We Destroyed a Wall and made THIS

I was shocked and a little bit 
surprised when I opened up this wall   have you ever wanted to know how they do 
those million dollar wall caps this is it   in this video we're going to teach you step 
by step how to do a wall cap that will blow   your mind there used to be a wall here and 
now there's a wall cap it's a live edge wood   slab that we took from concept to complete this 
is from a tree and now this is what you see guys   i hope you like this tutorial we're going to give 
you everything for free stay tuned enjoy the video i wanted to open up the view in this oceanfront 
condo vacation rental so i decided to remove   half this wall and i had a surprise i 
needed to move some pipes and wires and   i wanted to create a support on the end 
of this wall cap that would also support   the upstairs loft but to my surprise i had to 
move nine wires and two pipes so let's get to work   my dad always reminded me that if you were ever 
in a remodeling project and you were surprised you   were in the wrong business you never know what's 
behind those walls and we got that stuff moved all   right i got a piece of Koa wood and I'm going to 
use this as our wall cap first I'm going to get a   square line a perpendicular line so that i can use 
this as my reference point of how to lay this on   the actual wall cap and cut it around my support 
beam i needed to go around the support beam   because it was actually holding up the loft so i 
just used my drill to drill four holes and then   my jigsaw to cut out around that beam now i had to 
slide this Koa wood around the beam so i'm going   to cut an access point and i don't want to do this 
square I'm going to do kind of an organic shape so   i cut that at an angle so it would kind of trick 
the eye that there would be no seams there i also   get a little tricky when i putty that to do a 
blonde putty and a dark putty so i really hid   that seam that was key in creating a professional 
project i routed out the underside of the slab so   that would overlap my wall to create a really 
clean look all right i've created a dam in that   crack right there because i'm going to use some 
art coat and i'm going to fill it up right now   and this pony wall is going to get covered 
with a really cool slab and all i've done   here is just started filling some black in the 
edges i decided to use my blue green metallic   and my diamond dust to fill in this crack and then 
everything else on top i just filled with black   all right black metallic all right here we go have 
you ever tried to film yourself while working on   a remodeling project hey give me a like give me a 
thumbs up if I'm doing okay because i'm a one-man   band at this point trying to do all things 
all right we're all mixed up let's pour it in   i really like the teal green color that i used 
as well as that diamond dust it matched my   countertops and accented them to really tie this 
entire project together it made it look like it   was done on purpose because it was be sure to 
overfill your project and you know these these   countertops have a little bit of green in them 
so i think that'll look neat we'll let that dry   all right we got it strapped up i got my 
seams gluing up there i got the piece level   and you can see that I've boxed this 
thing out so i could do my concrete tree   let's keep going this thing is fun 
i really like the color of this wood   here we go our project is glued down it's 
level our nylon strap has done a great job   bringing that seam together and I'm adding 
normal chicken wire to create a concrete tree   this process is simple and it's absolutely a 
blast I'm just grabbing the concrete that i dyed   and I'm simply gonna put it on the wall and you 
just slide that up it grabs that chicken wire   really good and I'm gonna make a tree right here and you're just simply shaping it by hand and man 
this is going to come out really cool oh my gosh   by adding a polymer a concrete bonding adhesive 
add this to your mix prior to putting it on the   wall and it will bond like you wouldn't believe 
here I'm adding some color tones I'm just using a   stain pen before i do my Ultimate Top Coat over 
this concrete tree to give it some highlights   I'm also going to come back with my multi-tool 
and remove my drips you can use a paint stick   to remove epoxy drips while it's still wet 
or after it dries just use a multi-tool and   come back in finish sand as a woodworker you know 
that moisture is always in wood therefore we need   to use finishes that are moisture tolerant that's 
exactly what stone coat epoxy is it's designed for   the woodworker because it doesn't blush when you 
trap any sort of moisture within that coating so   be sure to use stone coat on all your river table 
and woodworking projects your wall caps and more   i love woodworking with Stone Coat Epoxy I've 
done a couple of seal coats with the same epoxy   at one ounce per square foot now that I've sanded 
and wiped the dust it's time for my flood coat   the reason i do seal coats is because i don't want 
air coming up through and causing bubbles in a   thick flood coat I'm going to do my flood coat at 
three ounces per square foot I'm going to trowel   that and then I'm going to chop that I'm going to 
move that around on the surface so that i mix it   one final time stone coat epoxy is self leveling 
to the extreme and you have a long open working   time so you don't need to be in a hurry watch 
how fast and how easy this is to level like a pro one all I'm doing here is just coating 
the surface i love watching everything   level out I'm really enjoying myself 
and enjoying this woodworking project   this wall cap is a showpiece this is what you see 
when you walk into the great room of this condo   this vacation rental and this is where you're 
gonna hang out and watch people cook and watch the   waves and enjoy everybody in the living room this 
is the the piece that everybody's gonna hang out   at now i forgot my chop brush so I'm just using 
a gloved hand to go ahead and chop that surface   but we recommend that chop brush because it really 
moves and agitates those chemicals one final time   also remember this is zero VOC's there's no 
noxious smell I'm not blowing out this room with a   horrible plastic smell this is zero solvents 
it's easy to use it's DIY friendly I'm just   using a torch you can use a heat gun as well to 
pop any bubbles that i entrained in the epoxy   while mixing remember you don't want your products 
to set up quickly and start to gel when you're   still working on the project so be sure to 
use stone coat because it has that open time   that allows you to get the job done right 
now I've sanded again and it's time for the   ultimate top coat this is the most durable top 
coat on the planet I'm going to show you how to   apply this over a woodworking project right now 
we have a video that's going to go over every   single step of that my brother and i got this 
top coat applied flat horizontally as well as   vertically on our concrete tree it gave it that 
beautiful sheen that beautiful shine that looked   natural and it really gave it that ultimate 
durability go check that video out guys until   next time from Stone Coat Countertops YOU 
GOT THIS! I'll see you on the next video

See also  how to make a color checker out of wood

As found on YouTube