Lady. Who's ready? No, I am. I wonder if I can start Ice Crown at seventy-eight. It doesn't look like it. Maybe No, it doesn't look like it. Oh, wait. Preparations for war. Uh huh. I don't know. You know what? I've never done. So we're going to do Sholazar base. Or I don't know what you do. What up, Anthony? What should I do? Um, Can you even go to Ice Cross? Oh, you can start at seventy-seven. Yeah, let's do it. get two whole levels out in Ice Crown. I'm down. I actually really like Ice Crown Citadel. Or Ice Crown Peninsula. Ice Crown. Just Ice Crown. What up KC? What up Gary? What up Penny? Got the notified crew in here. Let's go. Hope you're all having a great day. Super excited to finally hit level 80 on my sixth character six max level character probably. Eh Casey starting off the stream with the hundred stars. Let's go KC. you know what? I'm going to hearse. Wow. Cuz it's faster. No doubt, Steven. Honestly, I have a mage of almost sixty, seventy.
I don't have a shaman in level seventy, unfortunately. I'm just trying to get as many characters. It's a eighty as I can within this joyous journeys XP buff. After Joy's Journeys, I probably won't be leveling for a while. Especially because I've got lots of characters to focus on lots of stuff. braids, most like, like, for a good example, I do want to Where's Ogrim's hammer? Is that the thing that flies around? I think it is. Ogrim's hammer. Your passion's hammered, yeah. Yeah, I'm good on that for now. Sup, Kian? What's up, everybody? Ken, I hope you're all having a great day. Let's get these levels in. Who levels to go? I've gotta reset because my battle net is not working and I'm not going without having Battlenet. Wonder why it does that sometimes and then doesn't other times. Really really hope that I get in on Mondays.
Get in the Mondays run. I am signed up for a couple other pugs which Oh, no. I didn't get into any raid. Are you serious? Oh, wait. That's next. Never mind. I'm an idiot. Duh. Hold up. Okay, cool. Don't mind me. I don't know what I'm talking about. They haven't posted the old war ones yet. Hell yeah, Bob. That's what I like to hear, man. That's what this stream is for. Getting that nostalgia factor in. What's going alright, Keenan? Just been relaxing. Put a fireplace up. My mom bought a a fireplace that like hangs on the wall. So, I mounted that bad boy up. Let's get this flight path. And away we go. It's warrior time. We are back in the revenge spec because revenge is just superior to arms for leveling in my humble opinion. Especially because I learned about sweeping strikes last last time we played. Yo, Gene with the 21 month subscriber. Subscribble. Let's go. Delivered Gonna play amazing at home.
Nice, dude. I probably won't be starting my mage till I don't know. I might not even get to get around the mage to be completely honest. Especially with one war being next week. Today, I spent some time watching some videos. I hasn't gone any further. Penny. I'm waiting till I get paid. I'm kind of broke right now. Cash wise until payday. So, Just waiting for that. And then then we could do dump runs, right? Cuz like taking that bar down is going to be a bit of a mission. Love playing. Fire managing Roth. Fire. I'm they're supposed to be pretty good in in Old Dwar, I'm pretty sure. Extremely open to the stream. My god. Happy Friday. Once we get to level eighty, I think I'm going to do a 10 minute or I don't know. We're going to do something on the druid though anyway because I haven't played the druid all week. I actually play mage for a while. No, it's an old. That's cool, man. Are you guys going in on Thursday or Friday? I might have a character I could bring with you guys if you do.
Or like yeah Thursday or whatever. Not my warlock but like my rogue is good. He's decently geared. Uh my unholy DK is twooh nine. honestly, I think once I get my Warrior to eighty, like I said, I'm probably going to hop on the druid and probably see if I can get into some raids. Not sure. No doubt, Jean. Just let me know. Hey, Brian. How's it going? Bolton with the 500 stars. Let's go, Colton. And the hundred stars and the hundred stars. My man. And the two00 stars. Starting off the stream strong. Let's go Colton and another 1hundred. This is Star Train Stickers, some# poultry from everybody. See those colted. ladder. Yeah. Very much appreciated. Yeah. Honestly, the fights, the vibe can seems fun. That's going to be wicked. Uh rolling around in the demolishers and siege engines. That's going to be hectic. I saw a couple of videos and it just looks like so much fun.
Yeah, I am so down. I cannot wait. And Colton with the next two hundred and twenty stars. Oh, yeah. So, five, six, 7, eight, 1000 stars. Let's go, Colton. Based on your A level. Yeah. Yup. Just the damage, the the health and stuff doesn't doesn't change with it. Thank you very much, Colton for the 1hundred. Uh, the two hundred and twenty, another two twenty. Let's go. Putting up to an even 1220 for Mister Colton, 13, 20 overall. Hell yeah. The vibes, it was super fun. It took us so long to figure out what we were meant to be doing. We went in blind, alright? Yeah, I couldn't imagine going into a blind.
That would just be next level. Next level. Alright, my bags are full. I really need them for my box. That's better. Wait, why am I not deodorating? I was like, why am I not using my axe? Uh, because I'm not arms, duh. been in the watch a video or just running with confused screaming. Well, any good guild will go through like we'll do a walk like a a rundown. Actually, no, that's not true. Most, some guilds will just expect you to know what you're doing and if you don't know, you get in the boot.
But other guilds will at least explain how like what they're going to do. Yeah, Kian, revenge back is so much stronger, man. So much better for AOE, so much better for taking Honestly, I I feel that revenge back is just worlds better than arms right now for leveling. I honestly, I would at least recommend reading the guide. Uh you know what I mean? Uh I think it was Warcraft Tavern that had a really good guide put together like where it goes like the bosses from beginning to end and like you click on the bosses.
It gives you a rundown of the fight. Gives you tips for bele range. So on and so forth, right? So, it's definitely worth at least looking at that. When I go in like Going into Old War, I'm definitely going to have that on my other screen like the Warcraft Tavern's guide because it's a lot to remember. You can't just remember everything, right? Like, remember every single mechanic, remember every single tactic. Uh once you get to do it a few times, obviously, it's a different story but like the first time, you definitely want to have something sheet sheet set up aside you so to speak. Yeah, it's going to be fun. So, my guild isn't going in there. Next week, we're not going. We're going to be going into ten bands on the weekends like Friday, Saturday, Sunday. There's going to be ten-man raids and yeah, it's what's it called? Then, the following week, like the following Tuesday, Thursday, we'll progress, go like do progression in 25 minutes.
So, we still don't know what we're doing for Lou. Like, what? I don't know. I don't know what's going on. I just put a, that's my business together with ten-man items and twenty-five mans just with like every single piss item. in case that's what they're doing. They didn't do that in TV or in the like phase one wrath. The only like the best list was just phase 1 items. Which I think that's how it should be. And or even have two business. Like have a biz list for 10 bands. Have a biz list for 25 minutes. And then yeah. Or just go the way we've been going. Having the twenty-five man loop be like wishlisted and then the ten man loot just be main spec over golf spec or software soft reserve or something.
Soft reserved for 10 bands. We'll see. They're having an officer meeting about it this weekend. So, time will tell. I don't know. I I don't know. Cuz if you have like the abyss on from both 10 men and 25 minutes, it's going to be like 25 items. So, like the first 10 to 15 items, you won't have a problem getting but the last like ten to 15 items is kind of brutal. like with me what what items I didn't have a very big business for phase 1 and what's left on it is like arcanic tramplers I didn't even put illustration of the Dragon Soul but I'm obviously going to try and get illustration if I can. It's a guaranteed 200. guaranteed 200 spell power, right? 200 Sonic spell power with rank one lifetime. You'll enjoy it more going in live in your field location. I don't think I've ever gone into a raid line. Sounds like I have an like another window open up.
Wow, doesn't it? I guess that's just the music out here I am looking forward to World War though. It's going to be so nice to have some new content. I am nervous. Don't get me wrong but at the same time. Right. We are up to 1. 3 million XP per hour. I love when quests are close together like this and they're done like relatively easy. These are the best kind of quests. Porsche. Alright, now that we picked up a bunch, let's go tournament. Let's go do some more. 56 minutes to level. If we can keep this XP going, which is kind of a tough to do, but might be able to. It sucks. If you're just a little as bit off the ground, your character won't sharp Oh, I forgot some squeezing strikes. I would have been so much better. I was getting up to like 4K BTS yesterday, three KBS with some strikes. What's going on? 5.
K revenge. Hell yeah. Still got revenge builders and a rate spec. It doesn't work unless you're taking damage or like unless you're dodging and blocking, right? So. Oh, **** Wait. I'm going to freeze some corpses. or through some souls, amen. Runs back is way cleaner than arms. Yeah, right? I'm staying at way. More health than I was in arms. Honestly, I feel like I'm doing better damage too. Obviously, I have no way to prove that but and like it's a low-range ability Um if I pop shield block. It it is 100% chance to block or increases your chance to block and block value by 1 00 percent. 100%. So, I guess that doesn't guarantee blocks unless it does. I have no idea. I think there's always a 1% chance, right? So, you'd think that that would be fills into it. Crazy though when you use sweeping strikes. It doubles your revenge damage. So, if you're recruiting for like eight or sorry, four or if you hit just hitting two guys for fourK, it does eightK.
It's awesome. Ben, thank you for the like. How's everybody's day so far? Alright, I guess today is I hope Hope everyone's Friday was not too hectic. My doctor's appointment. I went to the problem. I didn't go to sleep till like really late because I was watching the show eighteen eighty-three. It's a Yellowstone like prequel. It was pretty good. And then I had to be up early for Alexa at Dodgers appointment. I got there on time luckily. Kinda super tired. Just a lot a little bit. But I am here ready to game. It's so weird how it has you do these quests and then it sends you to go get crystallized earth, crystalline, part wood, ancient Alvin masonry. Like why not drop the quest off now while I'm here? You know what? I'm going to do that because it pushes my rested experience up. And if I go there, I guess it doesn't really matter. Well, I don't know.
To me, it matters. Oh, I should've seen. Oh, wait. That said it was an upgrade. Yeah, no, it's not. Lies. It's going to be hot. 37ยฐ Celsius. Rub it in. It is minus 5ยฐ Celsius right now. I'm just playing man. I went to my doctor's appointment today. I forgot to get Oh, Doctor Pepper. So, I'm all out. Sipping on my last can of Coke. What's up, Peter? Jeez, Colton. That is wild, dude. Oh, the houses are alright.
No, it's still just bare. I don't have the money to like go buy the tire and stuff right now. So, might not be this month. We'll see what happens. Um, Still gotta demolish this bar that's down here. Gotta get rid of that. Yeah, you say, I just can't really afford it at the moment, unfortunately. I'd love to. I gotta get Get some time. For my buddy to come over and help me take that bar down. Once the bar is down, that's when I think they'll get to the floor. inside of barbecuing this afternoon. Absolutely no shades back here. So you know, yeah, I would, I definitely don't blame you, Kian. Not one bit, dude. good old farmers.
Burning and questing and leveling. I probably could do some dungeons to get the rest of the way that I need. You know what? I think we're going to put that. We're going to run a dummy. What dungeon do I need? Oh, Halls of Stone and Halls of Lightning. I haven't done either of those. Um I have not done the calling of Strathhome although I although I don't think that's too much XP.
I have not done up guard keep or up guard pinnacle but those are low-level dungeons. Those aren't going to be too great. Even with the quests, you know what I mean? Probably skip those. Actually, I may have done those and just not know, not remembered it. Oh, I did not mean to pull this guy. Oh, this was a mistake and I I He's definitely going to wreck me. Okay, it's going alright so far. That was nowhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be, Chad. So excited to almost be level eighty. Couple levels way. What dungeon should I run? I think holes of lightning and holes of stone would be my best bet.
Halls of Stone, 43000 XP. I hate Halls of Stone so bad. Uh there's also Halls of Lightning but I don't know where the quests are for that for Halls of Lightning. I know there are quests. I'm just not sure I win. He Colton, aren't you in Alaska? Or am I mistaken? Pretty sure Colton is our most northern supporter. I wish we didn't have to dismount to pick up items like druids You can just stay in That's it. I shouldn't remember that because Canadian. My bad.
Honestly, that's so cool. That you live up there at Facebook you this stream. It's just, I find that amazing. I love the internet, man. I love World of Warcraft too for bringing all of us together I guess Facebook gets a little bit of credit for that as well. So, golf clap to Facebook. Even though it's declined lately. haven't been shown the stream as much love. Probably like one to seven people that play Wow. None of it.
No doubt. Having a better winter in Wyoming this year. No doubt Patrick. That's not bad. Yeah it's been really mild in Ontario. We actually did get a little bit of snow last night. We got maybe an inch. two inches at the very very most. Hey, Colton with the next 100 stars. Thank you very much, Colton. Can't tell you all how much stars helped keep you live every day without the stars. I wouldn't be here. So, just a huge, huge, huge thank you. For keeping the stream going, Colton. Any everybody that sends stars or donates, you don't only have to use stars to donate to the stream. By the way, there are direct donations through PayPal. Just toss and out there. The end of this month, we're going to be hosting a fundraiser for EOD Warrior Foundation.
I'm only going to, I'm probably only going to be able to donate like $50 but it's better than nothing. Yo, Ultimate's the next 500 stars. Getting that star goal up there. Almost halfway to today's star goal. I did lower the star goal as well. It's like I say. Gurstars do make a difference. They really, really, really do help. Like you would not believe. and you're all amazing. You can also support the stream for free by tapping that like button. Just be in here and leave a comment is extremely important to you. So, thank you for that Look at that. 42% already. We got some# cool tunes in the chat. Crazy how little people there are out there leveling. Everyone's getting ready for old war. Such a far run back to go back to the Argent Argent Vanguard. so weird that they have you, oh, it tells you to hearth. Well, that makes sense. 2020 stars. What up, 7? What up? What up? What up? Yeah, I'm not even sure if I'm going to raid on my warrior.
I might get him geared up so we can take part in GDKPs and still make some gold. My headphones are so quiet which is probably a good thing because if they weren't, I'd more than likely be yelling over them. Which happens quite a bit. I was about to do those quests for continuation like a chain. It's only thing that makes sense. Guys and gals want to see my pretties. Well, I think I just posted them and I'm going to post them again. because they look amazing when did I post that? Gatorade tide. This is only three days ago. They haven't bulked up a whole lot but they're definitely bigger and I got a little bit better picture. the top buds of each plant are getting beefy. Just had to go Google Nunavut. Holy **** You're a long way north, right? It's basically Canada's version of Alaska except a lot bigger. Like much, much bigger. None of us are huge territory. That's what it is. It's not a province. It's a territory.
There's my babies. I guess that's not the greatest picture but it's like a diamond I like it. The shape of a diamond. This one's like a satellite with the thing in the middle and then satellite around the ends, edges. This one is just like a middle finger. Actually kind of does look like a middle finger with a thumb on this.
The that side. And then yeah. such as like that. There we go. Oh no it's actually wait I guess that works. Bonnie O. And then these are from today. That's the top of the pink Panama. The middle finger. That's the top of the satellite. And then yeah. Like I said this is from today. The other ones are from three days ago. The hell out of me. Ha, my spell reflected that. Let's go. Bro, this guy was here. I definitely would not have been able to solo that. **** **** These guys definitely are using their war horns to summon Jade or whatever. I guess you can only do one at a time. I thought we'd be able to stack them but I'm the idiot. I'm the **** 50% to level shot.
Let's go. just realizing if I'm not getting hit, I can't do damage. Damn it. I have, I use the keyboard as well, Jordan, but I do have the mouse also. So, that's how I do like shift eight, shift, like shift six, shift, shift 7, shift nine, shift 10, shift 12, control one, two, three, four, five, six, 7, eight, nine, ten, 11, 12. And then instead of straight or like turning your character left and right, I use A and D to straight, left, and right. so I use RFEQCV shifter shift F Shift E, shift queues, shifts, shift C, shift V, all that fun stuff, right? Alright. into the frozen heart of North Korea. I think it's time to go do Hals of Stone. Then again, we are on kind of a, yeah, there's no healer, so never mind.
It's not bad, right? Like the buttons aren't super tiny so like and they do have a little bit of space between them, not much but I don't know. I find, I've never really had trouble with Fatfinger, Fat Fingering the thumb buttons but I definitely have done that with key with the keyboard which are a lot bigger than the thumb key, a thumb button, right? But get used to it after a while. Woo hoo. 7. 2 KXQ. Nice. Yeah, I couldn't see myself going back to a non Maybe put a traditional mouse. There's no way. My eyes are a little bit heavy tonight. 14000 damage, 14000 damage. Yo, 7. 6 K deeps. Let's go. That's awesome. I gotta stop getting so excited about DPS. That's what got me made fun of in that guild rate. So, I had to cool it on that but it's cool Seeing a level 78 do that kind of damage. Warriors are fun. Oh, it's because I'm empowered, right? I'm an idiot See, that's why I gotta stop getting so excited, bro.
I hot mic and a killed raid last week and getting made fun of for it all week. I hot mates. I I was doing PVP before raid and I forgot to put my push and talk back on. My little **** death night went to AKDPS and I sat in like to stream chat. Holy **** I got AK and you're like, we should've said AKDPS and yeah. Turns out what over the whole raid, you know. just trying to ignore it so it goes away but Proud of them. MMO. MMO mouse. I'm just recently not sure I went. Without one for so long. I know right Jordan? Honestly dude. It's freaking amazing. It makes a world of difference. Honestly, for people that click, I think having an MMO mounts could like break that.
Break that habit. This side definitely felt like a fool but whatever. really pissed myself for it for doing that. Damn. No healer. Oh, **** I've got four talent points to spend. No doubt. Weird. Oh, that's in my like full protection build. Never mind. I don't have any points this morning. The lighting strikes are pretty cool out here. you almost see a little bit of Shadowlands art like the sky over here. It looks like the mall in Shadowlands. Just reminds me. Reminds me of it. I can't believe I'm as tired as I am right now. Slaves to Serenites. Don't see. The quest giver for slaves. to Serenite. or bring a divorce. Brother Kelton and walk around in the stairs and the lower deck. aha Hiding, were you? Bowinger. Hey, Ryan. Let's go, buddy. What's up, man? How you doing, dude? It's awesome to see you.
He lives. Ryan's been coming by Ronaldo known. Four more days until the baby. Yo. Let's go. Huge congratulations, man. Early congratulations. That's awesome, dude. I bet you're so excited nervous, excited all of the above. all the emotions. I can't imagine, dude. I can't imagine How was your luck with the Pokemon collection? Did you get that stuff sold? the eyes are on He does 700 damage to me. I do 12 K damage to him. So tired. Yeah, I hope Brittany is doing alright, man.
How's work been also, my dude? I was like, they're not really going to have me fly all the way back to the fly all the way down to Baron Silver on the ground. talk to him. Okay. duh. I don't know where I was going but. See, I really know I have survived this if I was an armstrack. Like, there's just no way I would survive this if I was playing. I'm not going to survive it anyway but like that was kind of cool. I locate you get Griffin when you die. one of these guys elite or what? God damn. That was not easy. It's 2. 5 K. Oh, dude. I bet you she can't wait to get that get this over and done with, eh? Man, women are troopers for what they go through. not really. I don't check my Facebook messages all that much though.
I think He sends a message. Way to go. I'm not sure I should. I should check it out. I think he said happy New Year. So that things were going well. Rather than that I haven't really heard from him man. Unfortunately It's the Have you? he had to stop coming by the stream. or his relationship. Oh, **** I wasn't supposed to kill him. Dumb **** Oh, wait. Okay, I was supposed to kill him. Never mind. I'm not dumb. I've been here for a while. I may need to message him. Yeah. Yeah, I miss him. Yeah, unfortunately, it was user them type situation or like me or them type situation. responsible choice in my opinion Sometimes, when you're faced with ultimatums like that, you gotta do what's best for you, right? He's a great guy and deserves to be happy. Holy, this thing's got a fast swing speed. See how many blocks and misses I had? I could've spammed revenge forever if my global cool down was shorter.
Haste on a warrior would be fun especially a revenge warrior. Get the global cool down to one second. Just spam revenge. It'd be sweet. Well, during Shield Block anyway, for 10 seconds, just huge damage. 10 revenges. You do like 50K damage in like fifty 10 seconds. If they were all crits. Chain of the sovereign. signet of Baron Silver. with the chain. 42 stamina or 45 stamina, twenty-nine strength. I'm going to go with the string. Although, this does have twenty-six crip, 87 Pop in and say hi. I have a bunch of stuff to do this weekend for the babies here. Hell yeah, dude. Definitely posting pics on Facebook. Absolutely. Have an amazing day. Later, Ryan. Have a good night, dude. Thank you for stopping in. It was great talking to you for a few minutes, you know, give my best to Britney.
Tell her I'm thinking about her and hope everything goes well. for wheat Definitely having a little bit of a hard time keeping my eyes open but it's because I got no caffeine. Oh, you know what time I think it is? It's time for a Red Bull so I can wake my **** up. Tastes so gross. When it's not cool should've put that in the fridge thirty-two hours in the last 6 days, 7 days, six days four hundred eighty-four this month. like 240 a week. Well, **** This is where I was supposed to go. I was supposed to go down here. Duh. Warm Red Bull. but it is doing its job in waking me up. That's all I needed to do. Doesn't have the case. Doesn't actually taste good.
It just has to do its job. which is giving me wings. the wings I need to win my bet. Ready man. Onwards. Forward and onwards. Damn it. I can't reach this guy. Brutal. Up running away from me. I love you guys. I want to help. Alright, are we done? Bye bye. We're not done. Come on. Where you guys want to go now? Okay, cool. We're done. Now, let's go get on that ship and we're going to shoot some I think they're like I don't know what to call them. Smoke bombs, smoke bullets, smoke cannons, suppression charge. of fire at a spear gun to obscure its vision and clog its firing mechanism last 15 seconds. nine hundred 000 XP per hour. At this rate, we will be leveled in 30 minutes. Then, I'll have one level left.
Stop. Well, let's go. Easy quest. means I'm one of the closest. So, I guess I might as well go out there and start summoning twenty-four percent left. Wake up sleepy Sharpie. Well, you know what? There's a paladin and there's a hunter on the way there to start to help summon. So, I'm going to be that guy and I'm going to keep questioning while the other two people go there to help someone or to start summons. Hey, there she is. What's up? This is Sam figured you had a nap after work. I'm ready for a knob or to go to bed, One in the zoo. Hold tight. Yeah, you can't like after seeing a pull like that. Hey, James. Thank you for the launch of Stars. After seeing a pull like that, it's pretty clear what's the better spec for Lebanon. When it comes down to arms or prop. Damn, I only need three kills. Nice, James. Didn't mean the other big guys.
That was too much. Yeah, I'm finally going to pull it back a bit. up already dude. Dude, warrior tanks, sir? Oh. Nobody pulled red. Even if they did, I would have taunted it right away The trick is to top, get some Shoots under his tag. Shield slam. I thought it's not real this way. Somebody hitting my trying to like full. God damn it. Nice, Dylan. On Dragon Play or on Wrath. Nice, dude. That's awesome, man. revenge based tanking. What spec are you running, Dylan? You don't mind me asking. I know that's kind of a late question.
how you like it so far. Little getting used to how you use it properly. You know when to switch between wrath and soul. Starfire. Starfire right? When you get the lunar proc or solar prop. When you get the solar prop you switch to wrath when you get a lunar proc, you switch to Starfire Definitely recommend reading up or like go to Google, type in Druid or Balance Druid or after the lid or balance druid W O T L K rotation and that will give you a rundown if if you have already to disregard obviously Hey, you gotta learn somehow, right? Not everybody starts the game just knowing how to do absolutely everything right off the hop Take damage.
Take damage. attack or hip raise, would you say? Yup, I'm taking that. If I win it, that is and I did not. Wow. I brought too many DPS users or like melee DPS users. Well, not really. It's only the paladin. Oh no, it's just the hunter that rolled against me. Damn it. Hmm, maybe I'll be getting to level seventies. I'm pretty freaking tired It's definitely off way too otherwise, we have Rockstar brother puts the ways. I think Starfire is liable. As long as you have some decent paste why would you say They forgot to press start again.
God damn it. People are funny. I know right. I should've went to the store. Like, I went to the store. I went to the pharmacy earlier and I forgot to stop at the goddamn grocery store. Honestly, I'm probably going to get to like halfway to eighty and just call it there and I'll finish 80 in the morning. Maybe, I don't know. I just had a Red Bull so hopefully that'll kick in and keep my **** awake. Like I said, I went to sleep. I don't even know when I went to sleep. It was really late. I watch this show eighteen eighty-three. It's a Yellowstone prequel and yeah, I just wanted to keep seeing what happened next. Want us to keep seeing what happens next But before I know it, the season's over. I'm like, well not good. My dog is at like nine. Well, between nine and 12, I have to be there. I didn't get there. I didn't wake up til like five I got dressed.
Got had to brush the SUV off because we got like two inches or like an inch and a half of snow last night. And then yeah. Got there. I should've went to sleep when I got home but my mom wanted me to put this fireplace up. She bought a like mountable fireplace. One that I can mount on the wall use the stud finder and everything. Put one screw into a stud and then the other three or four screws got drywall plugs. So, it looks good now that it's up and everything but and then after that, what do I do after that? Oh, I was researching old wire. I was looking at the fights and then watching videos and **** go to pharmacy. I went at some pizza for dinner. Like I told you we could've freaking stopped and got it. Poppets. but I went to go and throw like a pharmacy and a pizza store.
Like Little Caesars but I totally spaced. The bet is eighty like by tomorrow night. We're like yeah. I don't have to get it tonight. Although I could. Alright we'll see. That Red Bull is starting to wake me up a little bit. My eyes were freaking heavy there for a minute though. regular flag is a thousand gold. The epic flying is 5, 000 gold. Regular flying, you can get it level sixty. I think. Or no, is it seventy? I think it's seventy actually. Man, the seat is so much more comfortable since I bought this memory foam cushion. Can't survive Yeah, I'm not doing too bad now.
Started to take its effect, thankfully. percent. Yeah, Dungeon leveling is so slow in Ralph. Little sweets. 73000 XP. You only need 1hundred K. 100000 000XP left. and this will go finish those quests out in Ice Crown. would take six runs to level that was a good little break. Good way to break up the monotonous leveling. Actually you know what? I'm going to Earth the dollar end will be fast with like from there. Yeah. Faster for sure. And I get to enter my bags as well. well, 5% and one level. 100000 XP is going to take no time at all. I gotta go turn in this quest while I'm over here. Might as well. Oh, true. It's not even over here But stay awake. all true because I have might. I can't use battle show. That's good. Battle or mice is actually more taco than ballets. Hey, Christian. What's going on? Just got so quiet there for a second.
That was really heard of him dropped just there. Did they just strip me a blessing of Mike? They did too. Those bastards. That's annoying. they took my buff Nice this guy to help me out because that's the last quest that I need. Yeah Oh, I lose 47 hit to gain what? Four strength and crisp strength? Yeah, no. Imma go with the seven gold though. Boom. Level seventy-9. Let's go, Chad. I'm so excited One level left. I'm going to take this two hours to level at the rate that I'm going right now. which is not the fastest driving enemies. Hey, not. How's it going? Yes, finally. Press complete. Man, this is a long flight. I'm so happy I've ever been flying without Epic Flying. Flights like these would suck That was not bad at all, actually.
I'm sorry to hear that. That green is pretty annoying. Where is this last one? There it is. Why do you feel bad in that? If you don't mind me asking Oh, another 1700-yard flight. Honestly should've done that dungeon. The quest wasn't worth the experience. I should've just kept going. With questing. Oh well, actually I wouldn't want to go. I would've wanted to finish that way. Fly back to the horde ship. water Well, I bought these They had a pretty good payout that one day. Is this at nine? No, it's at seven. Tomorrow the piano. They already have two rogues sign up on my robe. You never know. I might be able to get in. Number thirty-five. You can kill like any alliance players. They don't have to be actual people. They can be MPCs without quest. I hope. at 7 Get the decent drink dip. Better than that anyway. Hopefully, the captain doesn't wear off. Agreed. Steve, when you drop quests, it doesn't get rid of the quest items sometimes.
That's really annoying. Then, I end up with a bunch of quest items that I have no use for. your shards. Okay, let's go. Caffeine's just starting to kick in, really. Well, that's right. You have to challenge these guys. Oh, what? I can only challenge one at a time. That's lame. meant to ask earlier when he finished that flying smoke bomb quest. just having that play form. Oh, dude. Huge. Huge. It's kind of cool. He knocked you up in the air and then knocked me back. That was actually pretty awesome. Yeah, honestly, I can't wait to right on my barrel. I legit love my druid. I'm going to raid again on Sunday with that What's their name? That was a terrible fate. They're not a terrible group and they've got good payouts. Like the payouts were like eight K the past 2 weeks. Everybody trying to get geared up for for Old Mart, right? I bought these also had that's when I tanked on my death night and like they they were telling me they had like weird **** traps so I'm going to not go with them again.
Just so. 25 million and 10 14th and 15th. I signed up on my Rogue and DK. Oh, look. Guys, I just got a message from a a game master Blizzard Entertainment, GM, offense, exploitive activity, abuse of the economy. Please visit US Blizzard. com. Otherwise, we will suspend your account. Oh, no. Say it ain't so. Can I rectify this now with you kindly? goddamn skaters. Oh, yeah. They did, Kian. They definitely dropped their prices and the payouts have only been like three to four K each week. I think the biggest payout in the past like three weeks is like five K. I could send you a gift card for Amazon or iTunes instead. Seems legit, right? 00%. Yeah, it was 37ยฐ Celsius in down under land Twenty-three strength, 16 stamina. Nice. Got myself a shield, Chad. Oh, it's so tiny compared to my other shield. Hey, wait. Where's the key? we're definitely getting to level 80 tonight without a doubt Without a doubt and our will.
Hour and 30 minutes level, it's only 830. Got it going on. One with 80 by 10 PM. Try to get a really nice Yeah, the Red Bulls definitely kicked in, thankfully. Dude, I was literally having a hard time keeping my eyes open. like an hour ago. I was really struggling to stay awake. I've got the **** sleep freaking whatever. Sleep schedule, sleep pattern. Just kidding. I have no sleep schedule or sleep pattern. Basically, stay awake till I pass out from not being able to keep my eyes open anymore.
I can still feel like the heavy eyes coming on coming and going but Oh. people questing everywhere This is awesome. I could've sworn there was a third guy. There is a third guy. I'm going to have to try and stagger my kills a little bit more so they're not like stacked on top of each other. Dude, 10 K hits. Well, two5 Ks, that's awesome.
Six K, great. That time, they're a little bit more spread out. Pizza. 13. 14. We got all the keys that we need Yeah, for us in Ontario, usually the hottest time of the day is like two between like 1 PM and 4 PM. When the sun is highest in the sky. little pore just keeps getting hotter as a day. That sucks man. cruises out there saying about 5percent. pre-sold dinner still by 5%. Let's go. Look at all the death mates I got rolling with me. 10% halfway. Now, we just need to burn some banners. above that cold shower. Sounds good, Kian. We'll be here. need to burn more banners Hmm, I'm surprised there's not more banners.
I guess other people are requesting to would make the most sense I'm not the only one hunting bears to burn Nice. Doesn't seem like there's as many people back this way. There we go. Now, we're buying some more banners Seems not as many Which is good for me. man with sweeping strikes shields, shield block? It's crazy This much damage from a defense bet. Or a protection spot, sorry. survivability, good damage. Couldn't ask for anything more. literally two shots of those guys. Eightpoint 6 K DPS because I was hit for like 12 K twice. And quest complete. Let's go. destroy any other Yodenheim cage, keys you have, the path, the underhaul starts here Go inside the underwall. It's located at the underground buildings in the center of Yodenheim. Go in the northeast room on the top floor and talk to Feager. But Eager. Fiager? I don't know terrible at pronouncing names I was wondering how far I was going to get away with that.
Oh, he's going to kill himself. Or he's going to kill me. Go to the zoo. a weird quest, eh? four, five, six quests complete. Very nice. It should be a decent amount of experience. you stomp. Punch on cool down. use a roar to damage mobs at rain. Well, this is an easy quest. I'm not going to complain. I like Yeezy. Porter will die. It's sad. Time to go turn in all these quests. I she had speed potions. I'm Naruto, dude. Yeah, especially on hot days like that, eh? Really miss it. I've got bug. I bet. Man, this thing's nice. those casts are so fast. Oh, I can't loot anything. That's right.
Welcome back, miss Annette. Australia on days like today. Totally worth it. One, two, three, four quests asserted. Hey, I'm almost honored with the Arctic Crusade. Hell yeah. So much back and forth. That's one thing I really dislike. is running back and forth. A **** ton of times. Berkle building set ablaze. How do we do that? file like fire. Steeling our prototype. That was fun.
Pretty cool. The views are dailies. This would be a fun way to just make some golds here and there. Oh, nice. We're making scourge. Huh, awesome. Oh. Good little onslaught mobs. Then, I'll loot them for their keys. Use them to open chests. Around the harbor for the document. Grand Admirals plan. Damn, I'm going to need a lot of keys because I'm pretty sure all the chess don't care like aren't guaranteed to drop what you need. Oh, really? I never knew that. 100% chance. That makes it so much easier. thank you, Patrick. you probably just saved me so much hassle. Damn, I only need one more key and of course, it doesn't want to drop. This one is sparkling. Baum. One oh five. That was awesome Dan, how are these guys not dropping? Okay, I have, wait, do I have the keys I need? Oh, you can only carry five at a time, I guess.
That's what. I'm guessing you have to open boxes though in order for more boxes that shine to to spawn. You know what I mean? or at least I'd imagine anyway. That's what you'd have to do to get more boxes to spawn Patrick, you're a life saver. I did this quest last time and it sucked, man. So bad. Just need one more. Bam. Let's go. That's awesome. Dude, you're awesome, Patrick. this is where I really wish I was druid. You just jump out of the water and fly away. This quest really sucks. I don't know why they had me doing this one because it like really sucks. any swimming quest for Lowe's, dude. swimming away from me.
I love you Yeah, we're definitely I just like being able to jump out of the water and fly away. Halfway there. the bigger shark. It's weird that he's on like the top of the water too. Hey, William. What's going on? Welcome to the stream. Just in time to catch the tail end of Coming up on my sixth, the level eighty. Well, believe it or not I really shouldn't be wasting my time with this quest but it might be a prerequisite or something. I don't know. I'm having faith How's it really going bro? Horsham. Finally done. Now, I need to get to shore so I can fly. Hell yeah, dude. Congrats again about that, dude. That's extremely exciting. I've 69%. I'm so close to that lady. Jacob born 26th of December. Oh, his parents are going to love that. Christmas and then, birthday Kids going to love it twice the presents. Parents get spend twice the amount of money.
Unless they consolidate and celebrate both at same time. Hey, thank you very much. We got double billions in the shot. Let's go. Hey, William with the 200 stars. Thank you so much, William. Get some Starbomb stickers, some# Will in the chat. greatly appreciated. Stars have been far and few in between. So, every single star counts, helps. Matters, If you'd like to get stars for a desk like the desktop price, if you're on a mobile device, you can use the link that was just posted in the chat. Oh, they're in the wrong boat. Okay, well, it's a double hunt. Double 200. Let's go. Happy new year, mom.
Period. January has been going well so far. I am on the wrong boat. Son of a. Happy New Year. Happy New Year. Hell yeah. Oh. I wasn't supposed to kill him Oh wait, there's no captain here. standing next to their ship's wheel. Oh, duh. So, oh, man. I'm double dumb. All I do is read the quest, man. I had to be on both boats. They're by their ship's wheel. That was easy. hiding behind the shift wheel, eh? Bugger. Yo, hold 20% left. Fixed 80 soon. Incoming Let's go. No, William with the next 1000 stars. Let's go, William. Get some Star Bomb stickers in the chat for Will. Some# Will as well. William the Wonder. falls forth an onslaught, Griffith. and his return to death's rise under no amount when you get to the quest giver, use the Griffin's Reins. Okay, I see. We got two billions at the moment. and a Patrick Williams. putting us to an even 30 5 20 stars.
Again, William, thank you so much, man. Every every star means so much. I can't even begin to describe how appreciative I am. I need a vendor. I need a mailbox. This is what I need. Jeez. Look at all this stuff. Two hundred and sixty-six X laps. Archbishop Land Graham. who drives all the range abilities. Wait, what? Oh, summons think I'm supposed to use like an actual mallet or something to kill this thing No fly zone. Use death collar. Uzo Deathcola wants you to kill him. Now that you got your bone gripping. Uh huh. Bone Griffin. Let's go, dude. It's on like Donkey Kong. missions strike the deal. Only useful versus I have to admit, this is pretty cool. Zoom. oh. Oh, you know what? I actually want to turn this quest in yet because I can use this guy to fly away after doing this quest.
What's it called? Second chances. Second chances. Holy **** this place is packed, man. Oh my god. Nope. This ain't going to work. Nope Oh, no. Oh, dude. That was killer. Okay, it didn't spawn me that far away. That was sick. probably going to hop off, hop on, hop off. I don't and I'm not sure, William. Never heard online dock account before? I was going to do a raid if I got to eighty early enough but I think it's a little bit too late.
Yeah, right. Really? That was fun. I almost survived that. Almost. Definitely bit off a little bit too much more than I could chew. books on, what do you mean, bud? They still have Butch books. Dude, there's a lot of freaking mobs in here. I'm not sure. I should take off my heirlooms to do this because you know what? I'm going to. It'll definitely help out. Help me not be so squishy. There we go. that definitely does make a difference. I'm way less squishy. Dude, you smell sick. Warriors are so awesome, man. like barely doing any dances in the sky No. Nothing. They got me, dude. This is not soloable, soloable. **** 40, 80, one20 really want to do this quest, man. He's just got too much health. You need like a full group to get that guy down. We should be able to 3 minute. Okay. Yeah, I I know what you mean now, William. Like hidden yeah, what Gary was talking about too. He get all the books. It's an achievement called LoreMaster.
Oh, yeah. Definitely happy. That was huge to these guys. Oh wait, great. 50 goals, right? Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. 10% left. One hundred and seventy-four K. Oh my god. Wait. Aritz. Arit skate. Ah and then some ants gate. The president of his corpse. **** Please still be there. Please still be there. It should still be there. We weren't gone that long. I can't believe I didn't read the quest fully. I'm so dumb. Okay, thank god. Watch.
Just as I get here, poof. it's gone. Yo. What up, Robert? Well done. Let's get this sober with. Come Landgren. Cop up your souls that I can ask you a very important question. There are books. Um William what's it called? Like there are books that you can pick up off bookshelves and stuff but like you don't there's no achievement for them in Cataclysm. The achievement was until Panda Land but they did have yeah. They did still have books like out in the out in the world that you could find. I've got turn ins over at where the peak Once he's concluded his questioning, oh **** I was supposed to speak with, oh, inside the Crimson Cathedral. **** I wasn't supposed to leave. God damn it. Oh, that's annoying. Why don't I read quests? Once he's completed his questioning, speak with Lord Commander Arette inside the Crimson Cathedral once he's finished questioning him.
I hope he's still there. probably won't be but okay, he is. Thank god. Oh. Wants you to deal with grand marshal returning commander. Whatever. Maybe I can just sneak on by these guys. the path to Okay. I think I'm just going to skip it to be honest. It is an unbloom and a decent knock but Okay, I see. Try to love how there's nice people all over the world in our craft This is just a random guy that said he can help Holy, somebody, a warlock, NPC going meta. That's sick. Uh he's leveling his druid by the looks of it. faking is Pharaoh Druid which is Death Knight. **** Let's go, dude 67 K. I've got 40 or like what? Thirty5 K, thirty5 K. I've gotten off the level. Even without this, I probably got enough to level. This cave is pretty cool. I've never seen this place. So yeah, I just went from 71 to 80 in Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. 4 days. and it's not even midnight yet. So, technically, it's before Saturday. Didn't even need that extra day that mister David so graciously granted me 10 K stars tomorrow.
Let's go. Gotta love that. Doesn't that look like a belt? or yeah, it's a neck but it totally looks like a belt. That, oh, it looks like that looks like a noose and it is a noose. The severed noose of westwind. Reinforced titanium neck guard. That's pretty awesome. Twenty-six defense, 17 Dodge. Yo, let's go. Go to the Shadow Vault on level eighty. Yeah. So excited ten. 7. six, Three, two, one. Level 80. Yeah, yeah. is huge. Two hours and 6 minutes to go from level 79 to level 80. That's awesome. William with the next thousand stars.
Let's go William with the celebration stars. Hell yeah. Thank you, Allison. Thank you, Billion. So awesome. Thank you, Patrick. Oh, man. I am too happy right now. I can't believe that I have yet another level eighty. Let's go. no heroics. Um I need to get some better gear before I run the road and I have to decide whether I'm going to stick a protection or if I'm going to go Fury. I've never played Fury.
To be honest. So. I don't really have the gold to be buying pre-grade this items right now. Yeah, like I said, I would have to go either arms or fury but even with that, yo, I have max level of every plate where our warrior, Paladin, Death Knight, yeah, Warrior Palette and Death Knight. There isn't anything else that wears plate, right? Except for Warrior, Paladin, and Death Knight. and I can get rid of the heirlooms that I'm no longer going to need. Definitely can't tank heroics until I get my gear up a bit. I don't know. Maybe I'll go stick with fraud.
It's easier to do heroics and **** I'm sure I can get a decent amount of gear for 2800 gold. Heart through the yawn and then a fury with your gear. Typically, you'll play to play arms until the end tier 8 or you can swap to whoever you want to. Hey, thank you very much, William. Have a great night, buddy. We'll definitely talk to you soon, man. After what you just did, I feel like you're doing heroic. No doubt, Patrick. I don't know. I guess I'm going to go arms Hi, Oliver. What's up, pub? Hey, what's up, pup? How's it going my friend? What are you up to? Yes, you're such a cute dog. Okay, so we can get most of this stuff on the auction house.
400 gold. Can't really beat that. Uh I see. That's the caster one. 6 sixty-four Man, I bought so many of these homes. Let's see if anyone else in the auction or on the trade shot. 15. That's a bit expensive. Well, I guess not really. considering they can be used And you know what? I'm going to get one of each. **** You're such a cute dog. Yes you are. Yes, you are, puppy. Yeah. You're such a cute puppy. Hey, what's up? What's up? What's up? Buddy Water Oh, Who's paying 800 gold for a poke? That's wild. Responds Warlock. Four eighty-nine. That's actually pretty cheap too though. crude, discolored, battle grips I do have celiacs gauntlets I could probably use until I get something better. So, I guess there's really only BOE boots, say, the Iron Spring Jumpers. I was in gold. It's a bit much. these nights to the Evan Evan Blade wrap. Vengeance. 21. Oh **** Why did I buy those? Wait, I was going to get the wrist wraps at Cutthroat. That's right. Well, there's two items from nice of the oven-bladed chest and boots, eh? Exalted exalted.
bringing the Kieran tour and obtain 8000 golds for one You know what? I'm going to put those back on the auction house. I'm going to lose a little bit of gold but it's worth it. tomorrow I'm going to be doing heroics and all that fun stuff. Damn, those have gone down in price. Maybe I should just build a too late now. His all my items are defense and whatever. I guess I could go prod until oh crawl until Might build up enough gear. Like start off running Heroics' protection because that's what most of my gear is, right? Can't remember who had the Zeliac gauntlets. Like which one of my characters had the Zeliac gauntlets? Sneaky as three K. Healy Sharp has two K. Okay. I think sneaky sheriff also has the gloves.
not on this character. Oh, I think they're on my troopers. not too worried about gold because I'll be able to make a few thousand this weekend with GDKPs on my paladin, my druid are signed up for some. Damn it. I could've sworn that this guy had those gauntlets. Celiac gauntlets are even not good for arms. Like they're not even on the best list so I'm not going to use them.
They're pretty cheap right now too. The Zeliacs gauntlets. They're only like two K or I think they're a thousand gold now. Like 900 gold. So I guess I could use them. I paid two K for the pair that I have. But like I said I could use them. Maybe I put him on the bank tune. Adam, where the hell did I put those Yuliac off hoods? It's bugging me now. Maybe they're in this guy's bank You know, Chad, I'm going to go to sleep though. I will be back tomorrow. And I'll probably be on online early we'll do something. They're not on this account, that's for sure, because I would see them. You know what I need to do? I just need to go to the auction house and type in Zeliacs and all this and then I'll be able to see which character they're on with TSM.
They're on my palate. Look at that. 999 gold. Isn't that cheap? See, they do have 67 strength which isn't bad. I don't know. I think it would be worth using them. Better than freaking brutal gladiators. You know what I mean? Good night, Chad.