How to Make a Workbench Introduction | Paul Sellers

how do you make a workbench when you
don't have a workbench to work from this is probably one of the most exciting
times in your life you've pulled together all your materials you've got
your tools together and you are about to start the the workbench and there you
are on your knees on the garage floor on a picnic table on a kitchen table
something like that and you're about to embark on this process of making your
workbench your very first one but to me this workbench would be your ultimate
workbench because you're making it it's your workbench and the probability is
you're going to work from this workbench for the rest of your life I want to walk
you through all the steps that get you from A to B it's not as complicated as
it looks and because it's such a big thing you think to yourself maybe well
this is a big project I don't think I can do it well I'm here to tell you that
you can do it and it's nowhere near as complicated as it might look when you
break it down into the component parts you'll find that you have everything you
need you've got two leg frames you've got a
bench top you've got a well board and you've got two aprons on either side I'm
going to show you every step of the way how to get to the point where these
start to be assembled into this rock solid rigid workbench so you've got a
very good vise I want to show you how to install a vise that will stay in place
for 50 years that you won't have any problems working with and you'll have a
heavy weight bench but it's not too heavy you'll have one that you can
maneuver around your tight space in your garage I've worked at this bench
this type of bench for the last 50 years it really works and it's going to be a
very solid bench for you to work with I just want to tell you you can do this
this is an incredible bench I haven't found any bench that I would want to
work out more than this one it's a wonderful bench and you'll have it for
the rest of your life

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