Who can take the pain? 30kg HAMMER HOLD

That´s Adam Bishop, has to wake up from what's happened to him earlier, that´s Paul Smith who again local from Sheffield South Yorkshire, already Bishop 
is struggling 10 seconds in and he looked in a world of hurt, Smith though is stoic, how 
sometimes the biggest shakers of all seem to last the longest, no he does not look 
good he's starting, to wobble heavily now!!! Bishop my goodness, he's going through the full array of that ridiculous basis, surely it´s to low and he goes 33:82 Paul Smith short arms, a winner in this event for sure 46,47, 48, 50 seconds! it's come and gone Magnificent! 50,95 for the young Englishman, even the Beast 
may have a problem with that. Ah! just could not stop involuntary shaking Smith, much nicer ride for 
him I think well now the big two to come last, currently second overall, remember we have another event after 
this of course, still have the stones who's the strongest says Kaz Certainly would appear for Eddie Hall today to take his historic fourth title, ready to win this! Getting more time of ahead of Shahlaei getting into the stones and with 
only 12 points up for grabs, if you take the winning someone's at last , then will mean that Eddie Hall will have probably injure 
himself to go down to the bottom in stones, as these two get on with it in a different 
way Eddie Hall trying to suck the air in, as much as possible concentrating on Breathing Shahalei enjoys the pain almost, he said that, before hand I first was asking him What he predicted, he actually said pain rather than a time, a 47,48 close to Paul Smith's time…

51! we've got past and Shahlaei that's best time ever end this event to come second! guess who has gone past the minute that is the longest time ever on those hammers, remarkable by Eddy Hall 66:55, he just loves to win! Shahlaei put in a great performance, perhaps his 
best ever too! for Eddy Hall that massive chest, he can almost rest his arms on it, they´re 25 
inches so, ha! ha! the two just sit on top of each other Eddie Hall 66.55, 50 seconds ahead of his 
nearest rival. Paul Smith just behind Shahlaei, that gives him great points to pull him up 
to fourth ahead of Luke Stoltman and a big name,  in Scotland World Strongest Man Graham Hicks in third, Shahalei is in second >Paul is in the lead!

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