Pouring Our Biggest Round Table Yet ($6300 of Resin)

Hey everyone it's Dylan and Charlie 
from The Black Forest Wood Company   this week we're going to be working on the biggest 
round table we have ever made i know it's kind of   becoming a joke around here now that every week 
we're doing the biggest or largest something that   we've ever done but people just keep ordering 
larger stuff so this is a nine foot round   clairol walnut dining table that we've paired with 
midnight blue resin and of course we've used our   black forest deep resin here so we're going to 
show you how we managed to flatten this because   it's bigger than our cnc we're going to show 
you the pour for this piece and then not until   next week but eventually you guys will get to see 
the full process on this piece and we've got some   bonus content in here too from another table 
so please leave a like comment and subscribe   all of that really really means a lot to us we do 
read basically every single comment and try and   reply to as many as we can so thank you guys for 
all your support and i hope you enjoy the table well today our I think 20-foot long CNC is uh not 
big enough so we had to buy a little CNC router   sled set up and uh I'm gonna flatten this big 
nine foot by nine foot wide round table for you okay so we were a little low obviously on 
that first go-around we only had 180 litres   so we mixed up 30 more litres we've got for a 
total of 210 now and we're gonna add these in so now we're just going to get our fan set up on 
this we'll give it a once over and go around and   pick out any small pieces of dust but there we 
go this will sit in here for about a week and   then we'll come back and try and lift it out 
of here this is a full three inches thick as   well i should mention so our resin without 
cooling is rated for a two inch thick pour   we've got three fans set up around this piece and 
we've also got a water cooled mold so if you guys   haven't been watching us for a long time you might 
not know about our pouring setup it's actually   aluminum tables with hdpe over top and then we've 
got full copper piping with chilled water there's   our water chiller there we can set the temperature 
on it and that's what's actually keeping the resin   nice and cool during this cure time here if you 
were to have no fans no cooling you could get   a little bit too quick of a cure which is going 
to result in bubbles and then it's not going to   soak in as much but just with those fans in the 
cooling we're able to pour 200 liters like this   at 3 inches thick in a single shot all of the 
bubbles pop on their own too like we haven't   went over this with a blowtorch or anything like 
that and it's actually not recommended to use a   blowtorch because what can happen is you'll 
flash cure that top layer and trap bubbles   but we'll leave this here for five or six 
more days and then we'll get it de-molded   so this is another project that we ended up 
delivering this week it was a custom commission   console table that our client's going to put in 
her basement and it also has a color that we've   never really done before it's kind of this goldeny 
forest green i guess you would describe it as   that's how i created the colored leaves it 
was a mix of gold pigment and green pigment   and it actually kind of happens to match the 
outside of her home which was a kind of a nice   little touch that we realized when we came up the 
wood here is map a burl which is essentially just   french poplar burl if you guys didn't know that 
and we're using our black forest deep resin here   as usual and this again was a pretty thick pour 
with a large volume of resin and a very porous   species of wood and we did not have to seal the 
edges to get a bubble free pour our resin cures   nice and slow so it does that on its own after 
we've flattened and sanded our piece to 320 grit   the next step is to apply our black forest 
furniture oil a lot of the time we'll apply the   initial coat by hand just so we can control how 
much products going on there because you do want   to make sure it's a very small amount after we've 
buffed on that coat by hand we'll then follow it   up with the gem just to kind of work in uh the oil 
into the wood and then also to remove any excess   and we like to do two coats and you can sand in 
between if you want to increase the sheen and then   to finish it we top it off with our black forest 
ceramics so here we are delivering the piece to   her house luckily this one wasn't too heavy so the 
two of us were able to pull this off really really   gorgeous home here as well and it's just going 
in her basement next to the ping pong or beer   pong table depends what kind of a night you're 
having she said last it was used for beer pong   and you'll also see on the bottom of that table 
there there was some angle iron we installed that   was just to help the rigidity of the piece since 
there was a lot of resin and this wood is very   soft these legs look light but they're actually 
a solid three quarter inch by four inch steel   so they're over 100 pounds per leg and then we're 
using the rampa threaded inserts which we do sell   you guys can find them on our website and those 
just do a really good job securing the legs down   so the lights for this piece were custom 
designed actually so that they could slide   underneath this heat register here uh that way 
the edge of the table can touch right against   the wall without kind of having this awkward 
gap about that big so let's slide it up and see that pour went very very well it's definitely a 
little nerve-wracking when we end up pouring this   volume of resin but we're very happy with the way 
it turned out the mappa burl table also was a big   success the client loved it she was at first you 
know she thought that the colour might be a little   bit too light for her basement but then once we 
saw it in there it looked very good so huge thank   you to her client she was a very very sweet lady 
a pleasure to work with and next week hopefully   we'll have this thing demolded and we can show you 
a little bit more of the process but likely what   we'll do is wait until it's completely finished 
and show you guys a start to finish on it but if   you do want to stay more up to date on some 
of our projects just follow us on instagram   we're posting stories on there every day and 
you guys can see daily updates but I hope   you guys enjoyed and I guess we should hear from 
charlie we haven't heard from him in a little bit charlie what do you think   okay that again he's keeping it short um but thank 
you guys for watching and we'll see you next week

See also  Making a Multi Angle Gauge / Poly Gauge [Woodworking Tools]

As found on YouTube