begin by deciding where the hardware will
go this can be done by measurement or by eye a little bit of painters tape placed where the
hardware will go saves damaging the door when marking carefully mark off the location of
the bottom hole on the handle make note of the measurement from the bottom of the
door in this case two and a half inches and use this measurement to position the
sliding stop on your hardware jig the hole location is measured from the edge of the door
this is usually half of the frame width one inch on this door frame the large stop is set to this
dimension and locked in place using the thumb knob next the hole centers on the handle are measured
this handle has five inch centers and the sliding drill guide is tightened into place at this
measurement the jig is positioned with the stops on the edges of the door and the holes drilled
while holding the jig firmly in place the best results are obtained by drilling the holes
in steps clearing the chips between each step no resetting is needed to drill opposing doors the
jig is simply flipped over and used the same way the cabinet hardware jigs from true position tools increase speed and accuracy for
professionals and homeowners alike now wow so you