Parks and Recreation: Ron Swanson’s Master Class in Woodworking

-This is Ron. Go ahead, caller. -Hi. My Yorkshire terrier has
chewed up the legs on my kitchen table. Is ther a cheap way to repair
that? Great question. I am making a shadow box frame, which can be used to display
an object of great value. This one is constructed
with American cherrywood. -Cherry, huh?
Now, I have just one question — -No, the wood does not taste
like cherry. You cannot eat it. Several months ago,
I was on a walk and found my crib tree. I approached the tree, murdered it, left it to cure in my woodshop, and have begun working it
into a crib for my upcoming child. I made my first chair
when I was 5. But the quality of the wood
was wanting, so when I turned 9,
I used my factory wages to purchase some beautiful
local walnut.

If a joint is properly
fashioned, all you need to do
is guide it into place. Saltwater will warp the wood. So keep your tears in your eyes,
where they belong. –Ron Swanson, for Chair! [ Applause ]
-Oh, wow! Whoo! ♪♪ -"A Swanson-designed chair is
the must-have item of the season along with red quinoa, wind
therapy, and buying an island." -Someone like Ron is teaching
even when they're not teaching. -Um, Ron, none of this
is up to code. -Sure it is.
It's up to the Swanson code. -Ron! What was wrong
with that one?! -It was too perfect.
It looked machine-made. –Can you please lower
your standards a tiny bit so my customers have
somewhere to sit? -No. Ugh! Aah! It is my belief
that you never start a job you don't intend to finish. -What I absolutely love
about a Swanson is you can really use it
for anything. -Yes.
Mostly, you use it for sitting. ♪♪ It's not rocket science. I removed the sconce… [ Grunts ] …fired up
my grandfather's torch, heated up the pieces
in a cast-iron bucket, liquefied the metal,
poured it into a mold.

See also  Make wooden balls easy

Obviously, keep it over a low
flame to achieve a nice temper. Cooled it in antifreeze, and just forged and shaped
the rings. Any moron with a crucible,
an acetylene torch, and a cast-iron waffle maker
could've done the same. Whole thing only took me
about 20 minutes. People who buy things
are suckers. Hire Very Good Building Company
for your construction needs. Or do not. I am not a beggar. [ Indistinct conversations,
telephone ringing ] [ Ringing continues ] End of commercial..

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