what's going on guys welcome back to
the channel if you don't already know we're here with mark Ethan Matt James Charles
we're gonna be running the military office of course out here in camp Hilton it's gonna
be epic it's gonna be great stay tuned balls alright y'all this is the way it's gonna work all
competitors are going to start off behind this wooden plank right now right here I'm gonna have
my good friend Matt McDonough demonstrate these obstacles first and then you guys are gonna
go ahead and rip it are you ready yeah okay so the first one is just a bunny hop basically
basically how it looks okay the second obstacle is a college boy it's a little more complicated
come up swing your legs over you can good alright guys the next step is another just another
bunny huh this one's kind of complicated so you're gonna come up on the wood right here you're
gonna jump you're gonna grab at the narrow fort right here and swing your legs over and you can
basically just push yourself down so be careful when you get to the wood right here because it's
kind of slippery as he's doing going waddling and then you come to this right here next another bunny huh but oh yeah
we're gonna do those we completely forgot about them yeah sorry sorry
sorry we forgot him we forgot about you guys thank you very much yeah wait
and then you have to roll on this yeah how up over up yeah just like oh yeah I know
you guys don't break when you get up there oh Jesus it's slippery you can walk with
one foot on each or both don't die good yeah you're not trusting yourself
go over this yeah make sure you bear hug it though so you don't just fall bear hug no ok now demonstrate this just wall
you're gonna come up it supports you you're tall it's in the jump you
kept yourself like right here anyway no cursing oh yeah that's definitely
not true like that I swear oh don't even put the energy out there okay no
you're right there big jump big jump next one this is the hardest one for me you gotta
just jump it you gotta like it's cuz your chest is bouncing you gotta like what is my pecs are so
big I can't actually touch my fingers together it's alright you got that come on Oh No Oh baby I like it just like a girl we're
gonna start and then use my hand come on yeah it's like the bunny hop same thing but you just
got trust to push your okay push yourself up it is mostly just trust oh yeah definitely get
the hands on the top then it's mostly just yeah cuz yeah I think the misconception
is to put your hands all the way over and for me it's like yeah if I get my hands on
top and get them up oh so close so close I think you got the right height yes yeah if
I'm here then my swing back is I'm able to pull against it right whereas here I can't
yeah here so the next obstacle is of course another bunny hop yeah and then you got some
medium-sized plenty huh so the key behind these is like Matt's doing you don't have to get it
running go you can just kind of use your hands up and over those bigger jumps right yes yeah
you're trying to do your foot above it right Ethan's just gonna jump from the start and
then land on either side yeah triple front flip all the way across next obstacle and of
course just another little bunny hop I like the bunny hop it slows you down a little bit I
see they made an error there's two poles well to be three it can help you or it can hurt
you cuz you just anyway you got to go about it you've got to get over these some people like
to do like the first one they call a college boy roll over it and it gets you like feet above it
but what I do is I come up and then you pull up to the second one I'll just go to the second
way you can use the second one to help those if you can just jump from here and get up to
here like you have all this room to work with arm strength who me I've done it
before though not you oh I got excited more curls let's go make it Lagasse there you go oh nothing now get your feet up
there get your feet up two feet up yeah look here yes Oh perfect now just get over the book
uh-huh that's so high I'm so high so wait however you grip it I grab it underhand Oh like this yeah
and then roll over yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and I know just don't like go just don't drop your neck
in there because your head will come on yeah oh gosh try to get as much leverage forward as you
can right now oh god oh god here I die oh god it's just commit just like turn over yeah yeah
yeah yeah oh hang from the top bar push off and fly the next one is just you're gonna bunnyhop
go ahead and then the Rope Club Matt and I are gonna demonstrate there's a few different ways to
do it his way is probably different than my way have you guys in the Comoros before yeah marking
their phone books I maybe one and I didn't do well okay boys hop over yes in my way different okay
go ahead try yeah Mon sleep loosening your feets grip down it because all this weight is on my feet
I'm Ivan oh no my hands I just pinched him with my legs and like you could just rest up here cuz you
don't want to use your arms too much and then just rotating it for waxing your legs let it come up
sit on it pull up right there and all the way up and you have to touch the metal at the time okay
just the metal touch the metal in the Roper touch the actual hook okay so really it's all about
the feet I do a completely different he wraps it around like something like this yeah I jump up
and I will bring it around like this gonna kind of string that same pretty much the same way it
just allows me to let go of the sweet my feet a little what do you recommend a beginner probably
like I'm not sure that one it's a I struggle with yeah just it's all you I tell you what let's
just get you guys on the ropes and see which way it comes naturally to you okay okay let's do
it you might be able to do disarms that's nice oh not anymore yeah he's doing he's like doing a
mix so wrap the leg around this way yeah that's what I do and then step on it and then and just anytime you need a
rest just focus on your feet faster I'm here in case anybody you got that okay so mark second attempt evarin is lifetime
not bad you're already this farlis hands okay fine oh dude you got pretty far though
take it out let's try it again my first time I didn't even get up oh it's all about money
and I noticed James when you're coming up you were kind of just touching your other
foot you weren't really touching the Rio that's pretty much all along so I liked
oh oh wrap it around this way kind of do my leg around like this come up and then
step on it alright and so this this leg will be coming up and this leg will be coming
down it creates a bit of a hold for me okay I like to think about it when I just have focus on
my head when I go up it's like it just instantly falls on your foot Gus doing pretty well so far we
yeah well Kevin out here they're welcome through it and then the madness is gonna begin we're gonna
push them to actually go through the obstacle course without thinking about it without without
having to analyze each obstacle because half the time when I'm doing something I just kind of
go for it I don't really know what I'm doing we're learning most important part don't use your
arms use your feet your feet to stop you enter on it lock your arms in bring your feet up good man
that was three good poles oh that was up and down one and a half times alright guys now you gotta
run back gems are you feeling I've felt better I'm really motivated cuz I want to do a good job
I drink a full then she coffee this morning so I'm a little bit shaky now which was not the
best idea but I'm still determined to get it done so it might take me a little bit I might
be crying might break a nail already felt a rip in the thumb and more how are you feeling dude
I've never been better never felt stronger going for the record today hoping to crush it everyone's
dreams just stop I'm already here on the scene so subscribe to James Charles alright also matt and
ethan are gonna race this is all out hardcore no mercy on either of you I want you just tackle
the obstacle course and may the best man win when you get to the very end you'll climb the
rope you know Tex the medal you guys understand come on command ago you got back to dig it
running back to yes it took you textin metal drop down from the rope and you're gonna run
down so you will come back up this side Ethan Matt you're gonna call up this out you guys
gonna pan yes muck come and go you got it you guys are gonna proceed three two one go
come on Matt let's go let's go back that's calling it boy roll on to the next one crazy
monkey look up you're so quick wait he's good let's go back come on one day right there go Mac come
on come on Matt you're miles ahead there we go we been training all this time we think about bigger grips come on don't stop llamas go
bigger grips reach out as far as you can you're almost there come on stop it Cupid you
are actually doing good and I don't believe you good lot harder when you're doing it for talk yeah all right so we saw the results of
course Matt's out here but effort effort all the way back here mark James and Ethan racin
Ethan's in the lead right now and we have come on next obstacle that tell each one carefully let's
go come on right here right here right here jump right on it don't log now remember to pair
hug this let's go else you'll slide up come on let's go up and over come on there you go guys
no as y'all let's go home come on come on come on almost there almost there come on James they're doing it little teamwork
makes the dream work they're doing it come on guys almost done push through let's go get up there come on bring back Ethan let's go let's go let's
go come on let's go come on little faster let's go come on makes me look for thousands and come
on let's go rope rope rope rope this is it last one last one last one come on twist it around
run your leg like he's doing see ya like that yeah then come back around and then step on
it with that foot just be sure it's it's okay yeah that was fun that was uh that was really
fun thanks guys for watching uh the majority the video actually content Bonnie over here he
came out he's a CLS guy active do he also has a YouTube channel I'm gonna link his youtube channel
description it's all gonna be in there my video got its camera dad but I will save the yelling
for the ride home so thanks for that now just go and and also it's a math over here samantha
is an active-duty she's MC to in the Navy she came out here to help me with some camera work
thank you very much anything you wanna say the audience I always like to try to embarrass you on
camera she has an ASMR channel I mean you can hear me on AFN I'm just like the channel Provo they
like don't miss something at whatever well I'm some of them not all of them no ASMR Samantha
I'll link her screaming them no no alright guys make shot of these guys Matt of course be Ethan
but of course Ethan was number two and then these guys finished together finish together yeah
I appreciate everything when you coming out thanks for coming out and trying something new
this is definitely out of their element I mean this is the first time for them to try at these
three right here of course matters at all the time but it's all about you know learn something
new getting out of your comfort zone and that's what you guys do today so thanks for coming
out guys I will link all the information in the description so if you want to check it out
check it out I'm pretty sure all these people have YouTube channels yes that's right alright
guys thanks for watching also not enter now