He and his son were having fun, when a mini Rolls Royce passed by The boy wanted to drive the car … and cried a lot! He showed his son some Rolls Royce models and this is his son's favorite car Join him in making his son's dream come true! At first he cut the oak planks then assemble them together install the rear wheel axle on the floor that he just created, on this axle we see a brake disc and a sprocket available. then the axles of the 2 front wheels and the steering wheel steering and provide the car with a motor with a capacity of 1000W Now just make 4 wheels and the floor of the car can be moved This wheel is assembled from many small pieces of wood to ensure a strong and balanced structure Using a spinning machine like this can create perfectly balanced wheels after carving the veins, he lined a layer of rubber, taken from old motorcycle tires Fit 4 wheels, complete the bottom part of the car He is calculating the car body part Cut off the excess Apply a bit of wood glue then assemble them into the undercarriage install the front of the car and the rear of the car now he will cut the excess with a small machine switch to a small circular saw, to shape and contour the car Replace the scrub disc to smooth the cutting area reuse the circular saw blade to cut deeper details, cut a hole to install the taillight Install the car door, this door opens strangely This wood panel covers the rear engine compartment, and is the fulcrum for the seats install the gearbox for the car make a windshield make a car mirror make the steering wheel for his Rolls Royce cut a circular piece of wood wood turning The steering wheel is made from oak and black ebony install the steering wheel in the car Logo handcrafted from wood and coated with epoxy