Creating an Outdoor Garden Bench
If you have a beautiful garden area in your house, it’s always nice to have a place where you can just relax and enjoy the surroundings. However, most outdoor areas lack suitable seating arrangements. If you are facing the same issue and want to add some style to your garden, you can create a beautiful little garden bench just by using a few bits of timber. In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating a garden bench with some easy-to-follow steps.
Tools and Materials Required
Before we jump into the process of creating the garden bench, let us first understand the tools and materials we will require to build this project. The following is a list of necessary equipment and materials to make your garden bench.
• Treated pine
• Batten screws
• Decking screws
• Hardwood timber
• Spacers
• Miters
• Paint or oil
Creating the Legs
To build the legs of the garden bench, we will start by assembling the treated pine. The first step is to clamp down the timber and drill for attaching the batten screws. After that, we can attach the bottom rail to the leg. The bottom rail should be set 100 mills from the bottom and attached the same way as the top rail. We need to repeat the entire process for the other side as well.
Support Rails
Now that we have created the legs, our next step is to attach support rails. We will need to clamp the timber to the bench again, place the support rail in place, and secure it with batten screws as we did previously. Once we have attached the front rail, we need to repeat the process for the other side. To attach the center rail, we need to find the center point of these side supports here and clamp one end in place while we drill and screw the other end with the batten screws.
Top Supports
To support the hardwood timber, we need to place two supports across the top of the chair and attach them using batten screws. Attaching Back Supports To create the back supports, we need to cut two miters. We will make one cut, measure, and then do the second cut. We will repeat this process for the other three back supports. Next, we need to clamp the back supports in place and attach them with batten screws. We will repeat this process for the other three back supports.
Decking Board
To attach the first decking board, we need to get our decking board nice and straight, mark out the position for pre-drilling, drill, and attach with decking screws. To ensure that we get nice, even spacing between our boards, we will use spacers in between.
Finishing Touches
Once we have completed our seat and back support, attaching the back is the same process, with the spacing, measuring out and marking screws and attaching them with the decking screws. We need to complete the job by sanding the bench and applying oil to the hardwood. This will not only protect it but also give it a beautiful finish. Alternatively, we could leave the pine as it is since it’s treated pine, and it will be fine out in the weather. However, we will fill up these holes and give it a lick of paint.
Building an outdoor garden bench might seem complicated, but it is, in reality, easy to do. With simple steps and a bit of creativity, you can create a beautiful and functional piece to add to your garden. With the use of treated pine and hardwood timber, your bench will look stylish and last you for years to come. So, try it out and add some style and charm to your garden.