Green Dragon Inn Planter from Hobbiton | Part 1 | Hand tool woodworking project

hello everybody welcome back to clean
Phil wanted if you do make it to New Zealand and you go to Hobbiton you may
notice that there's a ton of planters all over the place
one of them actually I like a lot but one of them I really do like let me show
you a picture of it at that planter I took it into Sketchup and I built it out
got the perspective right built it out so I got the right sizes for it but I
don't have pieces of wood right sighs so what we're gonna do is use these two I
do want to say that if you wanted to put this together with something like pocket
holes or even just butt joint everything and use nails you probably be okay
because I have the tools that I have I'm gonna make it a little bit more fancy
it's gonna rebate the bottom kind of dado the ends which probably is not the
smartest move because those dedos will probably collect water but I'll deal
with it I put my headphones on and get this this is the sidewall rebate so this sits
in there rather nicely but this needs to be the width of this so between here and
here so I'm just going to put it on here find out what that distance is set a
marking gauge to it and rip down that's where I need my triangle to be
because this will be update oh no I'm sorry this will be a rebate rabbit so
this is where my triangle starts if you've watched Roy Underhill at all ever
in your life you're gonna learn that no project is complete until you cut
yourself with a hand tool there you go no blood sweat and tears right use this as a spacer just so it's not
clamping to itself put that in there and that's my clamp block I can remove the
spacer then and there we go that's my goal that's what I think is
gonna work I have no idea I'm gonna try I wish I could do it on the inside this
is another one of things I didn't really think this through so I don't even know
that this is gonna work okay so yes this this is a cross grain blew up at least
half of it is cross grain and it is therefore a poor judgment move on my
part if you are doing a project like this you should rotate the grain of
those end pieces about 45 degrees so that they end up horizontal with the
ground now while it is a poor judgment move I did kind of do it on purpose this
planter would have been built in a in a shopper studio somewhere distressed
there and then brought out to the filming location and left there for a
year before filming even began so that it would properly weather
I was hoping to try and force some of that distressing into this again if
you're doing a project like this at home and you're using pocket holes or nails
you you just don't need to glue it you don't need it to be watertight like this
I was hoping to have this all done in a day if I had power tools and wood that
wasn't bowed and cut it probably would have been done in a
few hours all of it but that's not what I'm working with and this is how it goes
so next time we'll come back it'll be another semi short episode I hope these
are short and we'll make the x-frame legs for this and figure out some way of
attaching the X frame to that take care catch you next time subscribe

See also  Hammer Tips and Tricks. Secrets of True Woodworker

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