I'm Robert Lewandowski… Lewandowski: That counts, right? …and this is my team! Kingsley Coman. Serge Gnabry. Gnabry: Here we go. Jamal Musiala. Gnabry: Bambi! Show us those muscles! I'm Manuel Neuer… …and this is my team! Alphonso Davies. Lucas Hernández. Joshua Kimmich. Kimmich: Three minutes is easy, right? Hernández: With this? Or this?
Ref: With this. The small one. Gnabry: Okay. Hey, hey, hey!
Hernández: I'm just trying it out! Gnabry: He's already put it in! Is that allowed?
Ref: Only if you've done it lightly. Hernández: Serge, you first and then me?
Gnabry: No, we each have one go. We'll see who's quickest. Coman: The person who takes the most hits to get it in loses. So try and manage it with as few hits as possible.
Hernández: Okay?
Ref: Yep Kimmich: Yeah!
Davies: One! Kimmich: Yeah!
Hernández: Come on, please. Neuer: You're on our team! Lewandowski: Concentrate! Neuer: Three.
Musiala: Four. Kimmich: I've counted three.
Coman: Five. Coman: Six.
Musiala: Seven. Coman: Six! Coman: Seven. Lewandowski: Eight. Lewandowski: Nine.
Gnabry: Now it's good. Kimmich: Hey Luci!
Hernández: Shh! Kimmich: Woah!
Coman: 11. Lewandowski: 13! Lewandowski: 14! Kimmich: Yes, Luci! That was great!
Lewandowski: That was like Tolisso! Coman: He took 14 attempts too!
Neuer: No that was last time. Kimmich: I've already seen Serge's first!
Neuer: Hey, hey, hey! Lewandowski: Calm down lads! That's not affecting it.
Everyone: One! Lewandowski: Two. Lewandowski: Four. Kimmich: Good, Serge! Coman: Six.
Gnabry: Why are you saying good? Lewandowski: Seven. Coman: Nine.
Kimmich: Nice. Coman: Ten.
Kimmich: Give up, give up! Kimmich: You can give up. You still have your pride now! Kimmich: 13. You'll have to thrash it now! Gnabry: And now I'm there!
Kimmich: Perfect, go for the draw. Kimmich: Twelve!
Gnabry: Yeah, twelve counts! Kimmich: Eleven!
Lewandowski: Doesn't count. Kimmich: Ten. Alle: Nine! Kimmich: One! Lewandowski: Two! Kimmich: Six.
Lewandowski: Three! Lewandowski: Four!
Kimmich: Turn it around for the last one man. Neuer. You're allowed one more!
Gnabry: Why won't it go in? Kimmich: 14! Neuer: How many was that?
Coman: 25! Neuer: 29! Coman: Disappointing! Kimmich: It's not true, Serge, don't listen to them. Gnabry: I'm left-handed! Neuer: Is that real foam? Phonzie, lad, you've got a knack for this. Pour it in! Kimmich: Manuel! We need exactly two bottles, Manuel! Kimmich: I'd like a bit of a head just for the aesthetic! Hernández: That's alright.
Kimmich: Put a bit more in.
Yep, okay! Lewandowski: Perfect!
Kimmich: Let's go! Lewandowski: Come on! Davies: This one needs more!
Kimmich. Is there more in there? Davies: A little bit
Off: Who's doing it? Kimmich: No no no!
Lewandowski: Yeah all good, that's enough. Davies: Here we go! Gnabry: King, I want to annoy him, please!
Kimmich: This is so important. Kimmich: I definitely need to catch Giovane!
Coman: Phonzie, one minute! Davies: One minute bro! Ref: Three, two, one, go! Gnabry: King, to the side! Coman: Yeah?
Gnabry: Yeah, it's easier. Kimmich: I'm not so sure. Kimmich: What's better? Coman: Straight out.
Kimmich: I can swap as well at some point, yeah? Lewandowski: Yeah you can put it on your head, too, can't you?
Kimmich: No, my arm has to be straight at all times.
Ref: You can swap as well, as long as your arm is straight
Kimmich: Swap arms too? Neuer: 30 seconds gone!
Kimmich: I have to win. I really have to win. Coman: Please no. Kimmich: What's that now? Two minutes? Lewandowski: 20 seconds.
Ref: 45 seconds! Kimmich: Three minutes will be no problem, will it? Kimmich: I'm starting to feel it I must say. Gnabry: Very good, Kingsley! Kimmich: We need to get to three minutes Kingsley!
Coman: Yes! Neuer: One minute, 15 seconds! Kimmich: Are you going to show this in full? Hernández: How's it going? Coman: I'm trying! Davies: Why is Kingsley leaning like that?
Gnabry: I don't know. Kimmich: I'm just going to lean a little.
Neuer: You're strong! Be positive!
Ref: One minute and 45 seconds. Kimmich: Three minutes is impossible man!
Gnabry: King, you're much stronger, you know it! Neuer: Good!
Lewandowski: Come on, Kingsley! Come on, Kingsley! Neuer: Come on guys, you're strong!
Ref: Two minutes! Gnabry: Come on, Kingsley, don't give up! Coman: Ah now it's easy! Coman: Okay. Neuer: Good, come on, Josh! Good time! Gnabry: Go and get the record! Neuer: You've nearly caught Ribéry!
Kimmich: I want to catch Giovane! Lewandowski: He's not on there.
Neuer: He is, you've caught him already.
You've beaten Lewy as well. Gnabry: You've caught Giovane now!
Lewandowski: When did I do this? Neuer: Back when you had shoulders! Davies: Come on, Josh!
Gnabry: Come on now! Neuer: Yes, lad!
Ref: 2 minutes and 42 seconds! Kimmich: Robben, Martínez, Matthäus. Kimmich: King!
Coman: Well played! Ref: From here. Yep, and then catch. Kimmich: That's not enough man!
Davies: Manu, give me two please. 19, there we go. Neuer: His kit number, for luck!
Davies: My lucky number! Lewandowski: This isn't karate! Davies: Wow, yeah yeah. Neuer: He's not understood the game! Coman: Phonzie, you need to catch all of them. So if you do it with five, you need to catch five. If you take ten, you need to catch ten. If you go with ten and only catch eight, you get zero points.
Ref: This one counts now, he's got eleven.
Kimmich: Let Lewy do his now. We need to be tactical. Lewandowski: Can I do the same as Phonzie now?
Neuer: Yeah. Lewandowski: Then give me all of them.
Neuer: Really? Lewandowski: It'll probably give me a better chance.
Neuer: Yep, I think that's a good idea. Lewandowski: Mhm.
Gnabry: Yes, that's it! Lewandowski: Let's see! Lewandowski: None? Three? Kimmich: Have we won then? Lewandowski: Let's do three rounds. Hernández: 1-0! Davies: My hands are not that big bro. Lewandowski: How many? Hernández: Awesome! Davies: I don't have basketballer hands.
Musiala: I do. Davies: You do? Let's see! Lewandowski: Ay! Come on, Phonzie! Davies: Last one?
Lewandowski: Yeah! Lewandowski: How many?
Davies: Oh, I don't know. Lewandowski: Six. Lewandowski: High up or straight in? Gnabry: Straight in! Lewandowski. Straight in? Lewandowski: Okay. Coman: Zero.
Lewandowski: That was a bad shout! Lewandowski: How many test runs?
Ref: No test runs, but everyone gets three attempts.
Coman: Goalgetter, yeah? Musiala: Okay, yeah, a bit further forward! Davies: Yep, that's it. Gnabry: Bambi!
Coman: Football God! Lewandowski: That was on the border to 'Football God'. Lewandowski: Manu, Football God! All: Hey Bambi! Gnabry: Show me your biceps! Lewandowski. Better, Bambi, come on! Coman: It's alright, it's alright! Musiala: No no, more central!
Kimmich: Come on now! All: Wow!
Neuer: Babababam! Hernández: Ding Dong! Gnabry: Bambi, come on! Show us what you're made of! Kimmich: Beautiful stuff, keep it up! All: Yes!
Gnabry: Bambi! Show us your muscles, take that shirt off! Kimmich: Watch your head! Neuer: No! Gnabry: It's a draw, sudden death! Give me your jacket right now! I'm never telling you to go to the gym again! Lewandowski: Wait, wait.
Quiet, quiet! Kimmich: What was that? No conviction, nothing! Lewandowski: No body behind it! Coman: You did really well! Ref: Manu wins!
Hernández: Great, thank you! Lewandowski: Awesome, well played!
Coman: Thank you! Musiala: Thank you! Ref: The winners will of course receive a trophy! Neuer: YES! Team Neuer: Wow! Kimmich: There's a special place for that in the cabinet! Team Neuer: Campeones, Campeones, ole, ole, ole! Campeones, Campeones! Kimmich: Awesome!
Hernández: Brilliant! Off: Many, many thanks!
Kimmich: Thank you!.