Hey everybody, welcome to Cammie's Garage. A good friend of mine opened a new business
in town called Twin Rabbit Artist Collective. It is a new gallery space. The opening is next week. I pretty much volunteered to make her a sculpture
based on the theme Twin Rabbit. I did a few sketches and downloaded some photos
from the Internet. I am going to try to carve a couple of rabbits
today. I have a few pieces of red oak that I was
going to use as firewood. I decided that I can probably use this for
this project. What is this useless junk? Who in their right mind would do segmented
stuff? If you try something like this, do not be
afraid to draw right on the wood.
Get photos for reference. You do not have to copy things exactly. Make sure it has a good silhouette. I think that has a good silhouette. Let's try that. Graff Tools sent me this Speedcutter several
months ago. I used it on a few projects. I love it. It is great for roughing. Although, I am going to see if I can do this
entire carving using just this. I was hoping I could leave it attached to
this piece, but I cannot get in here.
I think I am going to have to… My friend said it was OK if it was just an
abstraction. I think that is as far as I going to go on
this one..