Watch This Before Buying Paste Wax For Your Woodworking Shop

– In this video, we're going to talk about paste wax as a finish for wood and a couple of other things
you can use it for in a shop. Let's get started. How are you doing not
Matt with Today, talking about paste wax let me show you what I use it for and how I use it to put
as a clear coat on wood.

I used to use this Johnson's paste wax. I don't like it. It puts a yellow tint on things. It also sometimes seems to
take the finish off your wood just a little bit. So I switched to this Trewax, get it on Amazon. I'll put a link in the
description below to this wax, as well as the Johnson's. If you want to use
that, but this is clear, whereas the Johnson's put
that yellow tint on things. This does not, you can put this on white paint and it stays white and you will not tint it. So I typically use this
on my distressed wood. I like my distressed stove covers. I'll show you that in just a second, as well as this farmhouse, chunky based coffee table , link in the description
below to that video. But you can see that I use it on the base of that coffee table. It gives it a nice antique look finish. This stuff is really cool. Check it out.

Dip that cloth into your paste wax and just smear it on liberally. You don't have to be shy
about putting this on, it'll work just fine. Just be generous with it. Put a lot of it on. You can see that it really
makes that wood grain pop. And at the same time, it actually does take a
little bit of that paint off. Now you see it coming off
on the rag perfectly okay. It really makes a unique look. So the main thing you just want to make sure
you get a good even coat of that clear paste wax. I like this versus Johnson's this is what I've switched to this Trewax because this doesn't leave a yellowish tint like the Johnson's. This is clear. You put it on there, let it set four or five minutes and just take a clean terry
cloth and buff it off.

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And it'll dry in about 20 minutes or so you're ready to ride with it. It's a really good way to put
a satin finish on something without having to use polyurethane. It gives it a waxy feel, but it's dry. It's just a unique look. You can also use it to put
on top of your tabletop. I've got a video on that. I use the Johnson's in that video. I'm now using this clear paste wax, link in the description
below to that video shows you how to wax your tabletop. What that does is it keeps it from rusting and it makes that would
glide smooth as butter. If you use hand planes, you can put that pace wax on
the bottom of that hand plane, it'll make that glide
really smooth as well. So this is my junk drawer. I made this, I run out of slides when I
was making my miter stand. I don't have a video on
my miter stand build. This is a drawer that I put in.

I've got some on the other side that I've got some storage containers on. That just pull out and a screw separators, stuff like that, where
I sort my screws out. So this one, I wanted a drawer that had just
a small hand tools, hammers, mallets, screwdrivers, that sort of thing. I made my own drawer slides. I took a whole piece of three quarter inch by three
quarter inch board strip and nailed it to my miter stand. And then I took two more
and put them on this drawer and it makes it slide, right. You really want them to glide smooth.

You take some paste wax, and I smeared it all over these slides. Especially this one that this
mounted to the miter stand and it makes your drawer
glide a lot smoother. So if you've got a wood on
wood, for whatever reason, and you need it to glide like a drawer slide or
something like that. Paste wax is good for that also. And similar to your table saw top that you can put the paste wax on. I also use it on the bed
or the table of my planer, which makes everything
glide smooth on there. So this stuff has tons
of uses for the shop. You really need to get some,
link in the description below. I really like how paste wax puts a unique finish to
the surface of the wood.

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It gives it a nice, smooth feel. I love how it feels on
there when it's dry. You can't even tell it's on there. It's a nice satin finish. It's really, really nice. If you liked that video, go ahead and click that box right there for more woodworking tips and tricks. And if you watch that next
video, you know, what's coming you're going to get that virtual fist bump that everybody loves. I appreciate it. Keep watching this channel. If you have not subscribed, click that subscribe button, give me that thumbs
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