder where that part of me 
is gone was it a piece of my soul going with him   now axel had a loyal dog shadow who inexplicably 
passed shortly after his boy the outer teardrop   loop is shadow his protector-in-chief an eternal 
pal his propensity for disappearing into shadows   is how he earned his name and can be seen in the 
rotating airfoil that seems to disintegrate into   the dark medium behind and i hope we can all take 
a moment to celebrate the life of axel and his   best buddy shadow that's all for me i i really do 
hope you enjoy the process uh if you didn't please   just keep that [ __ ] to yourself i don't want any 
negativity in the comments for this family to read   normally i wouldn't think it necessary 
to say that but this is youtube after all   that's all from me for this week i hope 
you all have a beautiful holiday season   and let's all send some love 
out to axel and his family and as always i really appreciate you taking 
the time to watch this we'll catch you all on   the next build oh get liked 
get liked hit subscribe   why do i always mess up hit like 
get subscribed thank you bye you

See also  Raised Planter Box with Bottom Shelf

As found on YouTube