Different Types of Mallet Bags and Which One is Right for You

today we'll be talking about the different type of mallet bags and which one is right for you here on the percussion discussion [Music] if you've been searching for a new mallet bag online lately you've probably noticed that there are quite a few options but if you break it all down they fall into three main categories you have your standing bags your small folding bags and then your larger bags we'll start with the most common mallet bag and that would be your small folding bag to get inside simply unzip around the seam and there we are inside you'll probably have some holes for your mouths and sticks as well as a protective material up top to make sure your mouths don't get hurt in transit now these bags have some good pros uh they can fit plenty of mallets if you're just doing a small gig or whatever they are very small and light so you can put them basically anywhere and a lot of them have these hooks that you can hang on a tomtom or maybe on the edge of marimba to give you easy access to your mallets but they do have their cons too since they are small you can't normally carry as many amounts as you need for a very large concert or rehearsal and also when you fold them the heads of your mallets will rub up against each other in transit which may actually hurt them over time next we have our standing back now there are many variants on this bag but most of them will be about the same if we go ahead and open up the top we can look inside and you'll see that there's a grid in there to separate your sticks and mallets as well as many pockets around it that can hold small accessories like a drum key or a tuner there are many pros to this bag first of all it can hold quite a few melds and accessories it can hold about 25 to 30 mls and of course you have many pockets to hold whatever you need around it secondly it's a rigid bag so it'll protect your mallets no matter where you're going and then lastly because it is a stand-up bag it can act as a mallet holder when you're on stage just stand it next to you and take whatever you need out of it there's only a couple of cons to it first of all it can't hold any sheet music because it is a standing bag with no flat surface that would protect your music and then secondly it can be kind of difficult to fit it into certain spaces when you're traveling just because it is a rigid tube lastly but certainly not least we have our large bags now these do look very similar to our small folding bag but it's basically just a very big version of it if we go ahead and open it up you can see just how much room you have for your mallets it is massive some of them will have these loops up at the top so you can hang it down from a rambo and use it while you're playing and a lot of them also have these covers that'll protect your mallets and transit make sure they're not rubbing up against each other if we close it you can see that we have these pockets on the outside on both sides so you can put your music or maybe any paperwork in there and additionally they have these handles on the outside that make it really easy to carry but with all that said do know that this is not a practical bag for a ton of people it's great if you need to get a ton of mallets or sticks from point a to point b or if you need to store a lot of mallets in a decently small space it's thin so it works well for that but for the regular percussionist who's just going to a smaller rehearsal and who's not playing a ton of marimba and stuff like that this is a very impractical bag it's bulky it's big it's hard to get around in so it's basically built as a storage bag thank you for joining me here on the percussion discussion if you have any questions or suggestions whatsoever don't be afraid to leave them down in the comments section if you want to see more percussion content like this go ahead and hit that subscribe button take care goodbye

See also  Byron Conn, Woodworking/Furniture Design Student at RIT

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