This might be too much chainsaw but it works! This is a piece of osage orange and I'm just cutting off 5" to get my putter head I'm using 14" bandsaw to break it down into a rough blank My guides are a little high here Now I can use my table saw's crosscut slider to square up the blank The blank is securely fastened to the fence with a clamp, without the clamp this would be extremely dangerous I'm cutting out this bark enclosure to create a void in the putter head Now I'll tape off the blank and fill the void with epoxy This is a 2:1 ratio high performance epoxy from Total Boat I'm using the torch to to get any bubbles out of the epoxy Notice the leak coming out the bottom, luckily it didn't all come out Almost glued it to my bench though Now I'm cutting the blank to its final size Next I need to bore the hole for my shaft, I'm using another putter to get the correct angle I set my drill press table and drill the hole with a 7/16" brad point bit Now I cause my bandsaw to cut the shape of the putter I use my 14" disc sander to smooth the shape I'm sanding the putter head here, notice I'm putting a slight angle on the face of the putter Now I use my pump sander to shape the bottom of the putter I'm trying to establish a slight radius on the bottom of the putter I'll use my spokeshave to put a small chamfer on the edges To add a little more character to the putter I'm using a gouge to carve some texture into the back face Now I'm using a chisel to cut a small sight line into the top of the putter Moving on to the shaft, I start with a 5/8" square blank and work it round using my hand planes This is tricky because it needs to taper from the 5/8" to 7/16" and stay perfectly straight.
Once I get it close to final size I start using my spokeshave Most of the work is done with a specialty shave that has a curved sole I slowly work it down until it fits into my 7/16" hole Sandpaper is a great way to get the final fit Now I chuck it up in my drill press and sand the shaft This is a very effective method With the shaft ready I use Thixo epoxy to glue it in place With the epoxy cure I can take care of the final sanding Now for some oil then this putter is ready to go Thanks for tuning in!