Turning a Mallet on a Wood Lathe- Woodshop project demonstration

We're not just going to cut with circles
but the oval is a little bit extra work and we're going to learn how to do that today.
So here are a couple of mallets. I have several examples laying around. And today the mallet is our project. It looks like we've removed an awful lot of
sawdust and wood but really we haven't done much. We've just taken a few bits off the outer corners.
So I'm going to do this for a while and I'm going to lathe this down into a circle.

So now I've got a reasonable looking
cylinder there. It's very rough. It even has a few flat pieces on it. But I need to move my
tool rest closer to the work. And the burning has darkened the wood
and I'll just take my 220 grit sandpaper and sand it down just a little bit more. Okay, so there I've just finished sanding
the project with the 220 grit. But you know I'm not done yet.

It isn't as
smooth as it could be. Feels great! But it's not quite done. I'm going to do a lot more
shaping here just for a few seconds just to get this section down a lot smaller.
I do not want to get near the end. I can leave this alone from here on. Don't even
touch it. Because if I do too much cutting out here it's going to chip and
fall apart and the spur bit is going to fall out. So from there to about here is where I'm
going to worry about making it really small. Out here is going to be the
shape of the handle and my handle will probably end right about there.

So I
don't care too much about the last inch and a half or so at each end.
So here we go again. I want you to loosen off the tail stock, and we can
just tip the tail end of the handle out a little bit so you can see that on the camera,
and I'm going to take my pencil and I'll just put a little mark here to show
you where we're going to do some movement. Off to the side… There's the original center.
Off to the side I'm going to put a line. Oh, it looks like about half a
centimeter away from the original center. And I'll put
another one on the other side. So my line is at least far enough away so that when
I fasten it back into the tail stock of the lathe in this position where my marks are,
it doesn't fall back into the original…


I've got my hand full of wood,
and I'm going to hold that up against the project… turning this on. and a Forstner bit puts
an awful lot of friction on the wood. So you cannot just drill down all at one
time and expect that it's going to work. So I do a little bit of drilling and I
back it off just to clean the hole out. A little bit of drilling, and back it off.
I'm not going to drill all the way through. I only want to drill down deep
enough so that I can force that handle in there. So that is the step of fastening it all together.
We only have one more step after that, and that is whatever the
finish is that we're going to put onto it..

As found on YouTube