Smoother, Faster, Better 3D Prints! Its like magic to improve your 3D Print quality.

on today's makers mashup we're getting 
better prints by using an arc welder   on today's makers mashup we're going to be 
using an arc welder to improve our 3d print   quality now i'm not talking about the kind that 
joins metal i'm talking about a piece of software   that is called arc welder that does an amazing 
job at approving your g code before you send it   to your 3d printer you may be familiar with the 
popular octal app software and if you've seen   a youtube video or a video on instagram where 3d 
prints magically develop into a full 3d print that   octolapse software, the author of that also wrote 
this brand new piece of software called arc welder   now what arc welder does is it takes the different 
points that are straight lines in your 3d print   because your 3d printer really just prints 
straight lines and what it does is it takes   that g code and then turns them into arcs so it 
reduces the total amount of g-code that is being   sent to your printer it also uses marlin smoothie 
wear all the different types of software out there   to use their arc functionality so instead of the 
slicer creating circles by using individual lines   it is now offloading that to the firmware 
and allowing it to go ahead and create arcs   now for those of you that are very familiar with 
marlin we talk about marlin software a lot here   a lot of times people have seen arc 
support inside marlin but never really seen   how that works because slicers don't 
generate arc data out of the slicer   and that's where arc welder comes in it changes 
everything in the way that 3d print g-code is sent   to your printer in that it creates arcs and we're 
going to cover that a little bit more detail here   but at the bottom line we're talking about 
improving our 3d print quality so i've got   two prints here and from this distance you 
can't see it but i'll show some close-ups here   these are two couplers that I printed one of 
them the traditional way by just slicing it in   cura and then after I sliced it I sent it to 
marlin now this print over here which is much   smoother is printed after I've pre-processed 
or post-processed depending on the way that   you look at it post processed it out of cura send 
it through arc welder and then send it to marlin   it saves a tremendous amount of data in some cases 
these sample prints were compressed in g-code   95 so from the data that came out of cura 95 of it 
was compressed down or removed because it created   this arc data and then I sent it over to marlin so 
that's a tremendous savings in not only speed of   transferring things to marlin but it also reduces 
the amount of g-code that marlin has to process   and if you've ever tried to do high-speed printing 
like we've tried and done successfully with the   x301 printer or any other core xy build if 
you try to get that high speed you notice   that what happens is you get a buffer under run or 
basically the buffer is not able to keep up with   the data that's coming in so it requires marlin 
to process far more data than the cpu supports   so that's why 32-bit boards and 32-bit cpus are 
really more beneficial so if you have an 8-bit   printer you're definitely going to want to watch 
the rest of this video so with all that said let's   get to work let's take a moment to talk about how 
arc welder works in this diagram the first step   is to look for three points along the tool path 
and then determine if the arc created would be   within the configured resolution it then continues 
adding points while checking the maximum deviation   once the maximum sized arc is achieved arc welder 
ends the current arc and begins another one and   then the entire process keeps repeating 
until you reach the end of your g-code   you can see this happens almost instantly inside 
octoprint my test object was converted in less   than a second and my g-code was compressed by over 
60 now let's talk about how to get up and running   with arc welder we're going to start with the cura 
installation because it's the easiest one to do   simply click the marketplace link at the top and 
then from within the marketplace scroll down to   the arc welder plug-in that was developed by field 
of view the plug-in directly uses the arc welder   library which we'll cover in just a minute and 
you can run the arc welder library directly you   don't have to run it from within cura so those of 
you that don't use cura and prefer something like   prusa slicer you'll still be able to compress your 
g-code once the plugin is installed you'll want to   scroll down to special modes and then all you have 
to do is click the check box for arc welder this   exposes all the different options available to 
you to configure the tolerance or the resolution   for arc welder I suggest experimenting with it 
a little bit to find out what suits your needs   best now let's get this installed for octoprint 
we'll start by clicking the wrench icon and from   there go to the plugin manager and get more 
you'll search for the arc welder plugin or   you can install it from the url like I am because 
i'm using the beta version this new beta version   should be released about the same time this video 
publishes once everything is installed you'll have   to restart your octoprint instance but overall 
installing this in octoprint is extremely easy   as I illustrated earlier all you have to do 
is drop a file in and arc welder will kick off   automatically and convert the file but we're 
going to go ahead and look at the statistics   for artwelder and we're going to configure it as 
well now something you should note is down here at   the bottom is the firmware compatibility now once 
you've installed this I suggest you run this check   because one of the things I had to enable 
in octoprint here was the g90 g91 influences   extruder option and i'm going to cover that now 
because once you run this firmware check you may   need to change this for your octoprint instance 
as well enabling this feature is really easy   click the wrench icon then go to features within 
octoprint and click the box that enables g90 g91   overrides relative extruder mode from there you're 
ready to recheck your firmware and make sure   everything is okay with all that done you're ready 
to drag and drop your file into octoprint and have   it instantly converted larger files obviously will 
take a lot longer once you've converted a file you   can click the arc welder tab at the top and you 
can get the analysis of each individual file by   default arc welder will create a file name with a 
dot aw in the middle and all you'll have to do is   click on that file and then click print now let's 
talk about the command line use of arc welder this   has the advantage of working in windows mac and 
linux being slicer agnostic you can also use this   to bake it into any scripts or applications that 
you see fit here we have former lurker's github   page and from here we're going to navigate to the 
arc welder lib on this page and links for all this   are in the description now to download the latest 
version you're going to want to go to the tags   and from here you'll see that there is a releases 
tab once you click on that you just need to scroll   down and from there you can see the various 
releases for different operating systems   we're going to download the windows version 
here and then we're going to unzip it   google chrome did give me a warning and I just 
told it to keep the file after this I proceeded   to open it up and then we unzip the file giving 
us a directory structure of both the libraries and   the binary files where the arc welder executable 
exists here we are at the command prompt and you   can see the arc welder executable and also the 
arc straightener I suggest checking that out but   i'm not going to cover it in this video so we're 
going to do a simple conversion of the test ring   g code that you see here and it's simply a matter 
of giving it an input and output file name I used   the same aw nomenclature and you can see here 
we can press this file 95 percent listing out   the directory you can see here that we took this 
from a 4meg gcode file down to a 441 kg code file   so that's a substantial difference in what 
you're transferring through the 3d printer you   can control the resolution as well at the command 
line i'm going to set this to the same value which   is the default of 0.05 on the resolution and 
you can see our conversion rate is 95.3 percent   however if I change this 2.1 and execute the same 
g code you'll see that it actually compresses it   down to 95.4 percent so you can play with these 
different numbers and get the best compression   with still the type of quality that 
you want to see out of your 3d prints   now let's take a look at the quality you can 
see here that because the 3d printer always   does print in straight lines then you always 
get a slight ripple effect but the one on the   left that you can see all the bumps in there 
that is the one that was printed without arc   welder and you can see how much smoother the two 
on the right are one is a .05 and .1 respectively   all of these prints were done with 1.8 degree 
steppers now in theory if you were using a 0.9   degree stepper you could get some additional 
resolution that might improve this further   I was very impressed given all we did was run this 
through arc welder now let's get down to the nuts   and bolts on testing tolerance in my tests I was 
able to print three different versions of these   nuts and bolts that pieced together and in my 
testing each one of them worked perfectly I had   no issues assembling the nut onto the bolt here's 
the nut and bolt before arc welder and you can see   the seam that comes out the same on both but you 
can see the ripples that are caused by the stutter   of the 3d printer when it's printing on this 
original bolt the arc welded version looks   much better it's completely smooth all the way 
around with the exception of the seam itself   performance was improved overall you can see here 
that this print running at 300 percent feed rate   stutters constantly from buffer under run and you 
can also see those vertical lines in the print   like we saw on all the others this is the unarc 
welded file this print is a 400 percent feed rate   based on the exact same print only run 
through arc welder you can see how smooth   it is generally going all the way around and 
all of those vertical artifacts that you saw   are removed from the print ring I found that 
you can run about 200 percent feed rates over   the serial cable but the sd card is really where 
it shines where I was able to get a 400 percent   feed rate from the normal 60 millimeter a second 
settings so as you can see using arc welder is   really rather simple you've got a number of 
different options you can use it inside cura   if you don't use cura for your slicer you can use 
it either in oct print or the command line version   that's pretty much universal and it works on 
various operating systems too so you're not stuck   with windows only or only linux there's a couple 
of different options as well and links for all   that are down in the description so you can check 
out their page download the software and get up   and running with this video pretty quickly and you 
can start improving your print quality overall I   know I covered a lot of information pretty quickly 
in today's video on how to use arc welder and how   to get it up and running and I just want to say if 
you're having a little bit of trouble getting it   running feel free to reach out to our channel 
discord we're over a thousand members strong   and there's lots of people in there that can help 
you with this project or any other project that   you're working on and links to our discord are 
down in the description I also want to especially   thank former lurker for his support in producing 
this video it was great having him available to   answer all of my questions and really help during 
some of the testing I really encourage you to   check out the software and if you're not using arc 
welder you may already be using octal apps which   is another great piece of software he put together 
this is a great project and it's even supported by   layer fuse layer fuse team is a patreon supporter 
of arc welder because I feel that it's really   a game changer in the 3d printing community and I 
really suggest you check it out so with that it's   going to bring the end of today's video if you 
enjoyed it make sure you mash that like button   and don't forget to share and subscribe so 
you don't miss any of our upcoming videos   i'd also love to hear if you're going to be 
using arc welder down in the comments and I   would also love to hear what your test results 
are and your experience with arc welder as well   so with all that said I want to say thanks 
again for watching and we'll see you next time you

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