you asked for it let's have it let's mash
some melons so there is our melon and the huge pencil mallet I don't even know if I'm
gonna lift this to smash it but let's find out haha that was nuts let's try this
one this is great fun last one oh let's do another one oh man that was
absolutely brilliant look at the mess of my backyard the mallet held up to the Smashing
which is pretty cool look at this oh that was pretty cool I did enjoy that took out a lot of
frustration of being locked down so yeah there she is Oh smashed to bits well it's a bit of fun
enjoyed it and you know I like mixing the channel up if you haven't seen me make this mallet
check out the link below oh if you want to see me right here if you could share this video if
you're feeling happy and it made you laugh no no I'll be back soon with a really cool project
I hope and I hope you like me melon smashing right I feel gonna go in and get cleaned up you