go one ticket yes damn it miss go again
Scott Brown here check this out this is the cheapest hammer you can buy on
Amazon well at least it was a month or so ago when I bought it seven dollars 84
New Zealand let's go to work and try it out I mean the fact that you can buy a hammer for so cheap begs the question should
you spend good money on tools I mean if this one here costs $7 84 and this one
here cost $300 that's a big discrepancy now I'm gonna admit right now that there's a terrible
comparison this hammer doesn't have the same use that this hammer has this is phat hammering in
like small pin nails and this is for framing but well where will compare them anyway just for the
sake of the video so I know I can buy a titanium hammer the cheaper probably half the price that I
paid for mine but by the time you pay for shipping and everything it'll probably work out the same
that seven dollar 84 hammer actually cost me so you have to spend good money to get good
tools here in New Zealand for example this will cost you $300 without the battery this
$360 without the battery this here $180 for their level you can go somewhere between the
seven dollar hammer and the $300 hammer that's for sure a nest wing for example will cost
you about $80 here in New Zealand that's what I had before my current hammer and that
thing lasted me 10 years and that is why you pay for quality the cheapest hammer on Amazon
there's some Vivienne passed the drop tests you can make the switch Oh looks good let's do
the test first we'll use the 300 ala Hema well oh my gosh it hasn't got the magnet but okay
then like I said earlier this isn't meant for framing so this is a little little unfair on this
hammer so let's try a pin 45 mil pins let's try where's but not for Coventry so there is no
real benefit in comparing these two hammers on this video because you figure out the value
of tools as you use them and you figure out the value of good tools over time so this one cost
me $300 but my previous earring cost me like a hundred bucks when I bought it and it lasted
me 10 years so that's a pretty good value where if I use this every day for 10 years I don't
know it might look like a toothpick at the end now having said all of that I'm going to
contradict myself now you don't have to get the most high quality best tools you pretty
much just get the best tools you can afford so if you're going to buy a level and you're an
apprentice you can afford to buy a Stabila or something of that quality get there because
you're likely to have it for because you're likely to have it for at least 10 years like I
did with my first level so spin the money you can afford to spend just what I'm saying what's
your spending money on tools Potter does anyone to ask you about spending good money on tools
this Hueber what's your philosophy on spinning good money on tools ah my philosophy on yeah
really good screwdriver yeah but I'm not a spiky so he cute shirt I think I have a bit of a
different take on tools I rather have it when I need it and then not have it when I need it kind
of thing mmm that's why I have a ton of tools in the garage that's the reason why bro so you pretty
much buy them as you need them yep now that you've got your place bro you'll be probably buying
more tools you probably give me a spark in there to pull me Kindle a shovel yeah ten bucks per
head of cracking in the way yeah I'm talking 25 alright let's try the 20 something else
25 25 hours wow that's heavy but it thinks that yeah now this is my beloved
okay no this is my beloved born dilute love it and now you have the mini 14 ounce this
is even a lighter and it's got that cool pulley on the side there let's do that dance and now
the East Wing what he called us from whether it's the new titania on a aluminum one but I
can remember the model number oh nice so you can take the hit off it Kenyon yeah and it's
got like like um little shops in there so X like a shot curves over so what's the like
for like pulling out now mm-hmm I like the little bit can you do it like that I'd you have
to get it started some other way yeah yeah it kind of work this is yeah this is how to pull
out it straight let's vote shall we argue all you think is doing it you think is right uh-huh
I'm kind of leaning towards this is uh I think this is the winner Hey look you can check the
hit off or can you hit the it office yeah here you can take the head off and put a mill did do
that the mode head is sort of like a golf ball and it provides grip I guess right what are you
doing finishing everybody knows that you missed oh speaking of spending money on tools and
organizing tools and vans last week this is way too windy last week the fist of guys got
in touch one of the fiscal people had seen the video where Cameron and I compared our vans
and the hidden and the head of Festool marketing was happened to be in New Zealand and he came
and looked at Cameron's van yeah so what do you think of that bar well that that's great it's
it's amazing how how organized he is and this is what we experience all over the world that
this is what his customers recognized yeah so he he likes to reorganize with this with his van
and this is way how he's doing his job yeah no yeah this brings new customers to him so that's
that's great this is how idea and he and he's just promised that when our new table saw thoughts
he sells his Dewalt one and buys a festival how do we finish this episode camera wow that's
be another exciting episode of Scuppernong coventry and stay tuned and we'll do something
very exhilarating in the next one see you then let's turn it out of it