Cutting Notches With a Circular Saw

there's at least two different methods used 
to cut notches with a circular saw one method   producing more of a fast rough notch while the 
other a more slower cleaner notch today I'm   going to show you both methods so that you can 
understand the techniques first and then we're   going to show you six cool joints that you can 
make using those methods to make a rough notch   let's start by laying out and marking first 
location on the face of the material I like   to use a speed square to do that quickly next 
mark out the desired depth of the notch which   is marked on the edge of the material to set the 
blade to the proper depth for the notch loosen   the circular saw blade plate and while holding the 
blade guard up raise or lower the base plate until   the tip of the blade covers the pencil mark the 
first cut will be along the right pencil line and   if we're thinking about a rough cut here it's not 
a bad idea to cut outside of line to ensure that   the notch is larger than we need the next cut is 
along the left pencil line over cutting slightly   just as before with the notch roughed out to the 
proper width make a series of cuts every quarter   to three eighths of an inch between the two 
previous cuts be careful to make full complete   passes with each cut because the tendency is to 
lift the saw too early towards the end of the cut   leaving an uneven jagged notch this is really not 
that big of a deal especially when we're making a   rough cut here but it does help to make the depth 
of the knotch more consistent as a side note if   you're using pressure-treated lumber like what's 
used on decks or outside projects you might want   to make your series of cuts a lot closer than 
say that quarter to three eighths of an inch PT   lumber is wet therefore the wood fibers don't like 
the shear off as nicely and cleanly as the dried   lumber that I'm using in this video with the cuts 
all made the next step is to use the claw of your   hammer to start breaking the pieces free you can 
continue to refine your knots by using the claw to   chip away at the remaining material until you're 
happy with what you see there is another way to   refine the notch and that's using the circular saw 
blade in order to do that hold the blade guard up   while at the same time placing the shoe of the 
saw on the remaining material on either side of   the notch what this allows you to do is slide the 
saw from side to side while the blade is running   as you can see it cleans out the remaining 
material very quickly however you want to use   extra caution while doing this because the blade 
guard is up and if your notches wider than the   shoe of the saw it could drop down into the knotch 
creating a potential for kickback this method that   I just showed you that's rough and fast is gonna 
be used mostly for rough framing especially when   the knotch won't be seen all right let's move 
on to talk about the second method which is a   bit slower but produces a cleaner notch to start I 
would recommend changing out the current saw blade   for a 60 to finish blade this is not completely 
necessary but I found that it does help to produce   a cleaner cut as before lay out and mark the notch 
location on the face of the material to layout for   the depth set a combination Square to your desired 
measurement and then mark the entire width of the   notch you can use the same method as before to set 
the blade depth but this time set the blade just   above the pencil line to keep the cut as straight 
as possible use the edge of a speed square to   guide the shoe of the saw along the cut line and 
unlike before where we over cut the line slightly   this time slightly undercut the line knowing that 
we may need to go back and widen a notch after the   first test fit after that's complete make the 
same series of cuts as before but make them a   little bit closer this time more like an eighth of 
an inch or even less once complete use the hammer   and not the claw side to break the pieces free 
the only reason why I recommend using the hammer   side and not the claw side is because you're less 
likely to do damage with a blunt object than with   a sharp object as you can see after making a bunch 
of eighth inch cuts once everything is chipped out   the bottom of the notch is looking pretty good 
from there refining can be done again with a saw   blade but the best option would be to use a sharp 
chisel slowly cut away any high spots shaping the   joint until everything is flat into the pencil 
line so this slower notching method be used more   on things that I'll call finished framing like 
decks porches pergolas and fences now that you   got the basics down let's look at six different 
types of joints that could be cut using these   methods the first joint is a half lap splice joint 
this joint is made by removing half the thickness   of the material plus the width of the material 
splice joints are mainly used to connect two   pieces of material together to make one longer 
piece another way to use this joint is to turn   the two pieces and make a 90 degree angle this is 
a great option instead of using mitered 45 degree   angles the next joint is a through dado this 
joint is made by removing the exact dimensions   of the material in which it's being joined to a 
through data runs the entire length or width of   the material and its depth can vary depending on 
building conditions this joint can be used this   way or flipped over like this it can also be used 
on the flat maybe for a floor or top of a pergola   the third joint is similar to the through dado but 
this one is cut on the edge of the material this   type of joint can be used for setting flush 
Ledger's and ledges are used to attach new   structures like decks or floors to an existing 
wall I built a few houses using this type of   joint to hang the second floor joists the fourth 
joint is a mid span half lap this joint utilizes   two separate joint styles a half lap and a through 
dado but this time the depth of the dado has to be   half the thickness of the material in order to 
get the joint to fit as the name suggests this   joint can be used to connect members that are 90 
degrees to each other the next joint is the edge   cross lap similar to the ledger cut this joint is 
made by removing half the material from each piece   and by removing the thickness of the material this 
joint can be used on heavy-duty latticework top of   pergolas really anything your mind can think of 
the last joint is another cross slab joint but   this time it's a flat cross lap meaning the two 
intersecting pieces cross on the flat side of   the material these intersecting angles can vary 
it just all depends on your specific application   this type of joint works great for cross bracing 
like what you see here on my kids Playhouse now of   course there are many different joints out there 
in a million different ways to cut them so let me   know in the comments what joints you like and how 
you like to cut them I hope you learned something   today thanks for joining me in supporting 
training hands Academy I'll see everybody soon

See also  CHISELS! & How I Sharpen Them

As found on YouTube