Bowl from Recycled Epoxy | Learn How

what do you guys do with your excess epoxy resin   come here I'll show you it's going to be 
interesting to make something out of this it's gonna be sweet dude yeah I'd say that polish does the trick look 
at look at out of the epoxy scraps man whoa   did you have a mold in this no i did it on my 
lathe awesome yeah we just poured all our excess   in a bucket and then i turned it on the lathe man 
that's sick right guys I'm a epoxy pro are you do   you use epoxy on a regular basis we've been 
creating this bucket now for a very long time   this is the bucket of many colors it's got all 
kinds of excess amounts of epoxy everything has   just been intermixed into this montage of 
craziness all right what we're going to do   is we're actually going to set this up on the 
lathe I'm going to make something here we go easy to find center on that right that's 
cool all right man wow look at that   it's got some really neat stuff in there going 
on it's gonna be interesting to make something   out of this all right let's get center on 
this okay kind of find the center there goes let's see how close i 
am yeah pretty close there   it's four and a half the center that's a 
pretty good eyeball all right let's do it guys uh you know who Carl Jacobson is 
he he actually taught me how to use this   lathe i i bought this from carl he's a world-class 
woodturner the best on youtube he does outstanding   projects with a lathe he teaches you step by 
step how to use these things I'll tell you what   it's better than therapy and it's a heck of a lot 
more fun so if you need something to relieve that   stress and create functional art that's world 
class i mean Carl Jacobson makes museum quality   pieces and teaches you how on his youtube 
channel let's put that to action and see uh   see how this comes out here you 
go carl this one's for you brother nice did you know stone coat epoxy is amazing 
to polish out I'm going to show you how   right now stay tuned we're going to make something 
really cool i don't know what we're going to make   it's out of excess epoxy it would have gone in 
the trash turn your trash into cash here we go look at that it's pretty sick huh it's gonna be cool man woohoo so I'm gonna go through all the grips my uh 300 grit hand yeah right did you guys know that the uh the discs that we 
carry in our sanding kit at Stone Coat Countertops   are designed to sand bowling balls 
well they're reactive resin that's   what they're designed to sand so 
epoxy is the same exact family   so that's why it stands out like glass 
i love these sanding kits check them out boy it's actually translucent right there you 
can see through it yeah yeah I'll show I'll   do the light there grit is that 4 000 wow 
is that the final one before uh we polish i feel that as smooth as a baby's bottom okay that's what the 4000 grit gets you man this 
is it's it's really really really really smooth   we got rid of all the tool 
marks what i love about this   test is we put every kind of epoxy that we 
sell into this mold and all of it polishes up well what i like about this uh this 
polish is it breaks down it starts   out a little bit more aggressive and 
then as you work it it breaks down   i think what i might get is a is a compounding 
disc here yeah I'd say that polish does the trick all right I'm gonna do the inside guys if you 
want the best epoxy polish you need to visit our   website this stuff does not require a lot of labor 
it was very easy to polish this out to museum   quality i mean this is really fun to do talk 
about satisfying i just apply it with a rag and   then I'm going to come back with my compounding 
white pad and I'm just going to work that in i like that it's translucent man all right do hey hey want to see what i 
just made yeah look at that   that's all done with the epoxy scraps 
it's amazing it's a change jar it's a   ice cream dish it's a piece of art oh look at 
the white back here that looks sick so you can   see through the rim no oh yeah you can it's 
translucent look at look at through that yeah   see how i was this would be so sick to make 
that's pretty amazing dude that's cool right

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