Edge grain cutting board making factory in Korea ain't North Walnut The surface you're seeing now is front grain and the botton there is an end grain end grain again Edge Grain coming soon That side is the edge grain! edge grain! Do you see the difference now? Oh this is just left over straighten them they had repeated this process for 4 times I assume this is to adjust the thickness but what do you call this process? Padauk (African Lumber) Time to glue them up Walnut Zelkova (Brown) Padauk (red) and Maple (white one) *Titebond III is non-toxic, solvent free and FDA approved
for indirect food contact (cutting boards).
24 hours to be unclamped Of course I didn't wait for 24 hours. Those are the one he made the day before my visit beautiful by the way he's making a cutting board with legs numbering to keep the same patterns together and between the legs, a container will slides in you will see what this is for 24 hours again flatten the legs sanding belt Sander getting better surface clear, odorless, pure food-grade mineral oil prevent drying and cracking bringing out the rich natural wood color 24 hours again soft sanding Thanks for letting me show my friends this process 🙂 And thank you global friends for watching my video 🙂 No paid promotion as always! Showing there logo will do ;).