makita was one of the first
brands to give us a drill and hammer drill with more than a thousand
inch pounds of torque and both the xp807 and xfd07 have been workhorses for them the
xph 14 which so far only comes in the hammer drill version promises even more power we're
going to compare new against old head-to-head makita's two flagship hammer drills may seem
similar at least on the surface they both have 550 rpm and low 2100 rpm in high gear moving over
to the hammer rate that's 31 500 bpm where they start to go different directions is in torque
now the xp807 gave us an impressive 1090 inch pounds of torque but the xph 14 moves up to 1250
and mckee is known for being conservative in their specs the other big deal is well actually the
opposite of big it's how small this model is the 07 wasn't a monster it was just 8.1 inches
long and weighed 5.9 pounds with a 5 amp hour battery the xph 14 drops more than an inch from
the length bringing it to 7 inches on the nose it does pick up a tiny bit of weight to hit
six pounds with the same five amp hour battery before we talk test results let me say a quick
thank you for clicking on our video we hope you enjoy it while you're here consider helping us
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thinking to yourself man how can i get a snazzy shirt like the one that kenny's wearing check out
the link in the description below it's custom logo carhart gear with speed running the same on both
drills we're curious if the xph 14's additional power will be an advantage steady control is the
name of the game as the xp807 gets started with the lighter screws it's just a question of how
long it can stay in high speed over the rest of the course that half inch twist bit isn't slowing
makita down as it plows through in short order still in high speed with the more aggressive spade
bit as the chips start to fly it doesn't look as fast as some of the newer models we've tested but
it doesn't look strained either shifting to the smoother auger bit and it's holding its speed well
it's a little slower than the spade bit but that's exactly what we expect to see on to the first
hole saw and the drill is still in high though it doesn't look like we can bear down on it quite
as much as we'd like with a hold for the two and eighth inch no it's dropping into low where it can
make the most of its 1090 inch pounds of torque that's not the fastest run we've seen but it's far
from the slowest let's see what the xph 14 can do even though the drill is in high speed it looks
smooth and controlled through those drywall screws switching over to our twist bits it wastes no
time plowing through that section quickly and it's already looking like it's gaining time
onto the spade bit and it's ripping through with no hesitation in high gear that's one of the
more competent runs we've seen through there the drill not only looks fast but also comfortable
as it combines smooth operation with that high speed auger bit if there was any hope for the
07 in this race the xph 14 is dashing it with a really fast time on that first hole saw can it
stay in high speed for the larger one well there's a bind but no gear change and it looks like this
hammer drill just left its predecessor in the dust the xp807 finished in a very steady 2 minutes and
58 seconds the makita xph 14 gained time in every single section and picked up big chunks on the
hole saws finishing in two minutes 15 seconds that picks up 12 spots and finishes in a second
place tie overall to see how these drills do on the higher side of their comfort levels we chucked
up a 2 and 9 16 inch self-feed bit this should let us know which one is faster under that kind of
load but after giving each drill several chances we actually didn't see much of a difference both
needed to be in low gear and the top times were just two hundredths of a second different 6.66
seconds for the 07 and 6.68 seconds for the 14. concrete drilling was a similar story neither
drill was really able to gain a significant advantage within their rated limits so is the
extra power really worth it well as the test track proved when it's your effort on the drill and not
a self-fading bit you can get significantly faster speed on each hole and that adds up over the
course of a day let's also not discount how much more compact the xph 14 is either saving an inch
of length is a big deal on a drill this powerful it was also noticeable just how smooth this
updated hammer drill is it gives the tool a more refined feel that's less fatiguing than
many of the big brand names that we've used in that regard makita is a step ahead
of its competition but what do you think if you have any questions or feedback for us
leave them in the comments below and as always thanks for watching help us out by subscribing to
our channel below if you enjoyed what you saw hit that like button and turn on notifications
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