My first Attempt at a Wooden “Thor’s” Mallet (Fail)

Hey everybody how's it going!?
Big Joe Kasulis from Kasulis Customs I'm here today going to work on making a mallet So I guess you're here to watch me make a mallet So I selected a couple pieces of scrap wood that I have. This is Black Walnut I'm going to use this for the handle
Then another pieces of Black Walnut here. Im not sure if I'm going to use this or another
piece. an here I have some maple. nice big chunk
of maple here that I'm going to use this for the main core.

So here's my pieces and I'm "gunna" <– AKA "going to" decide how I'm "gunna" go about
this. pretty much just laying this out first Just so I can get an idea of what im going ot do. okay so I guess that the layout. alright so I've gotta make sure my angles… are in the
right spots. okay so I've got the pieces I cut out & glued up… now
i'm going to clamp them down. if you don't get this glue out in this hole.
NOW! It could cause a problem later.
It's best to take the time to do because it could be a real pain in the "Rear-end" if
you don't get it done before it dries.

Looks pretty good in there now
but uh there you go… OKay after the glue up I kinda got a little
excited and jumped ahead before I turned the camera on which was… Sorry about that.
but uh all I did was I cut it down to what I thought would be a good size for a mallet
head size for my first mallet. I put a couple bevels on the long sides and
now I'm going to bevel this off with the hand plane on both sides so they don't chip off
then I'm going to see how this handle fits. I have couple shims, I still gotta cut the
reliefs for the wedges. Thats kind of where i'm at right now I figured Id better turn the camera back on before I went to far. I only have this little vise for my shop I wish i had a bigger one but man..

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They are
expensive. it is one of the most important tools in the
shop along with a good sharp plane but….
I work with what I've got. I didn't go all the way because I want to
leaves… you know.. Myself some meat to hit. actually I'm going to leave this end small
and do that on the sander. Well… I could do it here.
but I wanna do a different shape a different angle on that end.
okay i'm gunna go ot the sander quick you really don't want to see all that so Ill
be right back. Alright.. so this is after it's been off the
sander you can see I have two different shaped ends
kind of the same but this is a little thicker I left this more of a flat end
and this one is more of a contoured Slight contour
and you know I can play with the shapes and the size of the ends as go…
if I don't like that I can shorten it a little bit.
left myself some room its a good heavy mallet head
now I've got this handle in going to work so Im just gunna work this handle a little
bit how I feel this should fit and the uh we'll go from there.
so that what its starting to look like starting to look like a mallet.
Alright well there is my Mallet Like uh…

Steve Ramsey from WWMM says "THOR"
So I guess I've got thor's mallet here.. It's a good size
well we're gunna see how we did. I guess my next project is to make a smaller…
lighter one. This is good for pounding pegs… or whatever… this is my first attempt at building my own mallet
Im pretty impressed with it im pretty happy with it
I 've got a little gaps on the…

Wedges there but… nothing I can't deal with
nothing I can't live with This is how the handle cam out
its a little rough.. I used a drawknife to get the basic shape down
then I just do the rest on the sander. Now I'm gunna lay out and personalize it
I think it be pretty cool to have my name on it right!? ok so what I've go going on here is I'm customizing,,, personalizing my uh my mallet nothing fancy,,,
Just putting my name on the handle… I just did that with these stamp dyes
I've got an assortment of them. they come in this little number letter punch
set. I figured id show off my little personalization
You kinda see that one the shadow is throwing off
just a little simple… nothing crazy eventually I'm prolly going.. <–aka "Probably" (prolly sounds better) Now I didn't glue this handle in eventually I want to pull this back off and
do some "fancy" engraving or something on this possibly?? maybe a little something on here.

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But uh… Ya that's my finished mallet… really isnt much to it they are pretty easy
to make it seemed like it could be a daunting task
but. No. I think mine came out pretty damn good
had to put some shims in there because it wasn't as think as the uh core.
few little things we run into as we do things I'm not afraid to share
there you go everybody Its my Kasulis Customs Mallet!!
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Cheers!! Peace!!

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