2022 One Car Garage Woodworking Workshop Full Tour

hey welcome into the shopfix channel a community 
joined together for the love of woodworking so   really excited about today's episode so i'm going 
to give you a full tour of the new redesigned   shop and i've recently redesigned it because i 
needed to save some more space to work on larger   projects and to add some more tools so without 
further ado let's get right into this shop tour   shop fix it's for the love of woodworking let's 
start this tour off at the miter saw station and   i want to show you all the features of this 
cart that i built so right off the bat one of   the most important features that i think is the 
dust hood that contains all the dust so i have   two dust collection hoses on either side of the 
miter saw that sucks up all the dust shooting   off the blade and then the box keeps all the 
other dust basically contained and so that's   been great ever since i built that i did build 
an extension table to hold boards and i can put   really long boards on here and the length from 
here to here can support a really long board and   if i'm doing a really heavy board that's kind of 
teeter-tottering because it's so long i can use   this hold down clamp and so it doesn't really need 
to be any longer than that because either a i just   hold it with my hand and it's just fine or i just 
use this hold down clamp so either way works so i   don't really need to make this any longer than 
it has to be i did add this fence right here   and really the main reason for that is because i 
like clamping on a stop block so if i'm trying to   cut out a bunch of boards at a certain measurement 
i'll just clamp a square right here and then   you know they'll all be the same cut and so that's 
primarily why i have this now what's really cool   about this miter saw station is that it has a 
ton of lumber storage so underneath here we have   all of my cutoffs so everything that i'm cutting 
like if i'm cutting a really long board and i get   like a 12 inch cut off well i can just immediately 
put it down here and it's really handy this thing   holds a ton of lumber i have a couple of sheet 
goods down here that are wider panels and then   a bunch of cutoffs and then underneath i can store 
some wider panels as well so that's super helpful another important feature of this miter saw 
station is that it can be leveled to the ground   and it has casters so the casters 
can be engaged with this lever and now the miter saw station is up on this 
wheel and so if you engage all four then it   can be mobile when you release that then the miter 
saw station goes onto the leg levelers and i'm in   a garage and like all garages they're sloped 
downward and so i have to level the far side   up way more than this side and the leg levelers do 
that perfectly and it makes it to where i have a   flat level surface to work on the last thing i 
want to mention about the miter saw station is   that i'm using the dewalt dws 779 miter saw and 
it's worked really great i highly recommend the   dewalt brand miter saws so that about wraps up 
the miter saw station let's move on to the next   section the next thing i want to share with 
you is the flip cart that i recently designed   so i used a 3 4 thread steel pipe for the middle 
of the flip cart i used 3 4 sheavy material   for the tops of the flip cart and then for the 
middle to make the box i use strips of 3 4 ndf   and i just drilled a hole in the center of the mdf 
that's the diameter of the steel pipe so it fits   snug but can flip on the steel pipe and so let 
me show you how it works so these dowel pins on   either side basically hold it flat and level and 
when i remove them then that enables it to flip so   flipping this thing is a breeze you just have to 
start it flipping and it goes all the way around and then this 2×4 right here   it basically rests on the 2×4 of the structure 
of the flip cart and then once you're there you   can take the dowel pins again and put 
them on the opposite side of this 2×4 and now it's locked in and what's 
even cooler is i actually routed   dust collection right to the station and 
so i simply can put my dust collection   right in and then i'm ready to go and to flip 
it back over pop it off put it to the side take out the dowel pins and then it flips back the other way and then put the dowel pins in 
the opposite side of the 2×4 and that's how it works and obviously with 
the dewalt planer that dust collection   you have to add on this so that just pops on 
and then i can grab the dust collection hose   and pop it on and so you can see how quick that 
can be um because i was thinking like all right so   maybe having a flip cart would be an inconvenience 
because i'd have to flip it i'd have to you know   do the dust collection all this stuff every 
time i want to use the machine but honestly   flipping it like that takes what 30 seconds you 
know i mean it doesn't take much time and it saves   an incredible amount of space in my workshop 
so i definitely have liked it so far the last   thing that i would mention about the flip cart is 
that it's on four locking casters and it makes it   really easy to move around the shop wherever i 
need it so that about wraps up that flip cart   design and while we're in this area i can cover 
a couple other features over here so i have   this cabinet right above me here and this just 
stores some of my glue some of my adhesive and   of course you gotta have wd-40 but yeah just some 
random odds and ends in there uh what's cool is   though that my brother mikey actually built this 
and so uh he built this i believe in woodworking   shop class at high school and he didn't really 
need to use it anymore but i was like oh bro   let me get that like it'll be perfect in my shop 
he built it really nice got some nice trim up here   it's on a french cleat and it actually matches 
this cabinet this one's on a french cleat too   this one i built and this is that of locally 
sourced cherry and it has this cool natural   stick for shelf supports and i really like 
this i was going to put in the house but   i had to keep it out here because i'm 
spending most of my time out here anyway   i also recently designed these mallets so this 
one's made of an osage tree so that was pretty   cool i keep my pencils up here just for quick 
access so i can grab them always any pencils   you can never have enough and keep them sharp 
sharp pencils definitely help out in woodworking   you don't want to be using dull ones i actually 
keep a whole jar of sharp pencils because as   soon as they go dull i'll just like put them in 
a pile and grab a sharp one always working with   a sharp pencil that's important i got my clock up 
here that i made and that's just out of pine and   i don't know i just really like it i put it 
up there um a cool feature of the workshop   and probably one of the coolest features 
in my workshop is this picture my dad   made for me so it's printed on metal and so it's 
a perfect shop picture can't get damaged but it's   a collage of some of my early woodworking uh 
more importantly woodworking with my grandpa   and so he found all the best pictures of me and 
my grandpa woodworking together and i have some   of his machines like the drum sander i'll show 
you later in this tour i actually still have that   sander so that's pretty special i have his scroll 
saw as well so i think that's pretty cool but me   and him did a lot of woodworking together and he's 
a primary influence of why i got into woodworking   and why i kept woodworking and it's just really 
cool that i had this picture to remind me   um of the times that me and him spent 
in the woodshop so that's pretty cool all right so that about wraps up this area 
of the workshop so let's go on to the next   area now we're at the back of my workshop where 
i house most of my lumber on this 2×4 lumber rack   and i try to make it as big as possible because 
honestly the number one thing that i need in this   workshop is lumber storage because i want a lot 
of lumber on hand to be able to use for projects   and i want it up out of the way so this 2×4 
lumber rack came in great handy it has 45   degree supports and can hold a ton of weight and 
so that's the main feature in the back here i have   an air filter here a shop fox air filter and i run 
that most of the time when i'm woodworking just   to keep the air clean and it's best to position 
these off to the side of your workshop so that   the air can circulate in a circular direction i 
guess the only other thing would be this clamp   rack i built i just built it out of scrap wood and 
basically just made sure they had slots that were   the correct size for the clamps that i'm using and 
so that was pretty cool design and it just uses   these little 45 degree supports to help hold up 
the weight and then the whole thing is screwed   into the studs and so that basically 
covers it for this side of the workshop   as far as temperature control goes in the workshop 
when it's hot in the summer months i use the   ceiling mounted fan and then when it's really cold 
in the winter months i use this thermal infrared   heating unit and both work really well to get 
it more comfortable to work out here when the   temperatures are in their extremes so that about 
covers the temperature control and this is kind of   where i house that it is wired into a dedicated 
uh circuit on the ceiling so everything that's   plugged in the ceiling is on a dedicated circuit 
and that's routed all the way from the breaker   and that's kind of what i did in the workshop 
i brought two 20 amp lines all the way to the   workshop so that i can have one line dedicated 
for everything on the ceiling and then one line   for all the machines and then i also have one more 
line for the dust collector that i'll show later   this area of my workshop also houses my hand 
tool cabinet so let me show you that next so my hand tool cabinet houses 
everything from measuring devices   all the way to pliers and everything is hung 
on dowel rods and the dowel rods just sit in   a piece of cherry lumber that's in the back of 
the tool cabinet and so i also have these bins   that organize smaller parts i have a ton of 
room left for any odds and ends that i need   and this hand tool cabinet is positioned right 
behind my table saw workstation so i figured   let's cover the table saw workstation next so 
the workstation houses a dewalt jobsite table saw   and ever since i built this it's been like the 
bread and butter of my workshop and that's mainly   because of the large work surface that it creates 
so i have a three foot by five foot work surface   to build projects to do glue ups on it's just 
so valuable in a workshop and it's the largest   work surface that i have in here another 
important aspect of my table saw workstation   is the storage underneath the table saw so i 
have two large shelving units down here to store   all my table saw cutoffs and then all 
the table saw accessories and jigs   and so that saves a ton of space i love having 
all that room accessible under the table saw   now this table saw is also on leg levelers just as 
my miter saw station is and that's super important   to get a level surface to do all my projects 
on and then i also have it hooked up to my dust   collection unit and can be turned off and on 
with the blast gate and so that covers all the   important aspects of this table saw workstation 
let's go on to the next area of my workshop   all right so on this side of the workshop i house 
my 60 inch workbench i have a 12 inch variable   speed drill press by when i have hardware storage 
i have some upper cabinets here for more storage   and i also have three drawers in the workbench for 
storage so i house all of my bits and such for the   drill press and the drawer in the workbench right 
here so i have all my brad point drill bits and   then i got my forstner bits in there and then 
i have some specialized drill bits like a hole   cutter and countersink bit and such and there i 
store some of my chisels in the bottom one but   mainly this area is for you know building stuff 
on the workbench and then gathering materials i   have so much hardware here this houses everything 
as far as screws bolts nails springs electrical   wiring nuts i have screw anchors hooks things for 
picture frames i mean i have it all right here   over here towards the front of my workshop i have 
a lot of my power tools and some of my bigger   machines so i have my central machinery wood lathe 
here i have my drum sander by delta and this was   passed down from my grandpa i use this as a little 
kid so that's pretty crazy i have this scroll saw   which was passed down from my grandpa as well and 
then i have a delta bandsaw that works super well   for resawing over here and it is on wheels 
so i can move it wherever i want in the shop   the central machinery the drum sander and scroll 
saw are actually all on wheels so i can move those   wherever i need to so that's pretty nice in these 
cabinets i have various things so in this one i   have some things for the wood lathe i have my 
kreg jig and then some electrical stuff in there   in this cabinet i have all of my stains 
and finishes and i also have glue in here   so i have everything from boiled 
linseed oil to like polyurethane   i have some wood filler and everything i need to 
stain with all in that cabinet and this cabinet   i just have some odds and ends i have some 
clock parts some corner plant vices gloves   just all sorts of stuff in there and then the main 
cabinet back here houses all of my power tools   so these are just all power tools that i 
use often during projects and i have them   accessible in these cabinets here and then above 
this cabinet tree right here i house two ladders   and that's super important i use the ladder a lot 
in the workshop if i need to access stuff on the   ceiling or some of the top shelves so last but not 
least we'll cover the dust collector that i have   so i was able to fit this dust collector back 
here in the corner and so it doesn't really   waste any space and that's kind of nice 
to just have it back here in the corner   this box of the miter saw actually kind 
of insulates the sound a little bit so   that it's not too loud it's kind of in a almost 
like a half box so it kind of keeps it quieter   the one thing about the super max dust collector 
is it doesn't have a second stage and so when you   think about getting dust collection in your shop 
you want to make sure that you get something that   has a second stage or you buy a second stage 
because what will happen is if you're planing   lumber or jointing lumber all of those chips go 
straight all at once into the tube and into the   dust collection unit and all of it just gets stuck 
right at the entrance of the dust collector and so   then it just stops sucking up any of the chips 
or the dust and so what the second stage does   is all the chips get dumped into the bucket and 
if they're too heavy to be sucked up in well it   just stays in the bottom of the trash can and then 
all the fine dust particles get to filter through   and so it keeps collecting all the dust and so 
that's super important and i definitely recommend   routing dust collection to your miter station 
that helps out a lot and i would say the planer   and the jointer make the most material waste 
that gets sucked up so i would definitely route   dust collection to a planer and a jointer and 
riding the dust collection unit to a table saw   is also not a bad idea that'll keep your table 
saw really clean well that about wraps up today's   shop tour but i really hope you found this video 
valuable in deciding how to design your workshop   or maybe you wanted to redesign an aspect of your 
workshop and this video gave you an idea if it did   smash that like button that really helps me out a 
lot and if you haven't subscribed to the shopfix   channel consider subscribing today for a long 
time subscribers i bet you can tell how much of a   difference this redesign made in the workshop and 
so i'm excited to build new projects with you and   with the space that i have now i can build 
much larger projects so i'm also excited about   that well i wish you the best of luck with 
your future woodworking projects take care

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