Playwood Timpani mallets World Performer Series 1/2 : description and explanation

I wanted to talk about the 
Playwood timpani mallets  formerly Raymond Curfs series
World Performer series, .  Indeed if one wants to acquire some timpani 
mallets, it's very difficult to understand how   this series works, especially if 
you can't test all the mallets.   From all the marks I have tried, 
these are to my opinion the best value   for professional equipment, despite some 
inconvenients which I will develop later on.

First I will describe briefly what you can find in 
this series, then I will show you how they sound. There are actually 3 series inside 
this World Performer PRO-3000 brand. One, with the first number 31, makes the Classical 
Series, made with a cork core and german felt.   Generally they will tend to have a rather 
clear sound with some pleasant weight,   I would say just above average. This series 
is made of 9 Standard models with a 20mm core   from 11 to 19, 11 being the hardest one, plus 
3 Special models (21 to 23) with a 22mm core. The second series, marked 32, 
still with a cork core, consists   in 3 differents mini-series of 3 pairs 
each, not unlike the Seegers series by Kato.   The last number indicates the 
hardness, 1 being the hardest.  The first trio, marked 32-10, has a 20 mm cork 
core wrapped with a soft unknown material, which   renders a dark attack.

It has a pink thread.
The 32-20 trio is made with the mushroom   technique, which consists in wrapping the 22mm 
core with free-floating german felf. The sound   will gradually change from soft and 
dark to hard and clear depending on the   dynamic of the stroke. It has a blue thread.
The last trio, 32-30, made with a 24mm core,   is the heaviest of the 32 series. The mallets 
are quite big and sound very powerful,   although you will still hear a clear spectrum 
around the forte and fortissimo dynamics.

The 33 series is the flannel series. 
It's very vast, and consists in 5   leather models, and 4 mini-series made with 
different fabrics for different colors.  The leather series, 33-10   with its 5 models is very complete, from 
the 3311 being quite similar to wood, hard   and light in caracter, to the 3315 being very 
heavy with a round sound and a soft attack.  The second part of the series, 33-20, is made 
of natural cotton flannel. The three models,   33-21, 22 and 23, respectively with a 28, 31 
and 35mm diameter, have a clear attack and a   round fondamental. They are very versatile.
The 33-30 trio has the same caracteristics   with a different kind of white cotton fabrics, 
somehow softer. The attack will be less present   and the sound more elegant, although it may 
get clearer in the upper part of the dynamics,   especially with the smaller model.
The 33-40 set has only 2 sizes,   28 or 31mm.

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It's made of hard wool flannel 
and is very similar to viennese type mallets,   although still with banboo shafts. The 
sound will be light and very articulate.  The last trio, marked 33-50 is composed with 2 
different kind of fabrics, depending on the model.   The smaller one, 33-51, is made of half natural 
cotton, half viennese wool, with a 28mm head.   The two bigger models are made of half natural 
cotton and half denim, a softer fabric.   Unfortunately I can't describe it more accurately 
because I don't possess any pair from this series. Now that we know a bit more of how this 
World Performer Series is organized,   let's hear some models to get a better idea of how 
it actually sounds.

As you could see, I don't own   them all, but The sample I have may give you 
an general vision of it all. Ok, so enjoy !.

As found on YouTube