I Built The World’s Largest MALLET Out Of Colored Pencils!

it's massive yep I dyed my beard I actually just did it 
because I had a Top Gun night I like it now   I said I'm gonna keep it get rid of those 
famous gray streaks plus it makes me look   10 years younger it's not 20 now I look more 
like at minute have I got something huge for   you today I'll be working on this for a little 
while is a pencil crazy project you probably   seem to come now oh yes this is gonna be big it's 
a bit crazy and a bit weird but we like crazy and   weird awesome now we're gonna get straight into 
this but before we do I've got to say a massive   thank you to today's sponsor right shadow of 
Legends wanna be a hero of your own fantasy   enter the epic world of telomere where dark elves 
meet the sacred order and the banner Lords are in   an endless war the undead hordes collect a 
quick train and great your team of heroes in   order to start your journey of a lifetime right 
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mobile and PC challenge yourself in ongoing toward   compete against the entire right community 
while fighting the spiders date ice columns   Pete the almighty fire night or the notorious 
dragon in order to win for some long odds and   bread let's go ahead and open up some of these 
blue shards whoa now no matter what you get   a good one or a bad one if there's bad ones 
you can sacrifice them in order to level up   your good champions oh yes crazy stuff check 
out the links below for this and if you're a   new player you'll get 10 mystery shards to read 
boskie's 100,000 silver and a free Champion the   execution all this treasure is just plain 
right here check out the link below to get   all these perks pretty quick because these 
rewards are only there for the next 30 days   and they're only available for new pilots good 
luck and I'll see you there Wade shadow legends but there's our case that mode is a big one oh 
but this time I'm not gonna use lots of pencils   I'm gonna try and find a really big block to fit 
in here and then we can cover that with the pencil   so we don't use as many and we cut back on the 
waist yes but trust me this is gonna be huge my first layer of pencils in I'm going to 
cover that with some resin we're gonna put   these in as waste blocks these are 
just old table legs from a table I think we're gonna need some more 
pencils so this project is taken up   a ton of pencils and a ton of resin or 
on the subject of resin this new resin   is bio-based as made from super SAP so it's 
much better for the environment happy days now put this block in here to 
save us on resin and pencils   plus it's gonna make this handle a lot stronger   and LeMay right now we got sand this down and cut 
a hole in it I mean it's massive it weighs a ton don't worry we'll be saving these off cuts and we 
definitely be making something with these so no   waste so this is what we've got so far folks we've 
got a natural pun of curve going on here which   was kind of just there so we're gonna use that to 
our advantage you wanna Connor we wanna cutter we   wanna kinda make a bit of a slant and going off 
there and a bit off here so it looks a bit more   like a mallet so we're just you know curve these 
edges off slightly I think two major we might I'll   probably do that you know Mike I might cut them 
off actually on there and the saw something like so this is coming along nicely rub it all 
down and now we have a big hole in it that   was gonna be my biggest challenge the hole 
I was really wondering how to do it I didn't   ever thought of cutting it right down the 
middle and chopping it out that way then   that would have been changed so I took 
the hard road see that so now I've got   loads more sanding to do I'm gonna fill in 
a few of these little holes we've got but   the bubbles created unfortunately that's gonna 
take another couple of days come back do some   more sanding hopefully we'll have it done 
a P dice I do like my beer with no grain so I've gone over this with the Yorkshire pudding 
and summer Braille on pads yes I've cut my hair   again and I found tons and tons of sand and 
this still marks in it and still a few holes   from the pub but I'm not creating a masterpiece 
here anyway we'll give this bad boy a polish up   then I reckon we'll be done gonna use my born 
Hank into this I thought you only made emblems definitely the biggest pencil mallet in 
the world oh my god and weighs so much I can't keep this like this forever there we go guys 
girls everybody the biggest pencil mallet in the   world I reckon we can safely say although 
come on but but I'm kind of guessing it so okay rest on the shoulders so look at the 
difference this is kind of what I mocked it   off of this this one so you can sort of see 
where I got my idea from oh I'm gonna put   this down in a minute it's ridiculous it came 
out Roy actually there are a few bottles and   things in there but I mean you can't put some 
inhalation of pressure pop cause it's too big   oh so one nice shot there we go oh it's my 
workout done no gym for me today so a bit of   fun today folks I thought you might appreciate it 
a lot of people call in for sort of more pencil   projects so I thought I would jump in and 
do something crazy color like my big pencil if you haven't seen this video go check it out 
link know if you like this one share it with   your friends and family because it will make a 
huge difference to me and the channel yeah I know   it's a bit silly but I also had a bit of fun as 
well I know you can can you hear the thunder and   lightning good night I was like thanks to entropy 
reasons as well for helping me make this obviously   I needed loads of resin and these guys helped 
me out check the link out below they've got a   little discount for you and obviously a massive 
thank you to today's sponsor of this video right   shadow of religions sake the sponsor out is free 
so why not and it's a great game for you happy   let me pin it then black although the great bits 
are come through already haha ok myself a little   hair job I'm getting good all I think that this 
does look pretty crazy definitely work a little   too well as you know I don't normally blow my own 
trumpet but on this occasion thanks to everyone   has come over the channel we're nearly on 700,000 
followers which is amazing so thank you to all   the new followers for the channel I hope you're 
enjoying the content and I hope that you stick   around does get a bit weird in here we to mix it 
up quite a bit it did kind of start off with like   a wood turning channel and then it sort of went 
into some other weird stuff when it's a resin   and then back to would turn and then did a bit 
of restoration and then did a bit of CNC and 3d   printing and we do all sorts Pacey please don't 
you know hang around if you don't like the video   that you're seeing please don't unsubscribe stick 
around the comeback for the crazy ones like this   well that wasn't easy there's my mini mallet and 
obviously I'm not picking that up again there's   my big one I use one of my new emblems in there as 
well and you saw that at the bottom pretty cool Oh that was my little coffee warmer thanks 
Nancy for sending that down happy days   my coffee always goes cold so that 
is perfect thank you wow this is so   noisy can you actually what I'm saying 
with this rain it's stopped happy days well I hope you like this crazy shoes 
massive Mellie have a fab weekend folks   take care don't get a share this video 
and I'll see you all really soon bye

See also  34 - How to Design & Build a Sculpted End Table (Part 1 of 6)

As found on YouTube