let's have a look at using a CNC router
to make wooden signs mill brass cut cardboard templates machine
polycarbonate and grave granite and cut builders phone before getting started be
sure to check the RPM of your spindle or router in some cases the RPM is zero
you'll also need to check the feed rate the travel of the spindle a router to
make sure it's right check your owner's manual for how to do this with your
machine and have a look at the companion article that goes with this video for
specifics on feeds and speeds first let's look at cutting letters and a
design into this walnut board the work is being done with a 60 degree half-inch
V bit one of the things that's interesting you'll see in our next
project we're going to use the same design twice with slightly different
tool pads to get a different look with the lettering and artwork done I'm now
using a quarter inch bit in order to cut the final shape on the outside of our
sign and here's a result same design but
different look coming at you here in this case the letters will be raised
from the background so we're starting with a quarter inch bit and that's
eliminating a lot of the background waste here as you're choosing the cutter
for this operation keep in mind that a large diameter bit will remove the waste
more quickly but a small diameter bit like this quarter inch is better able to
get into the detailed spots artwork like this ends now we're back to that sixty
degree half inch B bit and this bit is gonna cut in all the details look how it
leaves those letters stand proud of the background giving this sign a very
hand-carved look I have made a lot of projects with this technique but I still
find it very intriguing to watch how the CNC machine controls the bit and allows
it to create these very fine details now we're back to that quarter-inch cutter
again in order to cut the final shape and dimensions of this sign just like we
did on the last one when you see the spindle lift slightly it's leaving tabs
behind bridges that connect the work to the surrounding frame that hold it in
place same artwork different tool path in a different look the brass is being
milled with a single flute eighth inch diameter cutter making a bowtie that
I'll put into a walnut table non-ferrous metals require a very light depth of cut
and notice here I'm finishing up with a client cut in order to get the best
possible surface finish on the brass double-faced tape works great for
keeping the brass secure to a waste board and I can't wait to get this
project done when you're using a drag knife like we are here set the spindle
or router to zero rpm zero rpm let me repeat at zero rpm you don't run the
spindle the router for this operation what a great way to turn your project
plans into templates that you can use in your shot it's amazing how the drag
knife will pivot as it's pulled through the material in order to cut pretty
complex shapes I clamp a melamine backer board to the CNC table and then you
spray adhesive on top of the melamine to keep the cardboard secure and these
parts are ready to trace onto your project pieces
the quarter-inch polycarbonate is being cut with a quarter inch single flute
that and if you watch carefully here you'll notice that the image has been
reversed and is being cut into what will be the backside of the polycarbonate
this is a pretty common approach to see-through materials this is a good
time to mention to the dust collection on the CNC machines is great when the
dust shroud is on but in order to shoot video I've got the dust shroud removed
with double-faced tape holding the polycarbonate in place I'm cutting
completely theer on this pass no tabs to produce the final outside shape and what
would recur doesn't need this in their shot here's another case where you'll
set the spindle a router rpm to zero you don't spin it for this this is a diamond
drag there is literally a piece of diamond in the tip of this tool when you
set depth of cut on the diamond drag what you're doing is controlling how
hard the spindle pushes down on the compression spring in the tip harder
materials require more down pressure it's all very well explained in the
instructions that come with the tool this work can be done on granite glass
aluminum brass steel lots of different materials I love the look
yep that's a piece of standard pink building foam right off the shelf at a
home center because it's two inches thick this provides a great way to test
your cuts in a relatively inexpensive material before you throw a really
expensive slab of wood onto your CNC or you can use it for what I'm doing here
and create 3d artwork the roughing out portion of the cutting is being done
with a half-inch and mill that'll get most of the waste removed the detail
work is being done with a half-inch round nose bit that works here because
the artwork is pretty good-sized if you're working on a smaller piece in
order to get all your details probably have to go to a smaller diameter cutter the final outside shape is being cut
with a half-inch and mill saying that we did the roughing pass with again I'll
leave tabs behind to bridge the workpiece to the frame a little bit of
latex paint and we're good to go like driving your car speed limits
aren't just to suggest you in there the law when you're running your CNC router
you've got to pay attention to feeds and speeds to get everything to come out