The Case of the Missing Woodworking Equipment!

in the matter of DeCaro vs. Riley, step forward. >> Announcer: David DeCaro is suing his former friend, Libby Riley, for the value of woodworking equipment. >> Judge Judy: Mr. DeCaro, you and the defendant, you have a similar interest according to what I read in the complaint in the answer, in woodworking as a hobby. >> Yes. >> Judge Judy: It is your claim that you and Ms. Riley developed some sort of a friendly relationship and that she was just beginning in this woodworking hobby, and you loaned her some equipment. There were some woodworking tools that you gave her.

But then she, according to you, was working on a larger project and she needed some additional tools, which you loaned to her, and she refuses to return. >> Actually, I'm rehabbing my house, and I had to do substantial work on a basement wall. I needed my tools out, so more that she could store them and use them while she stored them. >> Judge Judy: I'm not following you, sir. >> Had a table saw, no room for it. She had a garage. She's interested in woodworking. "Here, use my saw while I have to have it out of my house." It didn't make any sense to put it in storage when she's… >> Judge Judy: "Use my saw." >> Yes. >> Judge Judy: Okay. Because you were remodeling your house and you didn't have room for it? >> Right.

The area where I had my shop needed to be empty in order to replace a wall in my basement. >> Judge Judy: So it was a saw. Do you have a photograph of it? >> I have similar here. >> Judge Judy: Okay. And what other equipment did you loan to her? >> I loaned her… >> Judge Judy: Just a second. Is a saw like this in your possession from him? >> Not at the moment, no. >> Judge Judy: Where is it? >> I had sold it to a friend because he had said that he had threatened… >> Judge Judy: Just a second. >> That he had already gone back in the agreements in taking them back.

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I was afraid he would call them and do something shady like call them in stolen and have my mother go to jail. >> Judge Judy: Just a second. You have to get it back. >> Yeah, yeah, yeah. >> Judge Judy: I just asked you, the saw is at a friend's house. >> Yes, yes. >> Judge Judy: Good! What else? >> A 13-inch surface planer. >> Judge Judy: I'd like to see it. >> And a plate joiner. >> Judge Judy: Well, these are big pieces of equipment. >> Mm-hmm. >> Judge Judy: This, where is it? >> Twelve-and-a-half-inch? Same place. >> Judge Judy: What? >> Same place. >> Judge Judy: Bup-bup-bup. >> Okay. >> Judge Judy: And this. >> Mm-hmm. >> Judge Judy: Same place. >> Mm-hmm. >> Judge Judy: Now, what tools did he give you? >> Other than those? Actually, those were the three tools that he gave me.

>> Judge Judy: What other tools did you give her? >> He give me three books. >> Judge Judy: Shh! >> I gave her a high-quality blade for a chop saw she had. I gave her a bunch of woodworking books. >> Judge Judy: On what date did you give her these tools? >> Actually on three different dates. The final one would have been about the end of November.

>> Judge Judy: And according to you, she was going to work on a project with them? >> Basically it was more of a, "Here. Use them. Learn them. I can't use them right now. I'm on another project, my basement in fact." >> Judge Judy: When did you ask for them back? >> Well, I told her when the basement was done, I'd want them back. >> Judge Judy: And when was the basement done? >> Middle of January.

>> Judge Judy: When, for the first time, did you ask her for these things back? >> Believe it would have been… >> Judge Judy: Let's make sure. This is where we are. We're in a court. You have a case. You should have had all these facts right close by in your mind. >> Well, I was trying to think of the exact date. It would have been the first week, second week of January. >> Judge Judy: And what did she say to you? >> Well, I have a text message here from her indicating — >> Judge Judy: Just a second.

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When did you place these things with her? The last item was placed in November? >> Right. >> Judge Judy: And before that? >> Before that, probably October. >> Judge Judy: Okay, and you asked for them back in January. >> Yes. >> Judge Judy: I'd like to see the text. >> Okay. That's the text saying… Well, she already said she sold them, so that confirms it. >> Yes, ma'am? >> Judge Judy: He gets his property back.ere are certain p, as you know, for coming here. >> Mm-hmm. >> Judge Judy: Those perks are withheld until he gets his property back. Do you understand? Do you understand? >> Yes, ma'am. >> Judge Judy: That's my rule.

I read the discussion you had with him. He gets his property back 5 days from today, within 5 days from today. We'll prepare the order. You, just as a reminder, you signed an agreement when you came here to be bound by my decision. >> Of course. >> Judge Judy: My decision is you will return the items to him… >> My items to him, of course. >> Judge Judy: No, no! >> I will. >> Judge Judy: Those three items within within 5 days. Otherwise, you go home empty-handed. Do we understand each other? Perfect. Thank you. >> Thank you, Your Honor. >> Judge Judy: We're done..

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